Life of Love: Beliefs Shape Your Vision

Julie Hilsen  Host 00:19

Hello, dear friends, and welcome to another curiosity-driven , episode of Life of Love. I am super excited to have you as a listener. Today we have another great episode for you And just some information that’s empowering and uplifting. I know you’re going to enjoy Neil Elliott. He is an awesome soul explorer I want. He’s dedicated to giving us tools and opportunities to empower, transform and drop peace, joy, love and prosperity into your personal life and the environment. So his book is. It’s just a great read. I cannot tell you how much I’ve enjoyed The title is higher road cleanse your consciousness to transcend the ego and ascend spiritually A seven step process to inner peace, joy, love, abundance and prosperity. So, Neil, thank you so much for being with us. We’re so excited to have you as an author, a friend, a mentor. It’s just really great to have you, Thank you.

Neil Elliott  Guest  01:22

Thank you so much, julie. I’m very much looking forward to our, to our conversation today and to share, hopefully, some you know, insights, if you will, or nuggets anyway for people to think about and chew on and make a decision for themselves.

Julie Hilsen  Host 01:39

Well, i know that anyone who’s curious is going to come away with some action steps, so I want to get into it. I have, i have some. I have so many questions for you. The first topic I wanted to approach was the idea that we’re all divine souls here and we’re all born creators, and I want you to, if you can, share about how you came to the realization that we’re born creators and the divine creative forces in all of us. Can you, can you shed a little light on how you were ready to see that and how it showed up for you?

Neil Elliott  Guest 02:22

Yeah, and that’s. I’ll try and keep it short, but yeah, that’s a good lead in. You know, i didn’t believe, or I wouldn’t have believed that, and I kind of did believe it because I grew up agnostic And so I did believe it. But I had no, and I had read lots of spiritual books by other authors and I’ve read lots of science books. I’m a professional engineer And from 2002 to 2015, i unknowingly and wittingly and ignorantly created these events in my life and this experience of life that took me to this really deep, dark, despondent depression, and I would not have described it like that. But in 2015, i realized I was just, i was done with life. I, you know, it didn’t matter how much money I made or anything, how much what I owned, i just I wanted to be done with it, and so I thought I need to do something. So I picked up some newly issued spiritual books, i picked up some science books and I started to read that, hoping that I’d be able to find a path back to something that was joyful and peaceful and loving. And it didn’t work.


And in 2017, november 2017, our house had been on the market five years. It finally sold. My wife jumped on a plane to go to Toronto and her candidate to visit family and friends. We’re in this little one bedroom rental apartment. I sat down at the kitchen table and I crafted out my suicide note and I planned my suicide And I was planning it out for about three months to ensure I helped my wife move, get rid of all the crap I accumulated over a lifetime, try and ease the burden on her and ensure she’s financially okay. But a week prior to that, some information for Tewitisley came to me and it promised to liberate me from my thinking if I studied it and I followed it And I was looking for any little last sliver of hope, if you will, to keep going and make life work. So I thought, okay, well, what I’ll do is I’ll read this material. If it doesn’t work, i can always pull the trigger. If it does work, then great. I started to read this material and it is so logical and it is so rational And I was ready to read it. I was open and curious like a little child. At this point I was ready to consume anything to try and get out of this situation I was in. And so a year later, i started this process.


A year later, almost to the day, so November 2018, i went. I woke up one morning and my depression was like totally gone. I was just. I was full of this inner peace and love and joy And I felt totally improsperous and abundant, even though nothing had changed in my environment.


And in late December 2018, about a month later, i went into these two meditations, two days apart. And as you go into this meditation that you’ll learn if you go through this process, you raise your vibrational frequency of consciousness and you allow our Creator, if you will, to enter into you, make itself known to you and to make contact with you. And as I went into this meditation, the spiritual energy flowed in through the crown of my head, filled my body. Then, all of a sudden, i just I was just enveloped in unconditional love. It was like I was a deep sea diver suspended in the ocean and I was just totally enveloped in unconditional love And I didn’t care what aches and pains my body had, i didn’t care what illnesses I had, i didn’t care what anybody had done to me in the past, I didn’t care about anything. I just I felt totally supported, non-judged, fully loved, and I just wanted to stay there forever. I came.


Unfortunately, at that time I came out of that meditation. Two days later I had the exact same meditation And at that point I knew that this new knowledge I gained, that this process I followed, brings us back to our truth, enables us to make contact with our Creator. Whether you call it the Universal, the Divine God, ally, yahweh, the Tao, it doesn’t matter. It enables you to make contact with the Creator. And when you make contact with the Creator, then it can start to do its love work in you and through you and bring you to this new state of inner peace and joy and love and awareness. And as you go through this process of continual cleansing of your consciousness and rebuilding it to come back in alignment with who we are, you gain the tools and the knowledge to understand that we are here.


Our souls are here in an evolutionary journey over many lifetimes, born in varying genders, born in varying places of origin, different colors of skin, different languages, different personal experiences, and all of these things are to enable our soul to have these experiences and learn these lessons that it’s here to learn in this evolutionary process, to enable it to finally wake up, understand that it is the writer, the producer, the director, the set designer, the costume designer, the lead actor in its own role, in its own life And everything that it does through these mechanisms of the universe that we can talk about.


It creates its own experiences to experience these things that come back to it, to teach it lessons, to enable it to experience what it wants to experience.


And in order to really understand this, you have to understand that your reality is not the little eye-mind of ego. Your reality is not this body. It is not that these objects around you are solid or that you are solid. You are this Creator being that creates everything that comes into your life through these mechanics of the universe. And when I finally understood what these mechanics were and how and why we do this, then I could begin this process of this cleansing and rebuilding of a consciousness to come back to who we truly are. And who we truly are is meant to be an open and purified channel of the Divine, to enable it to do its love work through us and to allow it to express itself to everything and everyone in your environment, to be this embodiment of unconditional love and to allow everything and not be affected by all of these externalities, but instead try and work to help heal others. I don’t know if that answers your question.

Julie HilsenHost 10:17

It really does. And, more than answer, i appreciate where you’re coming from as a scientific mind, as an engineer, and that you needed a blueprint. You needed the details that bring up and people’s minds work in different ways. For example, once you had the final destination of what our goal is here, then you were able to come in and work out the steps to get there. You’re a big picture person. You want to see the end result and then we’ll figure out how, the steps that get you there, the grand design. It’s great to have people to think like that, because then it helps everyone have their framework.


Some people just go along and just get pushed along and, like you were talking about in your book, you were sort of like a boat at sea and just being pushed in all these directions and you didn’t know true north or even why you were doing things. When you described your first marriage, you sort of just fell into it and then you look back and you’re like, well, what was I doing? Now your wife is. I think she’s like an earth angel to me, the way you described her in your book, just showing you the rose-colored glasses view. You describe the universal truths that we can look at to give us clues as to our best course of action, as to our purpose.


I would love to get into that a little bit more. Like I understand what you’re saying. We come as different genders, we come as different races and we’re here to keep evolving consciousness and to share love. But if we could cut through the pain and just get to the love, right, can you share some of those blueprints of universal truths of creation with us, those nuggets that we could fall back on the intelligence of nature and creation? and these were referenced by Jesus when he was in the desert and what he saw in the creative power of nature and how us humans we tend to just mess everything up, like we try to control. And you look at the birds and they’re fed and they’re happy and they’re singing to each other and having multiple nests each season, and they’re just, you know, and we give them food. But humans we try to make everything so complicated with our egos, right, but could you go into the intelligence of nature and creation so that it can give us like a stepping stone of what we can do to be more like those happy birds?

Neil Elliott Guest 13:03

That last sentence about the intelligence of nature remind me in a moment.


Okay, okay okay, so I’ll ask you to remind me, because what I want to do is I want to give everybody a couple analogies up front first here, just so you get an understanding of this. So first thing I’m going to say is we create every event and every experience that comes into our lives through our thinking and our feeling. And how and why do we do this? So you know, you’re saying, why can’t we just be in the end result and be love? Well, we’re going through this evolutionary process. So, if you imagine, you know where we come from is unconditional love, or return to is unconditional love. So our Creator is unconditional love. We’ll keep it simple Our Creator is unconditional love. In order to experience something contrary to unconditional love, our Creator needed to create, you know what we see as material universe, to give fragments of itself. Our soul is a fragment of the divine that’s created out of the unity and the wholeness of the divine, and so our soul is infused in the process, during conception, when, you know, sperm fertilizes over, and the reason is because in order to expand an experience of consciousness from being in unconditional love all the time. And the reason you understand light and dark, the reason you understand light is because there’s dark, the reason you understand, in this lifetime, good versus bad, is because you, we, are materialized as these individual beings to create separation from the unity and the wholeness of the divine, to enable us to have these experiences. So the process, so in order to enrich consciousness, to go beyond just unconditional love but to actually experience these things contrary to unconditional love and transmute them in the end, in this process that we come back to, of transmuting all of these things we view as bad or horrible or negative, to actually impute them with unconditional love and let that energy flow back to the divine. We are these creator beings that have this new aspect of consciousness that understands what is different from light, what is different from love, and but can view it all with an eye of love, with a feeling of love. So that sounds a little complicated. So let’s talk about the process. So your soul is infused in this process.


At a time of conception, baby is born from a baby to about age five. The human brain hasn’t developed to make its own choices. So the little eye, mind of ego is created at the time of conception. The soul gets infused in that process and this little baby is this embodiment of joy that’s absorbing everything, its environment, its absorbing its parents emotions and its absorbing the kinds of language whether it’s denigrating, hateful, vengeful language, victimhood language, or whether it’s loving, kind language, those kinds of things. The personality of the child is beginning to be shaped and honed and healed.


And at age five, so you’re starting to go through this process of programming the subconscious mind, unknowingly, unwittingly. And what this does is this helps you to go through this process of forgetting who you are, from thinking that this body is our reality, that you are an individual on your own and that you need to survive in the sea of individualism. And at age five the brain develops, where it can start to make its own choices. So it goes out, it goes to school, has other experiences From you know, as we grow from babyhood to adulthood, we think we’re becoming versed in the ways of the world. But really what we’re doing is we’re binding down our soul, we’re shutting it off from the light with these thongs and chains that burn it and weigh heavy around the psyche. And then we go out in the world and we let our egos take control of our lives.


And so you could look at this like this body is a rented vehicle. It’s a rented self-driving car, that you have the responsibility, as you’re growing up, to program the self-driving aspect of this car. So you’re taking all these things, you’re programming the self-driving aspect of this car. You grow from babyhood to adulthood. You finish this programming. Your ego’s in the driver’s seat, your soul’s in the passenger seat, it’s all bound down. And even though your soul can try and intervene, the ego’s not listening to it. So you’re driving along. The ego can make a conscious choice I’m going straight, or it can just not be thinking. It can be thinking about something else and the self-driving car takes over. So you’re driving along the road. The car is going okay, i’m going to go left. The ego goes no, no, i’m going straight. Meanwhile, the soul is in the passenger seat, going no, go right, go right, go right. But no one’s listening. And so our goal, in whichever lifetime it is, and hopefully this lifetime for many is to dissolve these bondages of the ego, remove these chains, these burdens that weigh it down, and to allow the soul to get into the driver’s seat and get the ego over in the passenger seat. Allow the soul to take control of this vehicle and to reprogram it, and to reprogram it to be congruent with unconditional love with where we come from and where we return. And when we do that, we start to become this embodiment of unconditional love, this expression of the divine, and we no longer let our egos control our lives. We let our externalities drive our responses to life. So I’ll give you an example of this During this pandemic.


Down the street from us is this old historic building and you enter up these large steps that go up to the second floor. That’s how you enter the building Two women that I know they went for a walk no one else on the street They’re going down. They’re approaching the base of this building. This elderly woman comes out of the second floor. She’s gesticulating wildly. She’s really angry. And she stares down at them and says look, you can stare all you want, i don’t care. You know quite angry language. And one woman at the base of the stairs. She goes oh my God, this woman’s dangerous. I’m phoning the police. She pulls out her cell phone, dials 911. The other woman she looks up at her and goes I wonder if she’s okay, i wonder if she needs help. So she reached out. She said are you okay? Do you need help? As soon as the woman at the top of the stairs heard that she calmed down, she explained her story and everything ended up being okay. The only difference in the experience of those two women at the base of the stairs is the programming in their subconscious mind.


You change when you understand that everything that you believe to be right or wrong, good or bad, true or false is merely just a belief.


And when you can understand and I do this through some science books in my book when you understand that what you think about can affect your cells, either draw illness to them or promote the well-being of those cells, then when you understand this, then you can say well then, if what I believe to be right or wrong, good or bad, true or false is really just a belief, if I can change my beliefs, then I can change whether I’m drawing illness to my body and negative things to my body, or I’m creating well-being and health and promoting the health of my body as an example.


And so then the question becomes well, what do I change my beliefs to? Well, and that’s what the whole book is about. It’s about taking you through this process to explain to you about the truth of our existence and if you can change how you think, you can change your perspective of life. You will change what you experience. You will change what you draw to you. What you see is merely a reflection of your beliefs. You change your beliefs, you change what you see, and so that’s what this book is about and we talk about. So now you had a question about science and what we observe in nature, correct? Do you want to restate that question?

Julie Hilsen Host 22:28

Yes, because I think it’s a great segue of what you just said. So if there’s truths in nature and where part our soul is this fragment of the whole and we’re here to participate in the whole, and I believe the whole is every plant, every animal. We are all one. That’s a universal law. Everything affects everything else, because where these little vibrant energy balls of light and if you’ve ever seen somebody after they’ve passed over, you can totally see that the light being is gone. And so not to get into that too much, but in your book you taught there are nine laws of the intelligence of nature, and so my thought was if anyone listening could get an idea of what these laws of nature and creation are, then you could understand.


When you’re not in, you’re not operating within the law, you’re operating with an ego driven system. Or you know, you always know when ego is taking over. It’s fear, it’s shame, it’s competition, it’s anything that doesn’t make you feel good is basically ego, right? I mean, if you’re not having fun, ego is driving the ship. Right? If you’re not in love, you’re an ego. Ego is controlling. So yeah, i’m sorry.

Neil Elliott Guest 23:59

No, no, no, I was gonna say ego. We let our egos to control. So let’s talk about the nature thing first, then we come back to the ego. So, and this stuff, you need to take your time and you need to read it. So if you complete all seven steps in that I offer for people to consider, if you complete all seven steps, you will have a much better understanding of what I’m talking about today.


The nine characteristics I think you really need to get into that and read it to understand them. So I’m gonna give a bit of a flavor for people to, you know, kind of, hopefully pique their interest and pick up the book and discover this on their own, and you know. so, read my book cover to cover, understand the process in its entirety. If it resonates with you, great. Go back and start with some of the science stuff. or start directly with step one. Doesn’t resonate with you, not a problem. Put it on the shelf to read five, ten, fifteen years later, because you never know.


Or give it. pass it on to somebody else with a colorful commentary and let them discover for themselves whether this process works for them. That’s the best advice I think I can give anybody on this. So, because this is an individual journey, so, and there’s no right or wrong, there’s no good or bad, there’s only choices. So let’s talk a little bit about nature here. So first thing I’m gonna say to people is that you know, if you go out and observe nature as you mentioned earlier about the birds and the trees- and stuff like that you know.


Think about a tree like a large cedar tree, or, you know, a fir tree, if you will, or sequoia, you know, out of the tiniest seed imaginable, this whole tree has grown. And now it is an expression, the seed of a tree, you know. If you asked, if the question was, well, what is that? Most people wouldn’t really know what it is. They would have some human explanation for it. In reality, the seed of a tree is a fragment of consciousness that understands and knows unequivocally what it’s going to look like and what its final outcome is in life. And so it grows all of the bark and all of the tree and all of the wood and all of the branches and all of the leaves, from this tiny little seed imaginable.


It doesn’t complain about its lot in life. It doesn’t say, hey, my branch is bigger than your branch, i have a bigger trunk than you do. It is just. It’s this expression of the divine. And if you look out into the characteristics of all of the plant and all of the plant life, you know you have these fields of flowers that are so gorgeously closed in all these various colors, and there’s just slight variability. You know, you probably wouldn’t even see the variability with the naked eye. But each of these things is an individual aspect of consciousness that knows its final result, knows what it’s going to be, and because it doesn’t have this aspect of free will, it can’t intervene with the divine will through it, And so it grows into exactly what it’s going to be and it’s just beautiful.


And the thing with humans humans are granted free will, so we make these choices in life And what we don’t understand is what we think about is a consciousness plan. Every thought that you think is a consciousness plan. Every feeling that you have will through the. So you think with electrical impulses in the brain, you feel with magnetic impulses in the nervous system. Your thinking is a consciousness plan. To move out and create Your feelings is the mechanism to bring this consciousness plan to fruition through the aspects of magnetism, through bonding and rejection. So when you think a thought, you have a feeling associated with that thought. What you’re really doing is you’re taking this thought and you’re creating this blueprint of consciousness that, as you reinforce over, you know, days, months, years, weeks or weeks, months, years, you eventually bring this consciousness plan into fruition And it is this rebound form that comes back to you to teach you the lesson that you want to learn, that your soul wants to learn. And so we create all of these experiences through our lifetime, through all our thinking and our feeling. And when you understand these mechanics of how we use our free will to create these things, it gives us these experiences that our souls have come to experience. So some of the aspects of creation you know we are. You know everything alive always grows. You know this is a universal principle. So you look at it from a seed or you look at it from a little baby, you look at all of this stuff, everything always grows And you know there’s, like you said, there’s nine characteristics that I think people need to delve into on their own to really fully understand it. And I don’t want to take away from the language that’s used, because the language that’s used is important because it has a vibrational frequency associated with it. And so when you read this stuff, unknowingly and unwittingly to you, the vibrational aspect of the words that are chosen to describe these characteristics is already starting to do some of this work inside you. And so as you study this material because it’s written in such a way to, in this logical, rational way, to enable you to really wake up to the fact of, if you are open and willing to look at nature in a different way and to experience nature in a different way, you will come to understand that we are not matter imbued with consciousness, we are consciousness made visible through the descent of vibrational frequency of consciousness and the drawing and bonding of electrical particles together to create form and individuality. And that’s kind of a word statement you might say.


But you know, you will go through this process of understanding what was before the Big Bang, the impetus for the Big Bang, what happened at the time of the Big Bang and how the material universes come about. And then how we individually use these mechanics to create every event, mechanics in the universe to create every event and every experience that comes into our lives. And we do this through our thinking and our feeling. And when you understand these mechanics, you have the opportunity to say I’m going to go through this process, i’m going to follow these seven steps. I’m going to cleanse myself of all of this erroneous thinking that draws all of these things that I consider to be negative into my life And I’m going to replace that, to bring into my life love and peace and joy and abundance.


And I can tell you from experience that this works, can work for everybody, if you’re willing to do the work. It’s a simple process, But what it means is that you know the aspect of this that is hard is that you have to deal with yourself. And if you’re willing to deal with yourself and you follow this unknowingly and unwittingly to you. You will slowly be making this evolutionary change in consciousness And I can tell you, it only gets better and better and better and better and more amazing.

Julie Hilsen Host 32:34

I wanted to share something with you, because when you’re describing what’s happening with our thoughts and our intention and vibration I came across this a couple times but your language and how you’re describing everything and the bridge between science and spirituality And this is what is going to really enlighten everybody, but our consciousness is, once this bridge between science and spirituality is breached, you know that bridge is huge and you won’t be able to. I wanted to share with you our Father, the Lord’s Prayer, translated from its original language, that Jesus spoke at Aramaic. But when you read the original Aramaic translation, there’s some language in there that is very intriguing to me, so I just want to read it. It’s just real quick. I want to read. With your permission, i’ll read it.

Neil Elliott Guest 33:35

Of course, please do.

Julie Hilsen Host 33:38

O thou, from who the breath of life comes, who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration. May your light be experienced in my utmost holiness. Your heavenly domain approaches. Let your will come true in the universe as on earth. Give us wisdom for our daily needs. Detach the feathers of faults that bind us, like we let go of guilt of others. They put in parentheses karma, so it reads detach the feathers of faults that bind us. Karma, like we let go of the guilt of others. Let us not be lost in superficial things, but let us be freed from that. What keeps us off our true purpose? From you comes all working will, the loving, the lively strength to act, the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age. So that blows my mind that the language is so different, and I’d love to see what I grew up reciting right next to this, because it’s powerful. This, this when you read it this way, you have power in the prayer, like there’s movement.

Neil Elliott Guest 35:05

There is movement in the prayer, in the prayer, in every prayer there’s movement, in every word there’s movement, and so we, you know. So, before the Big Bang, our Creator was in silence and stillness. And it is these opposing impulses of will, the move to move out and create with purpose, to give form to creation, to experience this plan. And so, at the time of the Big Bang, these impulses were torn apart. We see them in the material universe as electromagnetism. So electricity is a movement. Any engineers can tell you, or scientists tell you, that electricity is a wave photons, electrons but it’s more than photons and electrons, and science right now is quantum physics is beginning to understand that it’s more than photons and electrons. But the reality is, because our Creator is in silence and stillness and it is such a high frequency of vibration, so spiritually refined, it cannot enter into the human mind and make itself known to you, even though it’s a meeting, unconditional love, unstintingly, every nanosecond of the day. It can enter into you and make itself known to you until you begin to go through this process to raise your vibrational frequency of your human consciousness, understand some of these concepts and mechanisms through knowledge, which will help you to bridge this gap between spirituality and science And then it can start to make itself known to you and you will feel the inflow of it. And I describe what that was like for me in the book and how it progressed over that year and what I ended up with. So, no matter what science discovers because our Creator is in silence and stillness no matter how they probe space, they will never be able to detect our Creator.


Spirituality is non-intellectual things. Spirituality is an experiential thing. You need to feel it and experience it And it’s a perfect balance between the masculine and the feminine And the masculine. You know this intellect has taken. We have let it rule our lives for thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of years And right now we’re going through a process to bring back our feminine connection, our femininity, if you will, and make this connection with the female aspect of the Divine, to bring this balance back to this world, to earth, to this world. And as we bring this balance back, we start to make this connection with the Creator and allow it to do its love work in us, through us and for us. And as we do that, we start to help other people wake up, we start to heal people even though they don’t know that they are being healed just through the love work being flowing through you.


And I can tell you that you know, when you learn this meditation of how to enter into the silence and the stillness of your mind and you understand your target so you can reach out in this really simple way to make this connection back to source, eventually you will feel it And when you feel it, you know it will take you a while to get your. At least it did me. It took me a while to get used to what this was, but I can tell you now that I meditate. You know you start with ten minutes, work up to whatever you want, but I meditate 90 minutes every morning without fail, and it is the most loving and precious time of the day because I have the inflow of this Creator filling me with its beautiful energy to heal me, and not only heal my body but, more importantly, heal my beliefs, because when you change your beliefs you come back into alignment with the Creator and when you do that, you start to become this open and purified channel of the Creator.


And when you do that, i can tell you, your life totally changes. You don’t have to worry about how am I paying the bills? how am I going to? you know, get the groceries. What am I going to do? You will end up taking direction from the Creator in everything, just as in nature. Everything that you need will be supplied.

Julie Hilsen Host 39:43

And this is coming from somebody who is just ready to end it all. And now you’re inspiring and our time has come to the end. I know you have another appointment. I promise to get you there, but I just I adored this and I’m going to take you up on our sequel if you’re up for it, because I didn’t get to all my questions People.


if you have, if any part of you is intrigued or has more curiosity, grab his book. it’s Kindle. You can get the hard copy. I’ll put a link to it on the show notes. You can go to Amazon and get it and a link to your website as well. Thank you for sharing this, and I do. I feel the unconditional love being transmitted from you and it’s crazy. I was reading your book and I actually had to stop because my head started spinning. I was getting so much information. I was like I got to slow down and read this. I need to savor these words a little more. Like my body was telling me to slow down. I had to go get a cup of tea So I can attest there is a lot of information and just goodness, and we can. We can change consciousness collectively.

Neil Elliott Guest 40:57

Well, you know, as you. so you know, in order for us to bring draw this new era of love and peace into the world, what we really need to do is focus on yourself. You need to really need to understand that life is not a journey without. it’s a journey within. And when you start to partake in this journey within and you learn the process and you get the keys to unlock it and let it come forth, i tell you, your life changes, no matter whether you live on the street or in a mansion, whether you’re ill or you’re healthy.


you know, i tell you, you can totally transform your life if you will and take this journey, and you will never look at life again as you did in the past. You will marvel that you were caught in this illusion And when you see it and there you’ll be able to look at others with compassion and understanding that they are still caught in the illusion and they don’t understand. But you just want to heal them. but just by your presence and the thoughts you hold and the non-judgment that you hold and the allowance that you provide for everything to be as it is, because it’s all designed, it’s all has a purpose and it’s all helping us individually and collectively, you know, make this transformation to join hearts and hands to bring this world into a new era of love and peace.

Julie Hilsen Host 42:23

Thank you so much.

Neil Elliott Guest 42:26

Thank you. It’s been a pleasure, julie, and I hope to talk to you again soon
Neil’s Website