The Story Behind
Life of Love
It started with a question. What do I want?
The frightening thing was I had no idea. I was 32 years old and I had lived in the reflection of everyone else’s approval. If I made others happy, I considered myself happy. My default mode had attracted me: a fantastic husband, a stable career, and two amazing sons. I had checked everything off the list but I found myself acting to fill roles instead of living from my heart. My heart had been buried, strangled, and ignored. It brought me too much pain to deal with it. Who has the time to reflect on what their heart desires? I hadn’t been asked what made me happy by anyone my entire life. Is it indulgent to go there? If I searched for the answer, would I be letting everyone else down? Would my life change? Hell yeah, it would change!
I devoured self-help books, seminars, and workshops. I researched diets and essential oils. I wanted to know why I felt foggy, lifeless, and uninspired. I went down so many rabbit holes that I started questioning everything. I also started to listen instead of talking. I mean listening with my complete attention. I realized I had little patience, I was a know-it-all, I was manipulative, I was a victim. I started to spend more time alone. I had major epiphanies, several of which were hard to swallow. I had become numb in so many ways. I was drinking too much and going through the motions to find my next release, concert, vacation, or night out, but none of it was making me happy. If you can relate to this, then I have some answers for you. Most of all I have questions for you to explore. I have created this space for you. I hope to give you permission to live your life of love and some resources to help you along your quest.
I am honored to share these insights, as I know they are not from me, I discovered them, prayed for them, and channeled these insights from my guides. Friends, family members, podcast guests, coaches, and many others have carried these winds of change into my field and supported me. I owe them everything. I am happy to share this. Take was serves you and leave what doesn’t. From my tender heart to yours.
Everyone has a divine right to feel precious love and joy in their lives and attaining it can be so simple! Life of Love is a guided text written to illuminate the reader’s unique joy and connect with the heartfelt wonder that is held within the daily moments of their lives. Author Julie Hilsen teaches readers how to receive divine help from their guides and angels through beautifully worded Devotions, whimsical exercises and heart-opening strategies that promote self-acceptance, self-love, joy, sensuality, and connection. Readers tap into their unique love vibration and use it to develop deeper relationships with both themselves and the people they love. Discussing a wide variety of topics including passion and desire as well as forgiveness and standards, Life of Love celebrates the beauty that is present in every moment. Many have used these methods to create space in their lives to joyfully accept themselves in a loving, unconditional way.
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