Life of Love with Julie Hilsen hosts innovator Tom Paladino

In a captivating podcast episode, we delve into the transformative potential of Scalar Energy with humanitarian, inventor, and researcher Tom Paladino. Inspired by the works of Nikola Tesla and Dr. Glenn Hieronymus, Tom’s pioneering work revolves around Scalar Energy and its profound implications on healing and spirituality.

Scalar Energy, also known as radiant energy, is the primary energy of the universe, according to Tom. This form of energy, which initiates as a double helix, is distinct from electricity and magnetism, which are mere derivatives. This distinction becomes clearer when you understand that Scalar Energy instruments harness the energy of the sun and the stars, unlike traditional electricity which relies on power plants.

This concept may seem abstract at first glance, but the principles of Scalar Energy become evident in its application. Tom demonstrated how Scalar Energy can illuminate a light bulb without the need for any electrical wires or power sources. Imagine the potential of this free energy that is inexpensive in application, non-polluting, and available from the sun and the stars!

The conversation took a fascinating turn when we explored Quantum Energy instruments. These unique devices work with the non-physical signature of a person, which can be captured through a photograph. This principle introduces a new era of non-physical science that goes beyond conventional understandings of physics. This is where spirituality and science intersect, as both are ways of describing reality.

Tom’s groundbreaking research in Scalar Energy and Quantum Healing has demonstrated remarkable results. He shared captivating stories of how he used these methods to successfully treat himself and his family members of various ailments. But the potential of Scalar Energy extends beyond healing. Tom envisions a future where Scalar Energy can illuminate buildings, enable anti-gravity experiences, and revolutionize humanity.

This technology is not only transformative but also accessible. Tom shared how he treats millions of people around the globe through photographs using Scalar Energy instruments. This work operates 24/7, providing continuous Scalar Energy sessions that balance the chakras, eradicate bacteria and viruses, and deliver essential nutrients to the quantum field.

Tom’s innovative research challenges conventional science and offers a new path toward healing. The potential of Scalar Energy to elevate our vibration, heal our bodies, and revolutionize humanity is awe-inspiring. While the world is still catching up to this groundbreaking technology, Tom’s work offers a tantalizing glimpse into the future of healing.

In conclusion, this podcast episode illuminated the potential of Scalar Energy and its transformative impact on humanity. As Tom Paladino said, “First come the instructions, which are non-physical, then come the physical manifestations.” As we journey towards understanding our divine nature and trusting in the answers available to us, Scalar Energy offers a revolutionary path towards healing and happiness.


Julie Hilsen: 0:09

Thank you, dear friends, for joining us in another magical episode of Life of Love. We are here to bring forth the magic of everyday and blend spirituality in our everyday lives with curiosity and an open heart. I’m just really delighted to welcome Tom Paladino to our show. He is a humanitarian, an inventor, a researcher, and he’s been just immersed in scalar energy and spirituality and healing. I’m really really pleased to bring his message to you, my audience, and it’s my deepest joy and gratitude to share these things with you, because I know that these things change the way we present ourselves and the way we interact in the world. I’m really happy. I also want to remind people that we’re not here to cure any disease. We’re here to enlighten you or just bring you a message that you may be ready to receive. So take what serves you and leave what doesn’t. You know an ultimate kindness, and share this if it sparks an interest in you or you know you just want to promote something that could, you know, change someone’s life. This is not something we’re going to put our finger on. This is something we’re going to explore and be curious about. So I’m really excited. Tom was inspired by the works of Nikola Tesla and the research of Dr Glenn Hieronymus. Am I saying that?


Scalar Energy Described

Tom Paladino: 1:34


Julie Hilsen: 1:34

Yes, very good. And then he was actually working with the astronauts and the space mission. So I’m really excited for you to share about that. And you know, tom’s embarked on a journey of self study to harness the healing aspects of scalar energy and the fundamental life force that permeates every living being. So I’m really excited for him to share his, his story, and his technology has some demonstrations. So if you’re able to watch the video on YouTube, that would probably be the best way to access this information. But we’ll try to make the message clear to anyone who’s just listening to you. But just know that it’s also available on Life of Love with Julie Hilsen on YouTube or on my, my website, lifeofloveandjoycom. So I am really excited to welcome Tom to the show and I hope he sparks curiosity in you like he has me. I really had fun preparing for this episode, Tom, welcome. Thank you Honored to be here, julie. Oh, yes, yes. Well, I would love for you to share. Just dive right in what inspired you. I mean, not everybody researches quantum physics and follows the trend of Nikola Tesla and and that kind of thing can be a little bit more interesting and that kind of thing can. It’s sort of brown, groundbreaking and maybe a little bit hidden in our, in our science classes, like we’re not. We’re not covering this in our basic physics or electrical engineering or anything like that, so give us some idea of what sparked your interest in this field. You’re right, it’s it is.

Tom Paladino: 3:11

I work with what’s called scalar energy or what Nikola Tesla called radiant energy, and that is for saying, not electricity, it’s a different type of energy. So what sparked my interest? As a youngster, I read about Tesla and his discoveries and I saw that his inventions could change the road. His technology could change the road, and that’s what I want to do. I want to follow up with Tesla’s technology and I want to change the road.

Julie Hilsen: 3:38

That’s my Well, it seems like you’ve been busy doing that. You invented this. I don’t know what to call it. Your invention, it it. It harnesses the idea of scalar energy and I know that it just seems a little bit out there, but could you explain, like, the difference between a scalar wave and what we might have coming off of, like a light bulb or or just the general electromagnetics that we’re used to, just to give people an idea of the difference?

Tom Paladino: 4:13

All energy initiates a scalar energy, that’s the primary energy of the universe, and electricity and magnetism are derivative. So, if you will, scalar energy is a double helix. That’s its composition. If you break down that double helix, one arm or one leg of the helix, so to speak, will become electricity and the other will become magnetism. So what is electricity and magnetism? It’s really the, the unbinding of the scalar wave. It’s that simple. Now both are, if you will, convertible into the other. So there’s a bio conversion, one into the other, showing, demonstrating that one has to be the primary energy. I say it’s scalar energy and the subset of the derivative is electricity and magnetism. Now we see this conversion of scalar energy into electromagnetic energy all the time. It’s simple, it’s easy and it’s without incidents. You really don’t see it happening in this world because it’s so subtle. But the key to my research is I don’t work with electricity, I work with scalar energy. These are scalar energy instruments. These scalar energy instruments behave quite differently than an electrical instrument will demonstrate.

Julie Hilsen: 5:32

Okay, I’m excited. So how did you? You know? You said it was hidden, but how did you stumble upon it? Were you just interested in Nikola Tesla or what? What was? I just am curious. If you’re I hate to use this analogy your light bulb moment You’re right, it is a light bulb moment Again.

Tom Paladino: 5:51

As a youngster, I was enthralled with the work of Nikola Tesla and I started to read. I started reading whatever I could acquire either his direct notes or at least a firsthand accounting of what he accomplished and I started to put the puzzle together and I started to realize that scalar energy is not electricity and that Tesla later in his life was able to harness the sun and the stars. I’m going to repeat that a scalar energy instrument harnesses the energy of the sun and the stars. I do not create this energy. I don’t have a power plant. This is not a power plant behind me. This instrument simply harnesses scalar energy. So the key to the future is free energy of the sun and the stars, scalar energy, radiant energy. That’s where we’re going with this, this work. I’m going to demonstrate to your audience what I mean this instrument is on its function. My laboratory is filled with scalar energy. I’m going to hold in my hand a light bulb and when I pass this light bulb close to the instrument, it will illuminate. That’s the free energy of scalar energy. So I am demonstrating how this energy is filling an atmosphere, specifically my laboratory, and how I can illuminate a light bulb. Now, that is one of the principles of scatter energy it fills an environment. So if I can do that with a light bulb here locally, eventually I want to be able to do that with a light bulb across the country. Illuminate a light bulb at a distance.

Julie Hilsen: 7:31

Wow. So it’s sort of an energy Wi-Fi.

Tom Paladino: 7:33

Yes, and I like that. Now, keep in mind you don’t see any electrical wires, there’s no cold plant, there’s no iron or pit. I don’t have any telephone wires, there’s no cell phone towers. This is the free energy of the universe. Here, once again, I hold the light bulb in my hand, pass it by the instrument and it illuminates, without a substation, without transformers, without wires, without satellites, without the need of any type of outside energy source. What am I getting at? The universe is the energy, specifically from the sun and the stars.

Julie Hilsen: 8:18

That is amazing. It’s so exciting, it is.

Tom Paladino: 8:24

Can you imagine where we’re going with this, with Tesla’s discovery of free energy, when you demonstrated that? I’m demonstrating that. Imagine how this will be inexpensive in application and how this energy does not pollute. So we have free energy from the sun and the stars, inexpensive in application and distribution and then without pollution. There are no chemical pollutants associated with this energy.

Julie Hilsen: 8:53

And you haven’t measured any radiation or you don’t have a plant in your office that has shown side effects.

Tom Paladino: 9:05

I work in this office, in this laboratory, and I feel this energy. Every morning I’m in this laboratory. I feel pulses. I can feel this energy now on my back Actually pulses. I place my hand close to the instrument. I feel that. So again, this laboratory is filled with scalar energy and I’ve demonstrated it’s so strong that only can eliminate a light bulb. Sometimes, if I were to take my cell phone, place it by the instruments, the cell phone would not register, because the cell phone does not register a scalar wave, it only registers an electrical current. What am I getting at? There’s such a powerful force, field of scalar energy. It overrides the electrical force.

Julie Hilsen: 9:51

From what you’re saying. It’s because it’s the source. Electricity is a byproduct or a diversion of the solar energy, so it would make sense that the highest energy or the most pure energy would take over intuitively to me. I’m just listening to what you’re saying.

Tom Paladino: 10:11

No, that’s brilliant. Yes, that’s brilliant, you get that. So this is the superior energy. And if you match up scalar energy to an electrical field, scalar energy will override the energy field of electricity. Why it’s the superior energy?

Julie Hilsen: 10:29

And electricity is essentially a byproduct.

Tom Paladino: 10:32

Yes, it is, it’s a derivative.

Julie Hilsen: 10:34

Oh thank you it’s so cool. Yeah, no, I’m enjoying this so much.

Tom Paladino: 10:40

That’s what Tesla saw. Now keep in Tesla, was the father of AC electricity. He began his career with AC electricity. Later in his life he developed scalar energy instruments. Now, this is notable, all of it. He had a tower in Long Island. It was called Wardenclyffe. If you look closely at that tower, there’s no wires, there’s no power plant, there’s no moving parts. So how did he create the power without any type of kinetic energy, without any type of motor and there’s no wires? It’s wireless. And there certainly wasn’t a coal factory. There wasn’t a rotating armature inside these instruments. It was motionless. You captured the energy of the stars. That should be apparent now to people who really studied this. This is energy that you captured. You don’t create it.

Julie Hilsen: 11:35

It’s like you’re receiving, and to me what resonates is that our DNA is a double helix and that the source, energy, is a double helix. Is that how it works as a healing tool? Is that we can attune to it because it’s part of the God within us?

Tom Paladino: 11:52

Yes, our DNA is a double helix and our DNA is the same ratio and proportion as a scalar wave, which is a double helix. So it’s always been my conjecture that a scalar wave downloads into us and creates and maintains our DNA. So we have to ask ourselves where do the instructions for DNA come from? The sun and the stars? Why do we have DNA? Why is it a double helix and why do those base pairs match up? And how is it that the DNA can maintain itself? But it has to have instructions from someplace. It’s scalar energy. So when we say this is the life force energy, we mean it, scalar energy. The life force energy gives us life, it creates our genomic form. It is responsible for the DNA molecule. Now you put that into consideration. That’s the very equidity of my work. We’re going back to the first cause, not electricity. We’re going back to the first cause, which is scalar energy. That’s the cause of everything, including our genomic form.

Julie Hilsen: 12:59

And, oh, I can tell how passionate you are about it and I totally resonate with that because it’s mind blowing and it’s hard to wrap your head around. But when I read on your website, I was like, if you understand that cell phones work and you think about just you know, because it’s hard on the 3D plane to wrap your head around the concepts but the idea that you can pick up your phone and call somebody and it’s wireless and it’s energy, and we’re receiving pictures, videos, all the things we do with our cell phones I mean I used to be enthralled with the fax machine. I’m like how the heck does that work? And then we get cell phones. Oh my God, so it is. Oh my God. So I mean, if you, you believe that your cell phones are real thing, then how could you know? It’s not a big stretch to think that our DNA is is able to communicate on some level, at some vibration. And I love this meeting of science and technology and spirituality.

Tom Paladino: 14:08

Yes, You’re absolutely right, Julie, and science and spirituality are an equivalence. It’s the same thing, they’re identical, it’s just a different way of describing reality. Science will describe reality, and so will spirituality. So these instruments are working with the non-physical information or the spirit realm. Keep in mind this is not electricity, there’s not one electron involved here, and so this brings us to a new era of non-physical science. Tesla has said that the world would embrace non-physical science in a decade. They can outpace, they can out-distance all of scientific achievements for centuries. In other words, once we understand the driving force, the animating force, which is scatter energy, the instructions, then we understand the physical universe and then we can command the physical universe. So first come the instructions, which are non-physical, then come the non-physical manifestation.

Julie Hilsen: 15:15

So how did you decide to apply it to healing people?

Tom Paladino: 15:23

Working with Quantum Energy Instruments

I met with a great family, the Hieronmas family. I never met the inventor, but I met their family, hieronmas family. Hieronmas family was inventing and working with theater energy instruments and actually back in 1993, when I first met them, I was enthralled with their work and I was able to work with the instruments of Dr Hieronmas and this is a modified version of Dr Hieronmas’ instrument and I was able to purchase those instruments back in the 90s and sadly I think I’m the only one left of that generation that continues on with his work. So, long story short, I met with the family, the Hieronmas family. They were one of the few families in the world, one of the few inventors in the world, I should say. Whoever develops theater energy instruments, these deceased and sadly all of the other inventors have gone. They are deceased. So now it’s really a narrow field, so to speak. Working with these Hieronmas instruments I was able to work immediately with people. I can’t light up a city, but I can work with people now through their quantum field. And let me explain before I get into this. I don’t work with people physically, I work with a quantum spirit or their auric body or their non-physical essence. What do I mean by that I’m going to hold up my photograph. This photograph carries an essence. It carries a signature, my signature. I actually take a person’s photograph, my place within the instrument and then my photograph, or say, a group photograph of people, and the instrument then will pick up the signal, the signature or the force field on the photograph. So this is the new science. It’s non-physical, in which you work with the non-physical signature of a person, and we don’t work with people. We work with a photograph because their signal is on the photograph. So let me review this new science does not work in person. People bilocate to my laboratory. I don’t work with people. I work with their identical bilocated version, their photograph. Why? Because their force field is on the photograph. Let me give an analogy. We’re having a conversation by way of video. Our two computers are exchanging information. I can see Julie, julie can see me, but obviously Julie’s not in my computer. I’m not in Julie’s office. It’s an exchange of images. Well, likewise, I can work through an image or photograph with my instrument and I can access, I can communicate with the photograph, just as Julie and I are communicating by way of this video call.

Julie Hilsen: 18:18

And it doesn’t matter if it’s taken with a cell phone with a filter or if it’s an actual photograph that they send in a physical photograph it’s the energy is captured.

Tom Paladino: 18:31

Yes, yes, precise Energy is captured on the photograph. In the 90s, when I was working with the Hypermonomus family, we were working with Polaride photographs that was the main type of photographic means at that time or 35 millimeter, while the internet has changed all that with digital photographs. So the key is a photograph carries my soul, mind and body. My soul, mind and body are found on that photograph. You’ve heard of civilizations for millennia that recognize a photograph or a hair sample as a part of a person. Well, they’re right. This photograph carries my signal and in so doing, I can access my spiritual realm or my auric field or my force field. Now, you cannot do this with an electrical instrument. I cannot place my photograph in the refrigerator and expect the same outcome. Why? The refrigerator is an electrical instrument. I cannot place my photograph in the toaster or in a car and expect this outcome, but I can place my photograph in this instrument and balance my shock force. If I can illuminate a light bulb with this instrument, then I can also illuminate my shock bulbs, and that’s, in effect, how this instrument works on this etheric level, this non-physical level, sending healing light into my quantum field.

Julie Hilsen: 20:15

And there’s dimensions that we have no idea because we’re plugged into the 3D and our senses can’t comprehend the minute quality of these energy frequencies that are captured. Even though they’re captured through electronic means, they’re still so strong that they’re there. There’s enough there. Wow have you? I’m just curious. I’m going off topic a tad bit. I get a lot of Aries in my astrology. I go up. Have you ever tried to take a picture of a polluted water or a city skyline with smog and taken that picture and put it through in front of your device?

Tom Paladino: 21:03

I am successful If the body of water is local and I can photograph it and that local body of water. I can just treat out algae or I can clean that local body of water out. Could I do that for the ocean? No, because the water is constantly certain. So a small body of water, you can do that. I’ve done this with farm fields and, as my predecessor, neil and Hieronymus, has worked with farmers in their farm fields to eradicate, say, worms or pests or insects from a farm field and we do that through a scalar energy instrument and yes, it is effective. But keep in mind, that’s one photograph of maybe 100 or 200 acres. I cannot per se do that necessarily for the earth. I would need an up-close photograph of every parcel of land in the world to perform that function. Mm-hmm.

Julie Hilsen: 22:03

Because it’s. I can understand why. I just was curious. Yeah, so how do you have the different programs on your website if you’re interested in male hormones or female hormones, or nutrition or general wellness? I think there’s an overall one. How do you, when you present the individual’s pictures? Is that your intention when you’re using the scalar technology? Or how do you individualize those programs for the specific people?

Tom Paladino: 22:39

When we’re working with energy. Energy is its fundamental and energy never makes a mistake. So if I never make a mistake with this instrument, then I can realize my objective. What do I mean by that? There’s no human reasoning to my work. I use photographs. I’m going to hold up a photograph of vitamin B4. Add a 9. If I added this photograph to the quantum field, I would be downloading B4 into me. What do I mean by that? I place my photograph side by side B4. And the two force fields communicate. The energy of B4 enters into my quantum field. It’s a communication. So once again, if we can place these two photographs to communicate with one another, the scalar energy will download B4 into me in my quantum field. Obviously, that’s not a chemical process. Obviously you’re not taking a supplement. You’re receiving the energy of B4. And how am I receiving that in my quantum field? You see, there are two force fields out there. There’s a biological field, and that really is the realm of the electromagnetic spectrum. There’s another force field that’s non-physical, which is our scalar energy force field, and that’s the quantum realm. And again, there’s not one electron or one proton in that spiritual realm. It’s all spirit, it’s all communication. So when I communicate vitamin B4 with me. It’s a non-physical informational process. What’s the upshot? There’s no chemical detox, there’s no chemical overdose, there’s no allergic reaction, there’s no biological reaction. Why, julie? Because we’re not working with human biology, we’re working with human quantum.

Julie Hilsen: 24:41

If it’s not a match, it’s not a match. Yes, it has to be a receiver.

Tom Paladino: 24:47

Yes, Okay, yes, thank you so much. Yes, so this is the mistake proof. This is the fail-safe process of downloading a vitamin. I have this photograph that shows the crystalline structure of B4, adenine into my quantum field. It’s all instructions. We’re not working with chemicals. We’re not working with any physical reality. This is the easy way of doing things. This is the realm of thought, this is the realm of consciousness. This is not the realm of chemicals.

Julie Hilsen: 25:26

To me that’s just resonated because it’s like when you love someone, you send them love or give them a hug. It hits exactly what they need. You don’t have to say I want this to touch your heart or I want this to free your mind or make you less worried. You just send love and you just send care to that person. It doesn’t have to be specific that love is received. I just wonder if love or prayer or highest intention, how David Hawkins did, the frequency of different emotions and love and acceptance are really high. I’m just wondering if Scalar is, on that continuum, just more of an intention. We can’t measure it biologically, but it’s part of that whole continuum.

Tom Paladino: 26:28

It is the love vibration, or the love harmonic, or the love expression. I firmly believe what I’ve tapped into is God’s light. This is not electricity. I don’t believe the light of God is an electron force, movement of electrons. I believe the light of God is a light that’s so strong that it’s non-physical. God is non-physical spirit and God can light up the world, including a light bulb. That’s what I’ve tapped into. This is the new science of scatter energy. We have to learn this. This is not electricity. What we’ve learned in the classroom of electromagnetic theory, that’s wonderful. I don’t disparage that. This is a new science, without equivocation. We have to start from scratch. Everybody has to start at first grade. You have to learn this new science.

Julie Hilsen: 27:22

Quantum Healing and Free Energy Technology

It’s exciting. I hope maybe a child will listen to this and be inspired to learn more. I don’t know if you’ve seen any of Veda Austin. She’s from New Zealand. She takes photographs of water. Water that has attention given to it has a pretty design. Versus water that’s been ignored, there’s a different. She has a way to capture it in the camera. I’ve been very curious about her work with water. Water is known as something that carries a spiritual message, whether you’re in tune with it or not. If you take a shower and ask to be cleansed, not just physically but spiritually, you have a different experience in that shower. People at home just try it. If you go into the shower with the intention of really letting go of what no longer serves you, you come out and you dry off in a different way than you entered that shower, if you just allow it, if you put the intention into it. I’m excited to offer what you’ve done in your research and then the testimonies that well, yeah, I did want to. I’m getting away from my questions, but what was your first experience where you’re like, okay, I’m going to use my device and I don’t? You don’t have to name names or anything, but was it a person, a pet or plant. What was the first? I want to say subject, or, or, or. Aha, like I can do this that you experienced. I’d love to be in that field with you and enter that memory. Okay.

Tom Paladino: 28:58

When I first started to use the instrument, I used it on myself and I’m explained how I used it on myself. I would take photographs of bacteria this is streptococcus and I would match up my photograph with streptococcus. Now what does that mean? That streptococcus now is downloaded as an information field into me. I have streptococcus in my quantum field. By communicating streptococcus I can not only identify streptococcus but eradicate, remove it, disassemble it, bring it to a state of negation. So, working with myself, I had a bacterial infection. I was able to match up photographs of bacteria with my photograph and eliminate, break apart, transmute the bacteria in my quantum field, in my lungs, and in so doing my lungs cleared up and I no longer had any bacterial infection. I no longer had lung infection. Matching up photographs of bacteria with my photographs it worked. It worked day one. I felt better. Now, as soon as I treated myself, I also realized my mouth was clean because I will eradicate the biofilm on my teeth, on my tongue. So not only did I eradicate the bacteria and this is quantum now in my lungs, but the bacteria on my tongue, on my teeth, all through my photograph. So then it occurred to me that I was working with my body double or my soul double. This is my quantum version, my bilocated version. In other words, Tom is on the photograph, my soul, mind and body are on the photograph, my lungs are on that photograph and I can destroy the bacteria in my lungs on that photograph. My lungs on the photograph are treated.

Julie Hilsen: 30:58

So amazing, so you did it on yourself. I love it.

Tom Paladino: 31:05

Yes, yes, I treated myself and then I treated family members and, notably, I started to work with infants that were not of the age of reasons, so there could not have been any placebo effect. And I saw the great results. And I run to the animals and dogs and cats did not realize that they’re being worked on by a way of a skater energy instrument. So I ruled out, if you will, that subjective. You know that self-fulfilling prophecy that some people might claim by working with people of young infants not of the age of reasons, I knew that I was onto something, because they’re health and good. And with that, ever since, I’ve been perfecting the technique and I’m ready to present this to the world now.

Julie Hilsen: 31:47

Well, I’m so happy to be part of the signal getting it out there.

Tom Paladino: 31:52

I just you are, and thank you for being open-minded to this Count. Many of us have this understanding of Newtonian physics, of quantum physics, understanding of Einstein’s work, et cetera. My work is groundbreaking. I don’t expect people to understand this from you. Get go why it’s new. It’s my work is unprecedented. These instruments are unprecedented. My approach is unique. To have to study my website to learn this.

Julie Hilsen: 32:25

Well, I didn’t get a chance to study, study, but I did the Cliff Note version and I just like so blown away. And I don’t know if you’ve come across the idea of med beds and that kind of technology. Well, there was a promise that med beds would come out and we’d have all these cures. But I believe in the field there’s going to be several options that can help people attain healing and that this idea of putting chemicals in our bodies is becoming antiquated. And I think that what we’ve been through the last three years is a testimony that having another patent on a pill doesn’t. It serves some people but it doesn’t serve everybody. And I’m not judging. If you want to take different medicines or mess with your DNA. If you think you’re not created in God’s image and you’re not perfect, do what you’ve got to do to feel good and feel safe, because I would think everybody needs to feel good and safe and shine their light. But I just adore that there’s options and that you’ve seen real change in the idea that there’s other answers, there’s other modalities and you can go to get a chakra cleanse and come out feeling like you’re walking on air, and I mean that works for some people. So somehow we’re going to come to a new place and I’m excited to be part of the conversation and I love that you’re putting yourself out there and I wrap God’s love and protection around you because there’s a lot of dynasties that rely on us being. They rely on us being, rely on their institutions, and I don’t want to say too much, but you need to be in God’s care. You’re pressing a lot of systems that are very well ingrained and very oiled machines.

Tom Paladino: 34:27

You’re absolutely right. This free energy device can eradicate microbes, germs. This free energy device eventually will be used to illuminate light bulbs, buildings, factories. This free energy instrument eventually will allow us to experience anti-gravity. So all of the encumbrances, all of the roadblocks that we have today by way of certain types of techniques, technology, this type of instrumentation can override, can make obsolete the existing military, industrial.

Julie Hilsen: 35:06

I just pray about our world being more peaceful and more abundant so we can just create, we can dance, sing, do art, be happy, be in our joy and abundance, and if we don’t have to worry about paying an electric bill or worry about being exposed to some kind of ebola or the next super germ. That’s If people are scared, they’re not able to act in their authority and they’re controlled, and these power structures can really take hold when people are scared. So I love that you’re empowering an idea that could revolutionize humanity. It’s really exciting.

Tom Paladino: 35:50

Thank you so much. That’s the goal here, julie to help people Now. Earlier today, I start my work very early in the morning. Earlier today I was working with half a million photographs. This instrument can easily accommodate a million, two million, three million photographs simultaneously. So this is not the healing of one person, it’s the healing, the quantum healing, of the world. In one year I could easily work with two, three million people a day. I could easily work with a billion people a year easily.

Julie Hilsen: 36:28

And that’s what you offer is 15 days free for anyone who goes on your website, and you graciously offered that to my audience as well. You know, entering your credit card, it’s just you put your name in and your photo, you upload a photo like a headshot or that’s right, that’s right.

Tom Paladino: 36:51

When people submit us their photograph, it goes just send your bus shot. It doesn’t have to be full-bodied, and in so doing, we will work with you for free for 15 days. What do I mean by that? Every day, we’re going to balance your shot. I demonstrated how the instrument is so powerful. It can illuminate a light bulb. Well, imagine if this instrument will illuminate a light bulb, it’s also going to illuminate your brainwave from your seven chakras. One hour a day, we work with germs. We work with bacteria, viruses. We eradicate bacteria, viruses, parasites. And the remaining 22 hours a day we’re under nutrients. We’re working with nutrients by way of photographs that carry the signal of the nutrient into the quantum field. So the sessions last 24 hours a day. I’m going to show the audience. These are some of the instruments that are presently on in my laboratory right now. The instruments are always working 24 hours a day and it’s so doing always working with people around the clock. So this is my promise to your audience 24 hours a day will be working with you by way of these instruments.

Julie Hilsen: 38:16

Wow, and you have 15 days to see if there’s changes. Maybe have you had people get a blood test before and after? Have you seen any labs about it?

Tom Paladino: 38:31

Yes, thank you for mentioning it. Some people come to us and they say, tom, after I submitted my photograph to you, I no longer have symptoms. Here’s a PCR test result from somebody. But one time had purpose. After our sessions this individual had two back to back tests PCR tests and both tests now are no testable viral load Undetected for herpes. So the test results are starting to come in. I allow people to speak for themselves. I only have test results. I only have testimonies to rely upon. Why? Because this has never been duplicated. I cannot say that any other scientific group or any other private research group has ever duplicated my work. They have not. So I have to rely upon testimonies from people. That’s the only way I can prove or disprove what I’m doing.

Julie Hilsen: 39:33

I love it. It’s so good and I think it’s a great way to start, because when people feel better, then it’s the best ground to start from, because it’s serving, and then take it from there. I mean, you can just see there’s going to be a domino effect and it’s going to hit the people. That can help develop the infrastructure Not that it’s an infrastructure because there’s. No, we’re not going to need wires, just need we need the units, the scalar units, placed at the right places and be protected.

Tom Paladino: 40:14

We need people like you, Julie. We need people like you to help you get the word out. Keep in mind I’m one person, I’m one inventor, I’m one researcher. Why? Because nobody else is taking this up. I know of nobody who has these instruments or nobody that is pursuing the work of Dr Hiram on the end. So it’s a grassroots movement, as you stated. Thank you for allowing me to present my work to your audience. This is very real. Why? Because it’s directly with the laws of science. Maybe people don’t quite understand these laws they will eventually but all of my work is in accord with the laws of science, and the laws of science never make mistakes. They’re laws.

Julie Hilsen: 41:00

Right, and I think theories get confused with laws. And when, when science is turned into a religion, well, this is just what we believe it does. And then there’s a problem. I mean, I love spirituality, but the one thing that gets me about spirituality is that religion can sometimes impose agendas on your spirituality, and when people take science as religion, it does the same thing as it does with the spirituality. It’s like you have to understand if it’s someone’s agenda or their belief system, or actually what science is showing. Is it a belief or is it an reproducible, observable event? I don’t know if that’s clear. I’m just trying to get to that. You know there’s been a lot of a lot of science that we’ve been exposed to that if you ask questions or you’re you’re asking for the data you just get called a conspiracy theorist. It’s like, well, we can’t get anywhere if we don’t ask questions. So that’s what I adore about your. Your quest is that you’re willing to step outside the box, and that’s how we’re going to get to. The next place is being able to ask questions.

Tom Paladino: 42:23

Thank you, Julie. If something isn’t working, there’s a problem out there, then you can’t approach that problem with the same approach. That’s insanity.

Julie Hilsen: 42:33

That’s a definition of insanity is is performing the same act and expecting a different result. Right, it’s, yeah.

Healing and New Technology Goals

Tom Paladino: 42:41

And that’s why I made it a career to do something different. These instruments are unique. This is a new technology, and this new technology will solve the problems that existing technology cannot solve. So those, those who are open minded to new technology, to new solutions, will find those new solutions to work.

Julie Hilsen: 43:04

I love it. I love it and I just have to ask, on a spiritual level, have you gotten confirmation from the ethers? Have you? Have you felt like God or Jesus have has been nudging you to continue? Because I’m sure you’ve had moments where you’re just like what the hell am I doing and why am I doing this Like I’m so? It’s so isolating to be different. So have you gotten encouragement from them or do you, do you feel that Jesus Jesus is always with the answer question yes, this is the light of God.

Tom Paladino: 43:36

When God express, I am light. This is the light in the man. Why do I say that it’s not an electron? He’s got an electron. No, this is non physical spirit, this is spirit light. I don’t need electrical wires for this. That’s the light of God.

Julie Hilsen: 43:57

Well, I can’t. I can’t think of a better way to conclude our episode than this is the light of God.

Tom Paladino: 44:04

Yeah, I’m going to ask people. This is the website scalar lightcom, . Anybody in the world can upload photographs of family members will treat you and your family members for free. Let’s get their permission. To conclude, your pets will work with you for 15 days and then you judge. You judge how simple this is, how safe, easy. Again, there’s no chemicals involved. It’s instructions I send out instructions, yeah.

Julie Hilsen: 44:34

And then if, if you want to continue, if you feel like it’s it’s made a change, then there’s a subscription and if you, more people and your, if you can gather people, you get a bigger, bigger discount based on two, three, four, six. I noticed that you offer that, so it’s an exciting. It’s an exciting opportunity and you know it’s. It does cost some money because you are, you’re putting your time in your technology, but I can imagine you it’s, it’s, it’s attainable. I mean, if you go to Starbucks three times a week, I think it’s about the same.

Tom Paladino: 45:16

You’re right. You’re right. You’re right. We have an expensive program. My goal is to heal the road. I didn’t spend 50 years in research to make money. Nobody researches for 50 years to make money. That’s my goal. My goal is to bring forward this new technology.

Julie Hilsen: 45:33

I do adore this conversation. I just can’t wait to get it out to the audience and I will put a link to your website and the show notes so anyone who wants to go directly from that link I’d be happy to share it. And even if you go to my website, you can comment directly on my website or on Tom’s website. He has testimony you can submit. You know your changes, but I’d be happy to be part of a dialogue. By the time this airs, I would have tried it. So that’ll be a great testimony when I can tell you how I’m feeling and if it’s changed. I just love the idea of being healed of different viruses that I don’t. You know there’s things that, like dormit, that only come out when you’re feeling stressed or your your immune systems compromised, and these things are just circling in our blood as time bombs until we get weak or depressed. Or you know, our, our state has been compromised by life events and all of a sudden you know there’s no coincidence that they say oh, you know, bad things happen in threes. It’s like no, you’re, you’re low, and then things start piling up. Because you’re low, because you can’t raise your vibration to get back to the happy, until you surrender and trust that the answers are there, that you’re a divine being of light and you deserve to be happy. Thank you so much for for playing in this with me, and I love this conversation.

Tom Paladino: 47:02

Thank you. Thank you for being such a gracious host.