Angels in the ICU

Julie welcomes a special guest named Freya, who is a podcast host and a spiritual medium. Freya shares her experiences working in a hospital and her journey through mediumship. She believes in the existence of angels and other esoteric sciences that may be proven by scientists in the future. She emphasizes the importance of sharing anecdotal experiences to piece together the mysteries of life and the universe.

Freya discusses how she receives intuitive messages or “psychic text messages” in her daily life. She mentions that certain factors like sleep, vibrational levels, and clarity of thoughts can affect her receptivity to these messages. Freya also talks about her struggles with linear time and how she often experiences past, present, and future simultaneously.

The conversation delves into the challenges of sharing predictions or sensitive information with others. Freya narrates an incident where she had to navigate the delicate balance of warning a friend about her child’s future struggles without being a killjoy. She believes that suffering serves a purpose in facilitating spiritual growth and awareness.

As Freya works in a pediatric hospital, she acknowledges the frustrating and unanswered questions regarding why children suffer. She mentions that sometimes the answers or resolutions come later, while other times it remains a test of faith. Freya highlights the miracles she has witnessed in her work, where children who were on the verge of death made a full recovery. She believes in holding onto these successes and focusing on the role she plays in restoring children’s lives.

The host requests Freya to share some specific stories that can offer hope and spirituality to those who are struggling. Freya mentions a dramatic experience she had in the hospital, where she sensed energetic information about a child without any prior knowledge. This incident reaffirmed her belief in the existence of something beyond the physical realm.

Overall, the podcast episode explores the intersection of spirituality, intuition, and everyday experiences, highlighting the importance of sharing stories to deepen understanding and provide hope.

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