From Fear to Love: Decoding Spiritual Growth

In our latest podcast episode, we delve into the captivating world of spirituality alongside our guest, Bill Heinrich. Through his transformative journey in Mexico, Bill not only discovered his divine purpose and psychic abilities but also witnessed the miracles that unfold when we open ourselves up to unexpected experiences and allow our spiritual selves to take precedence over the physical. His story serves as a testament to the profound intricacies of life lessons and the complexities of spiritual growth, shedding light on the power of the heart to generate love, connect with universal wisdom, and release fear.

The episode emphasizes the significance of making choices and forging deeper connections in a universe often clouded by subjective experiences and limited perceptions. Bill’s insights on embracing the spiritual paths of others without judgment, harnessing the power of energy to form connections and attract transformative experiences, and leading a life of fulfillment through minimalist living, add layers of depth to the discussion. The episode culminates in a powerful exploration of love and fear, with Bill urging listeners to embrace love and relinquish fear, creating a ripple effect of joy and connection in their lives.

This thought-provoking podcast episode serves as an inspiring invitation to embark on a soul-enriching journey of self-discovery, growth, and spiritual awakening. As Bill Heinrich beautifully articulates, the spiritual realm is not a distant and elusive concept, but a tangible and beautiful reality awaiting our embrace. Join us on this incredible journey to connect deeper with your spiritual self, uncover your divine purpose, and unlock the boundless power of the heart as you navigate the enriching landscape of spirituality.

Episode Transcript

Julie Hilsen



Life of Love. Life of Love. Life of Love. Life of Love With Julie

Hilsen. Hello, dear friends, and welcome to another exciting episode of Life of Love. We’re so happy to have you and we’re going to share some inspiration, motivation and abundance. Today we have a special guest. His name is Bill Heinrich. He’s a businessman, entrepreneur, turned Feng Shui student, astrologer, numerologist and a spiritual teacher. His program for coaching divine purpose and many other programs have been transformational and I’m just so excited to have him and have him share his wisdom with us. He’s been on a journey and has lots to share, so please welcome, bill. I’m so happy to have you here.

Bill Heinrich



Thank you very much. I’m really thrilled to be here, Julie.

Julie Hilsen



Well, it’s my pleasure. I know you’ve been traveling and seeing the whole country, so I know that you learn something everywhere you go. So I’m just really excited to see what comes forth in this episode. I want to just ask you a question because I think it’s going to segue into. You know, usually I say, hey, you know, tell the audience about yourself, but I think that I was guided to ask you this question first, great Many people have various memories and experiences on the beaches in Mexico, but you have one that spurred your spiritual growth. So tell me, Bill, what happened on that beach in Mexico.

Bill Heinrich



Wow, now nobody’s asked me that question. That’s really good, yeah. After I walked away from my life almost 30 years ago, about five months after, I went and did a 90 day sojourn down to Mexico, lived on beaches by myself for 90 days and the biggest thing that happened many things, many, many, many things. But the thing that happened more than anything else was I connected to my universal wisdom. I connected to my psychic abilities. One of the things I did is I went in this used bookstore before I left. I was up in Lake Tahoe, bought these books oh, that looks good, that looks good, I’m going to be on the beach. And well, one of them was about automatic writing. So one morning, as I’m sitting on the beach above San Jose del Cabo and the sun is coming up over the sea, a Cortez and my coffee is cooking on the stove, and I saw that book, I said I’m going to try automatic writing. And so I did. Wow, and all of a sudden it just took off. And I don’t want to. I’ve got so many other more interesting things to talk about. But the thing that happened is this guide showed up and he told me I was going to go fishing. And I’m not going fishing. He said, oh, you’re going to go fishing, you’re going to get your big fish, right, I had no plans to go fishing. I said, oh, whatever. And I drank my coffee. I said, well, that’s pretty funny.


That night I went into San Diego, cabo. I’m walking down the street and this guy steps out of a building. He says, hey, we need a fourth for a fishing trip tomorrow. Do you want to go? And I was like Sure, and I met him and we went, and so there was four of us and because you partner up on these deep sea fishing things, I was fourth in the seat, as they call it. You take turns, and so the third guy’s in the sea and he’s, he’s sitting there. We’ve been out for a while.


Nobody really caught anything. He said, hey, I want to catch a tuna. If I get a strike and it’s a Marlin, you can have it. And five minutes later I caught a hundred and fifty pound Marlin, right. And so that was the beginning of what is now a journey that I live from the other side of the physical, that I live just in the non physical, I only live in the non physical and just let everything appear in the physical. So it led to learning. I’m an energetic impact, the wisdom that I have. It just kind of goes on and on and on. So that was what happened on that beach.

Julie Hilsen



I mean, I just my mind is spinning and I’m thinking of the symbology of a fish and that huge size of a fish. And there was no. You couldn’t have any doubt, right? The universe was just like here’s your path, you’re going to, you’re going to do this and you’re going to get slapped in the face with a fish. I can’t imagine what would have happened if you had ignored it.

Bill Heinrich



Yeah, yeah, I mean, I didn’t know what to think of it Until it was all said and done. I was like, so that’s how easy it all happens and that’s the answer.

Julie Hilsen



Well, I mean, it wasn’t easy because you created the space. You’re like I’m gonna go and I’m gonna go on this Sojourn and I’m gonna be by myself, and then you brought in the automatic writing and you were, you’re at, you were being a blank canvas, but huge right, oh my gosh.

Bill Heinrich



Yeah, and there’s been many more things since then. So it’s. You know, my life is full of miracles, but miracles just an unexpected event with a positive outcome.

Julie Hilsen



What did you say? Miracle is an unexpected event with a positive outcome. Yeah, and it’s not something that we can plan. It’s unexpected, it just appears. Love it.

Bill Heinrich



It’s something you can expect. You can’t plan, because when you’re planning, then you’re in limitation.

Julie Hilsen



And that’s what you were talking about. I saw it. You know that clarity, or you know, you ask for clarity, but that’s not the gift. The gift is the, the murky, that you’re not sure, and you’re, you’re gonna discover it.

Bill Heinrich



Mm-hmm, yeah, I have no murkiness anymore. Zero, you can’t have murkiness when you’re in the present moment so yeah, that’s what I wanted to ask you about.

Julie Hilsen



Is that I I know that a lot of people struggle with their time and they want to have a spiritual journey, but the idea of how do I make time like and it’s like how to fit it in, and I noticed that you’re a time mastery, you have a time mastery class.

Bill Heinrich



Common Life Lesson Paths to Spirituality

I’ll tell you this people don’t understand spirituality and it’s really very simple. Spiritual out. Spirituality is who you’re being. We are human beings. Everybody’s into human doings and the. The problem with it is here’s the way life works. We’re born perfect. We get slapped on the ass and everything goes downhill from there and All we’re taught is survival, and it’s all focused on our physical life and it’s all focused on social policing, expectations, obligations, everything given to us as we grow up so we can learn our lessons. And and I’ve been doing this I’ve been working with people, coaching people, executives and CEOs and regular people all around the world for 15 years and and it’s all the same thing. Number one there’s 38 different life lessons pass. What does that mean? That means everybody has life lessons and they’re very complicated. They’re very complicated Because it involves it’s just from when you look at it from the physical, you can’t even see it because you have a complete blind spot.


So like, if you give me your date of birth, I can tell you all about your life lessons and what’s going on in your life. Like well, like that, right, and Even when I tell people, they go, no, I’m not sure. Well, it’s because they have such a massive blind spot and can’t see it. And these life lessons come in the area of creativity and confidence, cooperation and balance, expression and sensitivity, freedom and discipline, stability and process, vision and acceptance, trust and openness, abundance and power and integrity and wisdom. So there’s many, many different combinations, but when you see what they are, these are where all of your issues come in the physical, because you’re walking in your. What you’re doing is you’re going through life with a blindfold on Making decisions based on who you aren’t, not who you are, because your decisions outside of you. So the first thing everybody has to understand is the boundaries of your ignorance are so narrow. It’s laughable, it’s absolutely laughable. Yet people think, oh, I’ve got it figured out. Well, what they’ve got figured out is the life that they’re living, and Then what happens is they use their mind, and their mind and their ego can only protect them in their life. They can’t do any more than that, because all it does is research the past and warn you of danger. So you’re always doing things out of protection. That’s life in the physical. It’s our physical life is about lack of clarity, work and suffering. That’s it. That’s all you’re ever going to get out of your physical life. Your spiritual life is about love and expansion, so they’re the antithesis of each other.


Now, when we look at it, julie, there’s only two emotions Love and fear. That’s it. Everything stems from there. In the physical world, you can’t have an emotion without a story. Let me repeat that. You can’t have an emotion without a story. So what happens is People walk into an environment. Our subconscious makes the decision, for a six seconds has been scientifically proven. Six seconds before a week, supposedly conscious make make the decision. It’s already happened, based upon your past. I mean, this is scientifically proven. This causes people to go into reaction to protection.


Fear comes in the Favorite radio station in the world, wif, and what’s in it for me. You know, that’s what all everybody is really concerned about. On the other side, your heart can’t generate fear. Let me repeat that your heart cannot generate fear. It can feel it, but it can’t generate it. Your heart can only generate love. Your heart can only generate love and that’s your connection to all. That is.


So we have two operating systems and we live in two dimensions. The operating system that everybody uses in the physical dimension and what we call our life is our mind. But your mind cannot come to the present moment. It is not possible. Your mind can only access the past and it can only protect you. If you want to live a powerful spiritual life, you must learn how to come to the physical moment with your heart, to Come from a place of love For the benefit of all involved, regardless of the outcome. Regardless of the outcome. Regardless of the outcome, what’s going to happen in physical life is going to happen. It’s how you react to it that determines the vibration you operate at. The universe runs everything Everybody thinks birth is it. You know? I just heard this thing the other night. That just blew my mind. It blew my mind when I heard this because it’s so simple, but it’s so true. There’s a saying maybe you’ve heard it. You know, you can’t read the label on the bottle from inside the bottle brilliant that that.

Julie Hilsen



That illustrates what you said about Our consciousness or awareness is so limited as to what our abilities are, what where we’re operating from Exactly. I love that. I love that. Yeah, that just brought us back to how narrow-minded we are right that is cool it’s.

Bill Heinrich



It’s insidious how narrow-minded people are and how they Protect themselves. The universe is Only a vibration. Everything in the universe is a vibration. That’s me and you. We are one, we are connected. We are all a vibration. Everything in the universe is a vibration. So if you want to live a powerful spiritual life, you must learn to connect to universal wisdom and Detach from the fear in physical life.


Now here’s the thing that really blew my mind the other day was this is I was watching this show on Infinity with the scientist. Right. Here’s what the scientists said, and I love this. I was like, wow, that is so cool. They said you know, we know earth, we can get above earth, we can see earth, but we can’t do that from the universe wrong, the inside of the universe, trying looking out. If we could get on the other side of the universe, we could explain it to you, but you can’t because the universe goes to infinity. So the being in the bottle trying to read the label is what’s happening, and everybody’s focused on their physical life and it’s all about how do I get to death safely? That’s what people are focused on.

Julie Hilsen



So I just had an insight and tell me what you think we have. There’s so many programs that run and we’ve been taught so many things that don’t serve us. But one of the things that occurred to me is that when we’re taught about our five senses in preschool, it’s all related to our heads and how our heads are processing those five senses. But what if you went into the world and said I’m going to smell this flower with my heart, I’m going to see this person with my heart? Right? I mean, have you ever done that exercise where you try to register all your senses, not through your head but through your heart? Is that something that would be helpful to people? I mean, I was just contemplating that when you were talking about you know how everything gets registered through the brain, and that’s our fear factor, our ego, our limitation.

Bill Heinrich



I only do everything through my heart. I don’t participate in the physical world.

Julie Hilsen



You observe it. You’re part of the audience, not the actor.

Bill Heinrich



I’m here, I’m the observer, I can get on stage anytime I want. Every now and then I do. I’m still having a human experience, but the moment I’m there, I realize it and I can step off and say what’s for the benefit of all in this particular situation.

Julie Hilsen



And then just understand and have compassion, like when you’re realizing you’re activating someone or they’re activating you. That’s all part of the oneness of what we’re here to do. Like, have compassion. Like sometimes you have to show up as someone you’re. It’s not your ideal situation, but we just borrow that role and you can say I don’t want to be there again. How can I show up differently? But have compassion, that was your path.

Bill Heinrich



You talked about someone activating another person. Okay, that doesn’t happen. You activate yourself.

Julie Hilsen



But don’t you think I mean I’m just devil’s advocate here. Don’t you think you have to go through that experience to know that’s not where you want to be? I mean, you were activated your first 25 years before you became aware for 40 years 40 years, 40 something years I was in.

Bill Heinrich



I wasn’t activated. I lived my life in reaction. My entire life was in reaction, based upon protection and based upon the fact that I had extremely low self-esteem and if you knew who I was, you wouldn’t love me. So I got my love by being a chameleon and getting people to like me, but it was artificial and there is. There is nothing inside me. See, the thing about this activation of other people? Okay, let’s talk about that for a second. Okay, you can play one of two roles in life. You get the choice. Okay, you can play the victim or you can come from your power.

Julie Hilsen



I agree Okay.

Bill Heinrich



Everyone plays the victim because they look outside themselves. Now, the moment you look outside yourself, at somebody that’s causing a problem, that is not true. There is no problem. The problem is in your head. The problem’s inside you. You’re the one that conjured that up. You’re the one that’s creating it. So when you’re creating that problem outside of you, you’re taking all of your power and handing it to that problem. And now you take the victim role. If you don’t have power, you’re in the victim role.


Anything that comes into my life I create and I’m responsible for and I will choose how it will get handled. Anything we got rear-ended six years ago, coming home at night by a drunk driver. The first thing was how did I attract this? How did I create that in my life? The universe is trying to tell me something. That’s all I wanted to know. I mean, the guy that was drunk. He went to court. They did all their stuff. I had whatever. I just let the attorneys handle that. All I wanted to know is what’s my wake-up call? It wasn’t like oh yeah, that drunk and he dead.


And then you go on for days and talk about it. In fact, the next morning, my partner and I were sitting there and we just said we’re never going to speak about this again Because I’m not going back into that energy. I’m going to move forward with power. It happened, it’s over, we were okay, the car was total. Whatever, there’s some message in it for us, and so that’s the way that I do life.

The Power of Choice and Connection


That’s the way that I teach my clients to do life. One of the very first things I teach my clients is to never make another decision in their life. I forbid them from making a decision, and they’re like what do you mean? It’s like well, how do you feel when you make decisions? Because the Latin word, the root word of decision is final, and the feelings that go with it are stress, overwhelm, fear, finality, all of that One, in fact. All you’re going to do is get some clarity and make a choice, and you’re going to own the choice. When you’re making a decision, it’s outside of you. When you make a choice, it comes from within, and when I make a choice from within, there’s one thing that I know is very true I can change that choice at any moment.

Julie Hilsen



Right, You’re not. You’re not defending it because it’s not your decision. There’s nothing fine, Right yeah it’s just this fluid movement that you can pivot, you can make that choice for the highest good as it’s appearing. That’s very insightful. That’s so helpful.

Bill Heinrich



You know people, they’re just so stuck in the physical. Like, the language that I use is language that can’t be described in the physical. Like love. What does love look like?

Julie Hilsen



Yeah, you can’t. It’s just, it’s a feeling, it’s, it’s subjective, and that’s the beauty of it. There’s no polarity to it, there’s no decisiveness.

Bill Heinrich



It’s. It’s a manifestation. It’s a manifestation. So, if I ask you to go back to one of the most special moments in your life, you’re going to go to how you feel, not what you were thinking. It’s all about how you feel, it’s the energy that you’re generating and it’s how you’re able to respond to anything that comes into your life. Because good mental health if you want perfect mental health then you understand that in front of me there are challenges that I am going to overcome and deal with and there’s others waiting for me. That’s life in the physical.

Julie Hilsen



Right, like you said, surviving till you die, or however you said, that that’s life in the physical, it’s doing your best till it’s your time to move on Getting to death safely.

Bill Heinrich



Rather than rather than just living. And when you start living you know we were talking earlier I live in an RV and it’s been four years it’s gone. I had to think about it when you asked me. It’s just gone by so fast because I just live in the flow. So it isn’t about going out with accomplishments, like goals, for instance. There are no, no, never make goals. Why? Because a goal is something that you fix your attention on and where your attention goes you go. And with a goal, your language control, manipulation, everything is going to be directed for you to satisfy your expectation with that goal. So what you’re doing is abandoning yourself in an attempt for some material benefit.

Julie Hilsen



Yeah, and validation that material benefit is your validation that you reach your goal and validate and all those things.

Bill Heinrich



But when you have intentions and you support them with the proper energy, they just show up. They just show up. But you have to be open minded. In fact, this is actually pretty funny. Here’s a great example me on podcast. Okay, I’ve upgraded my coaching program. I’ve hired a coach myself and been focused on specific areas.


One of the things that came up in the course of working with her first of all, there’s a few other people in this group with me and this little mastermind and they’re all folks yeah, I’m going to do this and they’re all just working so hard. I’m like I am not going to work that hard. That’s crazy. Oh, you got to do all these posts, you got to do this, you got to do this, you got to do this. It’s like no, I don’t, I can just sit here and attract it. I have to be open-minded and I have to listen to my heart. One of the things that has come out of that is me being interviewed on podcasts and I’m starting one as of the first of the year. I’ve never done any podcast interviews. I think I’ve done 70 this year.

Julie Hilsen



Since January of 2023, you’ve done 70. Interviews. You’re busy. It must be rewarding because it’s not your goal to do 70. You’re just like I’ll just talk to somebody, I’ll just get on here and share. Oh no.

Bill Heinrich



I’ve got another 70 book. No, I can change it. Yes, I’m about empowering others, so you can go empower others. My mission is to get this truth to as many people as possible, because in our physical life, there’s only one thing that’s true. There’s only one thing, and that is how you feel. Nothing else is. Nothing else is subjective to your past experience and everybody’s seeing something different and they’re having different experiences simultaneously because of the way we were raised.

Julie Hilsen



How you feel is in the present moment. It brings you back to the present, what you can pivot to, you can respond to.

Bill Heinrich



It’s the only way you can connect with another human being. You can’t connect intellectually. You can reach agreement, but there’s no connection in agreement. The connection comes from the heart and the ability to share what people call intimacy. But that’s talking about feeling. If I talk to you about sadness or joy, we can connect on that level because we’ve experienced that, but the stories are different.

Julie Hilsen



It hits differently. Your past experience is everything that you’re going through internally, the galactic, everything is going to hit everyone differently. That’s so, like you said, it’s empowering to know that it’s just a connection. That’s my big message is you’re perfect, you’re divine being just by being here. Just being here, you’re enough.

Bill Heinrich



The number one thing. There’s only one thing wrong with the universe that I found. I’m certain of this and you’ll probably never guess it.

Julie Hilsen



I’m dying.

Bill Heinrich



The one thing wrong with the universe is your perception of it.

Julie Hilsen



It’s limited. That’s just the way we signed up for this. We signed up to be in this suit.

Bill Heinrich



The universe is perfect. Well, I call it a milk carton. The day you die, your milk carton stays, your energy leaves. Take a look at it Everything you have is going to go to somebody else. When you die, everything you are stays with you for eternity.

Julie Hilsen



With everything else. It’s all connected.

Bill Heinrich



It’s just an energetic value. When someone leaves earth, the energy leaves. When they come in, the energy comes in. That’s what happens.

Julie Hilsen



I saw it when my grandmother passed. I saw her energy flare up into the sky. I was riding up the hill to her house. I was a grown-up. I didn’t have a car because I was out of town. I just grabbed my mom’s bike because she lived down the street. I knew my grandmother was dying and I just woke up with a jolt. I got in on my bike and I started pedaling up the hill. All of a sudden, I saw this blast of light. That was my grandmother’s jolt. That was her energy. When I saw her body, it wasn’t the same thing. It was her empty milk carton.

Freedom, Energy and Life Purpose

Bill Heinrich



It’s nothingness. It’s nothingness. Yes, I’ve been with a number of people that have transcended. It is a magical experience. It was so cool.

Julie Hilsen



I was trying to tell people and I was like they’re going to think I’m crazy. It was a blast. Her energy is still obviously. She’s still Everyone’s energy is still accessible.

Bill Heinrich



This is it? I have a much better relationship with my parents? Now because they’re free of limitation. They’re free of limitation.

Julie Hilsen



They don’t have that protection over you, that you can be how you are being, how you need to be, because you don’t have to worry about their approval or disapproval or them trying to sustain you. Because we want our youth, our offspring, to do well. That’s part of this whole thing.

Bill Heinrich



One mistake everybody makes is we all think that everybody else thinks like we do when we see life, but everybody’s different. There are no two people that are the same. If you will only appreciate where someone’s at on their spiritual path and their uniqueness, you don’t have to approve of it, you don’t have to participate in it, but you don’t get to judge it, because anything you judge you are, you can’t judge anything that isn’t inside of you. It’s impossible. When you do that, you’re free to live and you’re free to connect via vibration, because like attracts, like it’s vibration that does that.


The fascinating thing about energy is it’s funny because I can move a lot of energy. I can go into a room and take it over with energy without saying a word, just my presence. Then people come to me. I don’t have to go to people, they just come to me. They’re attracted because you can’t block energy. You can resist intellectually, you can disagree, but you can’t block energy. Energy is energy period, and energy of love is an energy of love and it’s for the benefit of all involved. You can’t block it Now. You can be repulsed by it, but that’s when your mind comes into play and it’s just.


People are just living life the wrong way. I mean, it’s just crazy. It’s absolutely crazy, and I’ve worked with hundreds of people and I show people how to live their life purpose and my awareness and the tools that I use are so powerful that I give a 100% guarantee on success for them. Money back, let me repeat that no questions asked, money back guarantee. No one’s ever asked for their money back, because once they connect with themselves energetically, when they connect with their divine gifts, we all have seven divine gifts that flow through our chakras Divine compassion, divine creation. Divine order. Divine healing. Divine authentic self expression. Divine truth and divine power. Divine power through the crown. Divine compassion, the base one through the root.


These energies are who you are, but you don’t know that because you were born and brought into physical life and immediately told no, you can’t do this, you can’t do that and you had blind spots. And so what you do is you step into a life of survival without even knowing it and spend your life there protecting yourself. In that life of survival, thriving is using universal resources, it’s attracting people with a vibration, it’s knowing that the universe will provide. The universe is amazing. I walked out the door, I left everything behind. I took nothing with me, everything, just the universe just kept putting things in front of me and taking care of me. It was a remarkable experience, remarkable, and now I live a very minimal, minimalist life. Very minimalist because I don’t need stuff. Stuff is just obligations you have to protect.

Julie Hilsen



Right right.

Bill Heinrich



That’s all it is Just absorbing your energy.


And your energy is never static. If you look at it like from a place of sports, you’re either using energy or building energy at all times, and what everybody’s doing in survival is just draining their energy. Draining their energy because there’s no fulfillment in it. Oh, they have a nice house. They have a nice. I mean, I get these people all the time and I don’t care how difficult somebody’s life is. I can show you how to turn it around like that, because I make very complicated things simple really quickly. When you look at it energetically, you can do that. When you understand energy, you can do that. When you’re attached to the physical, you’re going to have a life of suffering. That’s it guaranteed, because you’ll never find fulfillment there.

Julie Hilsen



It’s just so wonderful. I hope that this is hitting people the way it serves them, because it’s not apathy, it’s connection to your soul, it’s connection to the spirit. I’ve been playing with this idea and it just keeps coming back to me that we don’t even have our own soul, it’s a collective soul. We think that we have this soul purpose, but when you say soul purpose, it’s how you’re in this with everything else that takes away your container.

Bill Heinrich



You have a life purpose and your life purpose sits on the other side of your life lessons. If you don’t know about your life lessons, you’re never going to touch your life purpose. Everyone listen to this. Your life purpose is not what you do. Your life purpose is not what you do. It’s the energy you do everything with.


Everybody oh yes, I do this. This is my purpose. No, it isn’t. Your purpose is to be of service from a place of love for the benefit of all involved, and we all each have a very, very, very fine line of a dharma of what we’re here to learn and do. And when you touch that line, as Rumi said, you have this special purpose. And every human being has a desire in their heart for your purpose. That’s when you know you’ve connected. Everybody’s different and everybody’s perfect. They’re right where they’re supposed to be.


And trust they’re right where they’re supposed to be.

Julie Hilsen



Trust that.

Bill Heinrich



Whether they’re sleeping under the bridge or they’re miserable in their multi-million dollar estate. They’re right where they’re supposed to be and there’s answers. But you will not find the answers that are going to bring pure joy in the physical. It’s impossible. You will experience it in the physical, but it must come from the non-physical. It must come from the non-physical, you know, and there’s just one of the saints. I know you’ve heard this for years, but just look at the relevance of it. People will never remember what you said, julie, but they’ll always remember how you made them feel.


Hello yeah.

Julie Hilsen



It’s a vibration.

Bill Heinrich



And it’s that vibration that you connect with. That’s why they’ll never forget it.

Julie Hilsen



And that comes back to your signature vibration. You have your position and that’s why it’s important for you to show up authentically, and the way you know you’re authentic is you’re feeling the feelings that you’re feeling in the real moment, without judgment, just feeling them and coming at it to the heart center.

Bill Heinrich



And you’ve learned enough so that you’ll never abandon yourself again, because this is what everybody does. Is they abandon themselves because of external pressure, external peer pressure?

Julie Hilsen



Well, it’s the feeling that you’re going to be safe. If you comply, if you conform, it’s the whole consent.

Bill Heinrich



It’s fear-based.

Julie Hilsen



But people don’t understand. They’ve consented to that fear-based idea.

Bill Heinrich



No, they understand that. They don’t understand. They have a choice.

Julie Hilsen



Okay. Well, to me, that’s implied with consent is that you had a choice, but we’re unconsciously consenting.

Bill Heinrich



There, look it. Here’s the truth about life. Okay, my life is completely out of control, and yours is too. That’s the truth.

Julie Hilsen



That’s how we react, not react respond. It’s our each choice. Are we coming from a place of? I want to show up at the highest place that I can. I’ll say show me the highest good in the situation. I’ll say how can I have this day, how can I spend this day For the highest good? In some days it’s just getting through the day, in some days it’s magnificent. But I just have to accept that that’s what’s coming at me, whether it’s in my chart or in my Jean Keys.

Bill Heinrich



In fact, yesterday something happened that’s never happened to me before. It all happened yesterday morning. Every appointment got canceled on my calendar.

Julie Hilsen



Spring fever is real this year. I don’t know.

Bill Heinrich



I was like what the hell is going on. Then I had just switched phone carriers and my phone didn’t work.

Julie Hilsen



What is that your third house communication? Is that the third house?

Bill Heinrich



Well, communication would be the throat chakra.

Julie Hilsen



I was thinking, the astrology, the house.

Bill Heinrich



I have familiarity with astrology but, it’s not an area that I chose into doing.

Julie Hilsen



I’m trying to recognize when those things happen. I’m like, oh well, I just I’m just going to have to go through this phase. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.

Bill Heinrich



Really, yeah, I mean like it doesn’t matter. That’s just what was happening. I took care of things, and it was noon and it’s like I got the rest of the day off. I’m not hanging in this energy. I’ve got other things I can go do. I’ll be active, I’ll change my energy and end up having a great day. That’s exactly what I did. That was my choice. You would mention reaction. That is a fascinating word, because if you take the sea out of it, drop it on the front.

Julie Hilsen



Create Creation.

Bill Heinrich



Yeah, creation, yeah. Like I said, action is only erstgrunting. There’s your power is in creation. We can create anything we desire. My whole focus is just strictly on how people can live with more joy and be a blessing in other people’s lives here on earth. That’s all I care about. Before we go, after where we came from, I can get into some long, deep metaphysical conversations about that, but frankly I really don’t care. I now know there is a heaven and hell and it’s right here, right here, right now. You get to create it.

Julie Hilsen



I think people can be single-minded in that they say they have to visualize it. Sometimes it’s a feeling, if you’re not good at picturing it feel it, feel how it is. You don’t have to know.

Bill Heinrich



There’s no knowing to know. Because I work with energy, because I work with feelings, I know where I’m at, I know what vibration I’m at. I know that when I’m in this vibration, I can ask the universe a question and it will answer any question that I ask and it will come to me very, very clearly. But it’s because I’m detached from the physical, because I will allow it to come. I’m not going to compare it, I’m not going to measure it, I’m not going to judge it, I’m just oh, okay, great See, energy is just energy. Think about it. Vibration is just a vibration. There’s no logic. The universe uses no logic.


Like attracts like, and the universe is in a constant state of expansion. Now, if anybody doubts that, just look around you. Since you’re time on earth, there’s nothing but expansion going on around us. Everywhere. The universe is in a constant state of expansion. You can participate in that, but you can’t participate in it fixed on the physical, because then you’re in a state of limitation. When somebody says here are my goals for next year, and I’m like, well, that’s a joke. Let’s set an intention with the proper wording and see what shows up. Forget the goal. It’s a lot more fun to move the energy and let the universe bring it to you.

Julie Hilsen



And when things show up, they’re always like the chakras are involved and I’m sure you talked about it in your book the seven keys.

Bill Heinrich



Seven levels of truth.

Julie Hilsen



Seven levels of truth.

Bill Heinrich



A direct path to your life purpose. Yeah, it’s available on Amazon.

Julie Hilsen



I will put a link to it in the show notes we’re coming up on our time here. This has been enlightening. I’m not going to label it. It’s been enjoyable. It’s been enjoyable and I’ll count it as a blessing. I really hope that maybe the audience can listen twice, because there’s so much that you transmitted here for us and the simplicity of it too. Live in the highest good, with a heart of joy and service.

Exploring Love, Fear and Life

Bill Heinrich



And that’s a key for anybody that wants to live their life purpose. Your heart can only speak like a second grader. Your head is what’s complicated. You ask your heart a question and be that would be good. You go to your head and it’s like well, if we can get them to do this and we figure out that. And I do this and I, like I say. The three worst words in my dictionary are I was thinking, because I know I’m headed for trouble. Next, you don’t have to think, you just have to feel and make a choice and be responsible. And the answers are there.

Julie Hilsen



It reminds me of Forest Gump. Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you’re going to get. So if you approach your day, like what kind of chocolate? What is this going to be? And it’s a grab bag. What’s the universe going to show me? What have I put out there to receive back?

Bill Heinrich



And it’s exciting and it’s an opportunity for you to expand, as long as you stop being defensive. When you’re being defensive, you’re protecting stories. Love has nothing to protect. Fear does, in fact, fear knocked on the door and love answered, but no one was there. Because they can’t coexist. It’s impossible. Fear can’t come to the present moment. It’s impossible Love it.

Julie Hilsen



Well, I’m going to close on that statement because I can’t even say anything more. It’s like live in love and the fear will. It can’t be there, the vibrations don’t. It’s not a match. It’s not a match.

Bill Heinrich



They can’t occupy the same space.

Julie Hilsen



Thank you so much, Bill, for all this. I really cherished our time together.

Bill Heinrich



Thank you for having me on. It was my pleasure. I hope everybody hears something that brings in more joy in their life.

Julie Hilsen



Me too. I know they will, and if you thought of someone during this, share it with them. If they don’t like it, they can blame Julie. In life of love, I’ll take it.

Bill Heinrich



It’s all Julie’s fault.

Julie Hilsen



It’s all Julie’s fault. It’s crazy. Thanks again, thank you.

Bill Heinrich

Thank you Julie