Join Julie and guest Michaell Magrutsche as he discusses his path of neurodiversity and he shares the pitfalls of living in a system-driven society. You can participate in systems but the awareness that the system only recognizes people who fit in the system boundaries. Human centric attitudes and individual gifts are not valued in the system and often people who are not recognized in the system are devalued and shamed as they do not feel worthy since they are not contributing to the system which wants to place everyone in categories: man, woman, adult, child, race, sexual orientation. We are the creators of systems and it’s imperative to realize when the systems stop serving humanity. So much in the system is based on lack and fear. Looking to nature, we see abundance and no mistakes. As humans we are responsible for caring for nature around us and recognizing nature in ourselves. When we treat each other based on systems we lack empathy and basic humanity. We lose the ability to feel fulfillment when we are not recognized as valued or we aren’t contributing to the system. We can’t feel love if we are not feeling valued or fulfilled. We hope you gain some perspective and complete the system-centric vs human-centric activity we talk about and start to see if you can unplug from systems to feed your beautiful human nature.


Life of Love With Julie Hilsen. Hello, dear friends, and welcome to another exciting episode of Life of Love. We are here to explore with curiosity and an open heart and improve our lives through meeting people of open-heartedness and curiosity and sharing their message. Today is a very special day because we get a chance to meet ,Michaell Magrutsche, is a multimedia artist and he is an explorer of his world and he has a unique history which he’s going to share, which made him a little more and I’m not comparing anybody, but it’s made him have a unique lens in our world and he’s able to shine light on things that we might not understand, could be affecting us, could be holding us down or things that could be helping. So he has a lens that I’m excited to look through and explore with him. He’s been involved with the arts and how the arts help people express their uniqueness and individuality, and he’s been a speaker. He has his own podcast, which is amazing. You should check it out. It’s short, 30 seconds, and he gives you thinking points to get your mind working and it’s really intriguing. So I encourage you to check out his podcast. So he’s right in my wheelhouse so you can tell. I’m excited to talk to him. Welcome, michael, to the show. I’m so happy you’re here.

Michaell Magrutsche: 1:35


Exploring Unique Perspectives in Life

Thanks, Julia. I’m a pleasure to talk to you and thank you for the canvas you give me to paint.

Julie Hilsen: 1:44

Yes, I create this container and we fill it with all the goodies that come to us, so it’s always an adventure. I appreciate that you see that, so tell us the audience. What about your upbringing made you so unique? I would like for them to get a glimpse into your story and what led you to the US so let me preamble that everybody is unique.

Michaell Magrutsche: 2:16

We are eight billion people and everyone is a one of a one, everybody with a different life story, different perspective, different experiences, different burdens that they have to carry, different pleasures. We are all different, it’s just. I’m neurodiverse and I didn’t know that. I was born in Vienna, austria, as a sick child. I had a sick child, I was sick all the time. So by seven I went to school to help me back, get me at seven and it was completely the wall. I hit the wall full blast, couldn’t read, couldn’t speak, I couldn’t regurgitate anything. I repeat in Europe you have to repeat grades. I repeat two or three grades till I couldn’t anymore. So, whatever that was two or three, I couldn’t repeat it anymore, had tutors, had everything and it couldn’t get me through the things. So basically, I got a job and discovered art creation. Music was my forte. I became a musician, dj, sold tape out of my trunk, was a fashion show producer, was in advertising and by 30, I looked at my resumes I needed to do a new job and it was all art related. I thought I can’t wait till society or a system gives me, deems me as an artist and gives me, says okay, whatever you create is the best or not. I just had to deem myself as, because I couldn’t have been a mathematician or an accountant or whatever. I couldn’t do anything and I had asthma analysis. I couldn’t do a physical job like a firefighter or anything. So when I saw, when I realized that and made that decision it’s amazing when you make decisions for yourself, you know it says you know I’m not perfect, but I am that what I am. I think that is so important, you know. And then you try to be the best that you can for who you are. So if you’re the janitor as a job, a systemic job, you’re the best janitor that you can be. That doesn’t mean everything has to be speak and spend. You can be that. Then you’ll be the best janitor. You’ll be the best whatever you are, your teacher or whatever. And what you are it’s not comparison with anything, it’s what you can. You know one person the problems come when you try to protect, when you try to become what system is requesting from you when you become a teacher, that the systems require you to be, that you have all your passion for teaching and have to adapt to this system. And I saw in my luck. Actually now I see it as a luck. I thought it till 50, I thought that’s it, I’m done, you know. And then it woke up. Usually with 50, 55 you wake up. It’s like the double soul, double where you look at your life. You know that from your clients probably. You know 50, 55, all women, the kids are gone and they feel like in a hole and they don’t know what to do. They said now I have to do, I have to try to do what I always wanted. And you feel it’s the latest, it’s amicably, it’s never too late. A year before I rather wake up, I told my friend always, just now I’m 80 years, I shouldn’t learn computers. I said, if it interests you, it’s never too late. Even if you have a year to live, it will make that year so much better, you know. So it’s never too late. So you got to because you got to get in touch with fulfillment and if you like, to have a passion for computers and that interaction gives you fulfillment. That’s the base for happiness and that’s the base for love. It’s a feedback loop. It’s not the computer makes me happy, no, no, no. Nothing makes you happy, but you so when. That’s why I chase fulfillment, basically, you know, and fulfillment is a lot in the arts. So it taught me everything creating art, not an art piece, but creating art.

Julie Hilsen: 6:58

And you know you touch on that and it resonates with me so much when you say except who you are and be, show up as your best self, with that idea that it’s not perfect, it’s a gooey imperfection, and you’re you were talking about mistakes in podcasts. Those mistakes make us enduring. Those mistakes show that we’re human, that it’s okay to not be perfect and to shine the way you want to shine, and I don’t think it’s too much of a coincidence, but my last guest talked about our unique energy profile. Each person has a unique energy profile. So this it’s fun how the synchronicities come together and I really I have a lot of questions I wanted to ask you because I’m just really happy to pick your brain and when you’re, you’re talking about how you have an ability to see hidden contexts and yeah, yeah.

Michaell Magrutsche: 7:58

So the neurodiversity forced me because if you’re systemic, then say okay, you come to the systems, this is what you have to do One, two, three. I didn’t have that so I could lean on humanity and knowing people I was, you know, I had to be good with people, to interact with people, and so my focus was basically on my six senses to dance like we’re doing right now, to dance with another human being, you know, that was that was one thing, and there’s a trick that I wanted to mention before, because when you’re listening to think, yeah, but you know he, he wouldn’t fit in, I fit in, and so I don’t know how to get to this. Just look at nature. In nature there is not a million elephants more. And then nature says now I have to kill all those because I did too many. There’s no surplus, it’s always enough. That’s why I say enough is important in systems, but, but, but there is never enough. So the reason why and nature is proven by science, by systems, that it never makes mistakes. So people that thought that was flat before, you know, and all this stuff that people said and forced people, you were a witch or a wizard If you didn’t believe that this and this happened. Nature is always right. We are not better than nature. We know we don’t know better than nature. When you know when, when we create an environment where nature, for example, you put animals in, in, in in humane environments when their viruses jump and says they can’t survive anymore, they have so much stress, they are close to not existing anymore, I need to jump to somebody and viruses adapt and they jump on us. It’s the ignorance to say and because we talked about the lack, to say we need to make money right now. We need to make money right now. We need to make money right now to survive. So we are all, everybody’s, in a survival instinct. And the problem is, let’s say, you only have three people. You have Jeff Bezos in a mask and Donald Trump all three, okay, and they have all the money. They have all the power, all the money. Number one, the power isn’t worth anything because they can just power each other and if they feel, if the rest of the world is in just survival mode, just you know, 60% already there, 60% of Americans live paycheck by paycheck. If everybody feels poverty, if everybody feels lack, they feel the lack too. We are all in this together, as much as this is a jargon and in a buzzword we are, we can’t get out. So if I look for my happiness and everybody else is unhappy, I can’t make myself happy, even if I don’t know about the other people’s suffering. It’s the hooligan you know the swarm behavior that we have. So you go into a rugby match and the accountant that does everything correctly, always do, never makes anything but wraps a beer bottle and hit somebody with the head. They show him the video and now afterwards and he says I can’t believe that. I see it’s me, but I can’t believe it’s me. I would never do this. I said you have no chance. The masters you know when masters go on, that’s what’s happening. So we are all in this together. So we have to talk to each other.

Julie Hilsen: 11:41

The collective consciousness is what I hear you saying, or even if you try to separate from it or say them and us, there’s no, then that’s my biggest thing I write about my book is this idea that we’re divided, that you have to pick a side, that you’re. You know it’s an illusion, it’s something that’s been placed on us to control us, to whatever the person who was in charge thought that they needed to push. That division was created for some reason to gain whatever they wanted. But I appreciate how you’re saying, how nature doesn’t make mistakes, and that’s just. I just want to shout that from the rooftop. I want to put that on every billboard, because there’s so many, especially children, who are confused and they think that they’re broken and they need this like or the social media, or this surgery for their body to feel whole. And it just breaks my heart because at some level they think that they’re not enough and that’s the basis for a lot of misery. And if there’s one thing that I could, you know, just if I could wave a magic wand right now, it would be I want everyone to know that they’re perfect.

War, Systems, and Human Awareness

Michaell Magrutsche: 13:02

Yeah, but from logic, logic you can say that and we feel your love and everything. It’s not, it’s a completely logical thing In you are, when, when you are existing by nature and we are part of nature. So it needs to be clear to us we are collaborative, creator animal of nature, which we are part of, meaning we are in between system relevance. That’s what we are creator animals, so we can create our habitats called systems, religion, politics, states, governments all this stuff we can create an on this planet too, next to nature. We are in the middle between nature, between systems and nature, and we balance in between, but we forgetting when we the moment. It gets a problem is when forget we are systems, we’re not in the systems. No system has ever given birth to a human, unless they do some wackish stuff. But but we are, we. Nature is where we come from and that’s why we can’t save nature either. We can’t save each other. We are part of it. You know nature. If we destroy ourselves, nature just keeps going on. There’s so many civilizations that are out done and we kill each other over and over and over, and it keeps on till we learn, till we get awareness, because it’s hard for a creator animal to understand. The challenge for a creator animal is you create something beautiful, an artist right, and then you get a shiny object syndrome. You think that you know that gives established my worth. No, you just let that through. It’s just coming through you. We all, I feel we all valves right and there’s the consciousness that comes through and somewhere else spreads wide, somewhere else, say, narrow, and somebody has a problem with the thing. It’s sick, you know, it doesn’t think, but we are all valves that allow this in, and then a change happens and nobody knows what comes through, and that’s why we have pandemics, that way of wars. Wars is the completely I would say completely failure, the proof of failure when you go all, when humans go all, system relevant, because it’s in no human to have wars Unless you are disturbed, as disturbed system leader that believes that through wars he’s safe. Which war hero is safe? Hitler wasn’t safe. You know nobody. They weren’t safe. Mussolini wasn’t safe. All these they’re super. Safety has nothing to do with you do a war or not. So, and since no human that I know wants war, even the people have been in war, they said we never wanted it, never. We hated them, we hated the other party, but we never wanted war.

Julie Hilsen: 16:12

So, from your perspective, are those wars created by something unhuman?

Michaell Magrutsche: 16:19

No, it’s system relevant stuff. That’s a reset. It’s like in nature you don’t go to the edge. In nature it’s always balance. Balance is the main, but that doesn’t exist. I told you that enough nest isn’t a value in systems. It’s always more better, faster, cheaper, which is insane too. More better, faster and then cheaper defeats, the more better. Faster, because you cannot, there’s no, you cannot revenue, there’s no revenue. So when you go really by financial principles, they are flawed, flawed, flawed, flawed, flawed. But since we created, we are the gods of systems. We can just change it.

Julie Hilsen: 16:59

Right and that was a huge message that I wanted you to share was that awareness. Once you have awareness, you can decide if the system is working, if you want to consent, because it’s all about consent, and I’ve often felt like that. I’m like, why do people go to war? Why do they fight? How do they get these people to fight? Because I mean, I definitely I can go mama bear on somebody to protect my child out of love, but as far as protecting something that is a system, I don’t think I could go there unless it was a system of caring for humanity and the planet. So I don’t know, maybe it’s a value that you feel like the values are there, that it’s worth fighting for. The psychology of war to me is really tricky, and even like you watch different movies or like a gangster movie and the thugs will be beating up somebody, cutting their ear off or whatever they’re doing, I’m like how do they pay somebody enough that they could do something like that? Because I think that actually has happened in gangsters. It’s in our collective consciousness and I often wonder why don’t they just turn and run? Or why do they get into a gunfight? Why don’t they just turn around and run Because there’s no way they’re paying them enough for their life. So I often question systems and I have to share.

Michaell Magrutsche: 18:33

Mind constructs, mind constructs. So we had too much in our minds. So a war is because the soldiers and artists are very similar. The soldiers are here for the tribe, they’re the strongest people. They say woman or man Because woman and man is also a system division. That’s segregation In nature. Nobody cares if woman or man accept this mating system. Nobody cares about woman or man. Nobody cares about the sheriff who’s taller than the zebra, and that’s why it’s better Nobody, nobody cares. That’s a systemic mind construct, and systemic mind construct work with reward, with promised reward, never holding it, never keeping it. They can’t even keep the retirement systems. They remember retirement systems all over the world have the high. This is one. If you’d be a politician and you get in the politics, the biggest thing is how to have social security, the biggest thing to conquer and that’s why some people even conquer, conquer wars and kill people and do stuff, because it is one system advantage for the other. So that’s why the pandemic was such a misunderstanding, because it could have led to so many system advantages and it didn’t, because it totally backfired. People don’t wanna go back to work and so the whole thing backfired. And that’s what systems don’t see system leaders that initiate things like that were grouped to pay their house. That costs, not like us, $5,000, but costs like a million dollars, a hundred million dollars a month and everybody’s in that lack and if we are not collectively pulling out of it, we gonna just eat each other up. The doggie doggie it’s work, because everybody you know these animals that bite off their paw because they’re trapped in a trap. Right, that’s what we are, that’s the state of what we are. So it’s not a human experience that kids have, for example, kids because you’re some. It’s not an experience where humans are humans. They make mistakes. They’re not perfect. Whatever, they make mistakes. But we are not humane anymore because of the mind construct of lack and scarcity that we have conditioned ourselves. There’s nobody to blame, nobody’s fault, yeah, not this party or that or this religion or that. We just have to have conditioned ourselves. And that is the problem that I see. And when, if you can look at your life and say what am I giving priority? My human centric life, that I’m part of nature or my system relevant life, that I’m a great bookkeeper, ceo, and then I say CEO, and it always comes to me. You know, the CEO’s is funny, they work in a corner office white collar suit, tie all the men. What do they do on the weekends? They have all the money. They could have just taken a mechanic and say fix my car. What they do? They go in the garage and fixing on their car. They go in the garden and do the. Because we humans get crazy if we are not tacked down. We need to touch, we need to grab. That’s experience, humanity, and we don’t do this anymore. We grab the keyboard. That is and me included, I’m not excluding myself, I’m just saying I’m aware and I’m on the way of more awareness, and awareness is what you need that your life gets relaxed, because with knowledge it will never, because knowledge is system knowledge. You learn about the fax machines, for example. You can’t use a fax machine anymore All the knowledge. You’re an expert in fax machine wonderful. You’re outdated. You’re outdated like a car going to wheel and that’s when your system relevant, your system relevant, is outdated as fast as systems work and systems get always faster because they need more and more and more, faster, quicker. So system, and if we need to pull ourselves out to stop it, enough needs to be implemented in systems, then need to be enough, needs to be a value that we all honor, like a harvest. You don’t have harvest in nature. Every year is the greatest harvest. There’s harvest way of five years, nothing but because nature doesn’t get out of balance, so much for money or for anything it can handle it and everybody is not humble, but everybody is, I would say, sustainable. Live a sustainable life. It’s enough. The enoughness, it’s completely missing. The word enoughness is completely missing. When they tried in Europe. They tried degrowth. It’s called degrowth where they say we accept in the national growth product GDP, we accept that there’s not be a growth and nobody wants to even talk about it Because the system cannot, that the energy of systems needs to always grow until we change them collectively and say no, that’s it.

Julie Hilsen: 24:17

So that’s what you’re talking about the paradox of the system, and here it’s the financial system. It’s the way we go into our jobs. So, how you said, first of all it’s awareness and then deciding what’s important to you, like really taking inventory and what you’re living because I can be a very system-relevant person.

Michaell Magrutsche: 24:48

Let’s say I’m a politician, everything works good, I’m the prime candidate, I make money, whatever, and I can say so, I have everything systemally here, meaning also how politics works. And I say politics because I was a politician and also a good consultant, so I’ve slipped into that realm. So what happens is you have that choice and if you can say, okay, I hate what’s going on in the world and actually I know there’s no human that likes to do shenanigans, especially a politician. I know that for sure. Nobody wants to do shenanigans. But if you have a family, so you make human-centric decisions and do shenanigans in anything because that’s closest to you, your family, and you need to have that and you need to pretend this and this the hardest job there is politician, because you actually should be in the middle between humans and systems and you should represent humans so that they can implement in systems and the system can actually work for the humans. You should be that balancing sheet, and it’s so hard.

Julie Hilsen: 26:05

Yeah, and it’s like I was going to ask you how you keep alignment with that. And well, maybe we could make it. Just come here with me if we were going to make our households aligned and we say, okay, you look at, you do self-reflection, you do inventory for a week of what your family does. Well, at dinner, my kids have their phones out, we haven’t cooked together. We’re picking up takeout, we’re having other people cook for us.

Michaell Magrutsche: 26:40

Everybody does that Right.

Julie Hilsen: 26:42

So you look at, you take inventory and you’re like, well, we sit and we watch this electronic box and we get fed information and some of it doesn’t make me feel good. And if you go through your routines for a week and really reflect, I think this sort of change can really happen because you have your household. Great idea, great idea so if you teach your kids to be aware of what’s coming in and say you know what? This show made me feel creepy. You guys want to play a game tomorrow night. You want to learn a new card game. You want to. You know, could we work on a garden, do an herb garden so we can add fresh herbs to our food, and that way we’re excited about cooking dinner and we don’t have to eat the fatty stuff because you know, my pants are getting tight and how is your energy level?

Michaell Magrutsche: 27:31

It’s not the fatty stuff, it’s the crap that they put in.

Julie Hilsen: 27:35

Oh yeah, and you know it’s, it’s systemic too, right.

Michaell Magrutsche: 27:39

The systemic is our, air, our in order, we are part of nature. So what we can only protect is us, not nature. Us by not polluting this part of nature like air, water, food to sustain us and to make our future generations you know.

Julie Hilsen: 28:02

Sustainable. Like there’s a prettier, enjoy yeah.

Michaell Magrutsche: 28:06

Enjoy, see the Grand Canyon, like we did See the Grand Canyon. That’s what I’m saying. So, but I think your idea is don’t go away from your idea, because your idea is good and what I would do before that I would, because I think you don’t even have to say the execution then how I feel, better, whatever. If you say, whatever you do, everything you do today, or experience today, put in two categories Is this human centric and then food? Or is that system relevant and doesn’t it upset? Because I always say when I’m upset, you know, in my coaching or in my advising, I say what do you feel? And this is the saddest thing ever. This is where I really woke up. When I see mothers that have six children feel guilty that they can’t go to work, that is the epitome. That’s the epitome of system relevant condition that is so inhumane, like there’s nothing more inhumane than a mother that feels guilty because that guilt the kid gets the kid gets the kid. You know, basically, you’re conditioning the kid. You are less worthy than a system. My system is so much more worthy. And forget yourself, forget your kids, just try to be system relevant. And I think there’s so much in that, if I go to the deep eye and get in there, the more horrible it gets, you know.

Julie Hilsen: 29:39

Well, you look at these people who do mass shootings and you’re like what happened in that, in that family? Like how did they get access to these things? And this was this person didn’t wake up a serial killer. It’s part of our group consciousness that they’ve been ignored and mistreated and they were bullied and they were, you know, they got lost and I’m not blaming anyone. I’m just saying this is a symptom of pathology and we have to admit it.

Michaell Magrutsche: 30:06

We have to admit that’s what we do, yeah.

Julie Hilsen: 30:10

And we can’t say, oh, that person over there. We got to be like, no, this was you know, if that was my neighbor, how did I miss it? Like what can we do? I’ve you know it’s like taking responsibility.

Michaell Magrutsche: 30:26

It’s not even. Yeah, responsibility is just respond to something. It’s not to have a burden. You know we detangle responsibility to because systemically it’s a burden, humanly it’s. You know, I see you in a burned house. I run in and get you out. You know there’s a difference. You know there’s not like it’s a burden and I’m going to not going in this. I see this kid, the kid drawing. Oh, I’m going to leave it in there. No, no, no, it’s. That it’s something. Response is the ability to respond and that is not a burden, that is challenge, that’s thing. And you feel good when you save that kid, when you, you know, help that dog, when you help the thing, you feel good. Yeah, but if you do, it do be systemically looking good. That doesn’t work.

Julie Hilsen: 31:08

No, yeah, and it’s. It’s like that, that feeling you get when you help somebody you can’t reproduce it, ai can’t produce it.

System Relevance and Human Centricity

Michaell Magrutsche: 31:18

Nobody can. It’s fulfillment because you experience the oneness of all. It’s not even that you are so great and you helped this person. It is you experience with another person, how important is to that we are one and how important is to help each other out. It’s the importance of the natural importance. See how I even look at that in system relevance, and and and. And. A system centric, system relevance and the human centric centric, yeah, yeah.

Julie Hilsen: 31:53

Centric. So I mean, if, if people listening, if this is sparking anything in you, you can, you can try to identify in your life when you’re acting within the system or you’re acting human centric. Yeah, and I think you said there’s an alignment, there’s a sweet spot, but the the whole idea that we’re based on profit and product production has veered us so far off that people need to make the change, because the system’s not going to change itself. The system was created by us and it’s supposed to be for us. So you have to decide and it starts with your actions, it starts with your. So I love that you’ve given us this canvas to say, okay, this is what’s going on, this is where I am, because until you have the word for it, cause you’re, it’s like, like you said, we’re in a fish tank and and once you’re surrounded by something you don’t realize, you don’t realize it’s surrounding you because it’s always there you can’t get a bird’s eye view of something you’re surrounded in. We’ve been born into these systems, we’ve been born into the economic system and and the idea that you know if you need a car, you take on a debt, you take a loan, but but when you go buy a car. Now I noticed they don’t say here’s your car loan. They say, oh, it’s your payment, it’s just your, it’s. You know you’re just making your payment. Yeah, and if you come, if you come with cash, they get upset because the system says you got to have a loan and a payment.

Michaell Magrutsche: 33:26

Yeah, because that’s more powerful, that’s more you know. They also don’t want you to pay cash in anything, because the longer I connect and I think this is the false connection the connection in debt, you know, is what we human have, the actual connection. But you know, we are like animals. We meet each other in all the girls meet, all the guys meet and they, what we’re doing in the five, 20 minutes, we’re just joking around you know before we have dinner. That’s what we love to play. There’s a lot of wisdom in play. We love to think and it’s not in the system thing. And why we always point fingers is because, sadly, the lack that I told you activates human centrically. Shame, shame.

Julie Hilsen: 34:16

Shame and fear. That’s a fear of lack of abundance, a fear that you’re not going to be taken care of.

Michaell Magrutsche: 34:24

First is the shame. If I say you are not worthy, you would, which is completely against nature. I mean it wouldn’t if it was. Just systemically you just say no, no, I am worthy because I’m this is, this is no. If I’m saying you are not worthy, you are not worth anything. What happens is in you, is you think you’re flawed, which is which you also know, unconsciously, is not true. But you, seeing this, your, your, your, your eyes are the most discerning things. So you’re seeing, I’m treated bad by other, I am treated like I’m an asscast. I mean I couldn’t fit in school, I mean I’ve worked with shame so my whole life. And the opposite of shame is self acceptance, which means you are normal thing, you’re being normal, you know, and I have and this is the problem was like does, when you owe me and you can’t pay back, when you are not to standards, where I want to generalize people so that I save money, it’s all on the leg, it’s everything I want to. If I can put you in a box and say you a woman, it’s cheaper for me as the system. If I say you know, but then you feel, let’s say you say I’m a gay woman already, I’m shaking. And then you say I’m a gay woman that wants kids. The system is already if I just have it, as long as I have you in a box and says a woman is systemically created, everything is fine. But if you’re a neurodiverse like me, look, the system doesn’t have anything. It doesn’t have anything from it. I went to Social Security, you know, and they said to me oh, just keep working till you retire, and then we tell you what you’re getting, because I said what I would. I mean that I make future plans, which I don’t do anymore. But I said I don’t know what I’m going to get. And they said, no, don’t worry, I can’t help you, you just wait till you’re doing it and then we give you what is left over. Basically, I’m saying the retirement stuff is the biggest problem and people are completely, and this woman wanted to help me. It wasn’t. It’s the system demanded her to be that way. See, if you want to live and you want to have a job, you act inhumane to your job to serve humans because you are the system to serve humans. When you go to a doctor, the doctor has to test you and everything and goes through Rigma. He could have just said, okay, take this, this is an issue of efficiency, or I have this pill for you, or whatever. He has to go through the whole gamut and activates all your possibilities of being sick. I mean, this is so inhumane. Then then he and you have to keep repeat Once you’re in that system, you never get out. I mean I was always in the hospitals and everything. Nobody helped me. Everybody just tried around because they want to survive.

Retirement System Transparency Issues

Julie Hilsen: 37:40

Right, they make more money. It’s all about gross revenue.

Michaell Magrutsche: 37:46

Everybody is fearing it. Everybody is in lack. Elon, jeff faces all in lack and they’re reacting to lack, not acting and say how we got to get out of this. We got to change this. This is not going to work anymore. We have to collectively say this doesn’t work anymore. I’m not against system on four systems, but the systems have to become what we initially created them for. Systems are not why we created, not the reason how we created them, for it’s not anymore. We created system when the tribe became too big. We had to create systems to where something works for health, something works for law, something works for tribal issues. Better create these systems, but they’re not that anymore.

Julie Hilsen: 38:36

It’s the transparency. If you’re going to participate in that system, to me there needs to be complete transparency and we don’t have that accountability in the systems that run our country. We have it, we have it.

Michaell Magrutsche: 38:54

But you circumvent because people get inventive to circumvent. You have the choice to be transparent or you have the choice to do a lot of work, which both suck you dry. You cannot be transparent in a system because if you’re transparent, you cannot be in that position If you are. Look at COVID. That was the thing. People that were transparent were shut up. I think I heard today that the found CIA was manipulating something. When our highest form of things does that, who’s going to trust that anymore? Trust is everything. Life is uncertain. If we take trust out of people. It’s mayhem. If we can trust each other, I think, and I say, the more you be with humans, the more you know you’re safe because, not on texting, but if you interact with humans, good or bad, you trust and you become your tool of being with other humans and seeing humans as humans, not as a race, as a gender or sexuality or while it’s political things. You see human as human and you say that’s my family. If I like it, I don’t have to hug it, I don’t have to go out with it, it’s just that, that’s it. They have a point I should always say to me. They have a purpose that I don’t know, because I’m not left the wisdom of nature. I don’t know that purpose. They say, oh, mass shooting, horrible. I know it’s a system symptom and system doesn’t want it. It says it’s the shooter, it’s the mother, it’s always a blame. The thing is, when you don’t get sick, which I have experienced on myself, then it’s my fault. See, when you do everything, system according to systems, and you’re not successful, what the do system say, it’s your fault.

Julie Hilsen: 40:54

It’s your fault.

Michaell Magrutsche: 40:55

Because you know how the sh. And then comes the shaming. Julie, everybody that came depressed to us and we sold them a Ferrari or we sold them a pill or we sold them a face job, was happy. I have statistic and other system that 90% got happy when they got these three things. And you are not getting happy, try this. Then you buy Lamborghini and you do a workout show or whatever. And then back I said you know, it was great, half a year was great, but I’m still at the same point. Then they said sorry, there’s something wrong, like Miss Me. Sorry, we couldn’t educate you anymore. I think they put you in a loony bin. It’s just getting rid of. The system needs to be super efficient and to get rid of people that they can’t help.

Julie Hilsen: 41:44

Yeah, the outliers. The outliers are ostracized, ignored or eliminated. So, yeah, well, I can tell that you spent a lot of time thinking about this, and I think it’s really something for everyone to consider when you’re feeding the system or you’re feeding the human collective in nature, and then you’ll find that there’s abundance, like weeds and plants grow everywhere, so you don’t have to worry about going hungry. You just need to learn how to take advantage of plants around you or how to grow some things, and it’s not difficult, and if you ever have a little chance to plant something that you can eat, it’s very rewarding. Oh, wow, it’s unbelievable.

Michaell Magrutsche: 42:37

Right, it’s unbelievable.

Julie Hilsen: 42:38

And it’s crazy how you’ll talk to people who are very tied to the system and you’ll talk about compost and that’s unsanitary, but we can have smog coming through our lungs and that’s okay. Exactly, there’s so many. We need a credit card of last month, so seeing those inconsistencies is a huge way to break away and know that your individual light is a very powerful thing and is needed. It’s very needed.

Michaell Magrutsche: 43:15

The reason why you’re alive. Nature doesn’t make a mistake. I tell this to suicidal things. When you’re suicidal, I said there is no thing. You just haven’t figured out what your humans see. If you look for your uniqueness and for the one of one that you are in systems, you’re not going to find it. You’re not going to find it If I would have relied on systems giving me who I am. I could have never figured it out because I was always the weakling, the ugly duckling, the one that is. I know it has nothing to do with truth, so you got to look, first of all, nature doesn’t make mistakes, that you’re alive, and the second thing is you just haven’t found your puzzle piece, that you are in human-centric context. Once you find that in human-centric context, then it’s very easy to see. This is what I work on education to. So this is what I wanted with the kids, I think before they go to school, I think first and second grade, what I would teach them is what it means to be a human being, being the collaborative, creator, animal of nature. And I would show him in two ways. I would show him the kids in team sports and team art and tending for an animal. I’m tending for an animal because a language is a system itself. We have talked before. You just change the word and all of a sudden it’s a manipulative tool. You can’t manipulate it. I mean you can just lure it in and then catch it or something. But in order to have a pet and pet it and have a relationship, you’ve got to connect with your six senses and communicate with that non-verbally. And it’s perfect. It’s like you know, when you have a pet, a dog or something, it’s perfect, you don’t need a word. You don’t need a word. It’s like, oh, if I could, if you can understand me. You never say that it’s all. Everything is clear. You know, it comes to you, it wags you the tail and you are happy and fulfilled. And so, and then a third about the awareness that you had. So sports, people have to do theater, theater have to do sports, and if you can, if you’re not an athlete, you just be the referee. It doesn’t matter, it’s the collective working on something. The masculine is the sports, the feminine is the art, because in art, yeah, but it’s funny, being in art it’s about, it’s not a goal. In art is the performance, the whole thing. So a conductor cannot say, oh, the flute, is this good or bad, or whatever. He has to bring all of them up. That’s what humans, that’s the feminine energy we are all good, you know nurturing everybody up, and in sports it’s a little different. But it’s also nurturing, because if you put down the sports athletes, they’re not good. There’s only a sum that pushes through, that like me, that they have a spirit like me that pushes through. You know that, doesn’t give up. You know. But that in the education, when you learn first what it is to be a human and find a little bit of the puzzle piece that you are the unique one and if you, if I, can give kids that they never forget that they never forget that when you, when you once heard what I said it’s not me, it’s came through me, but it’s not. You know, a lot of people say it anyway, so it’s not exclusive. But when you get a human being to see, oh my God, we have one of, I’m one of one, is that, like you are one of eight billion, I can exchange you like a cog in a wheel. This is the system perception of humans. It’s horrible and you know, when you ever worked in hospitality, that if one person is in any team where you have a team, you exchange that one person, change the whole dynamic of the team. That shows you the importance of your individuality, one of oneness, and if that doesn’t give you enough self-worth, I don’t know what does, because you’re one of one and nature doesn’t make you say you can’t say no, no, nature, I’m worthless, I’m not, I think I need to kill myself. No, no, no, there’s no, there’s no discussion with that, because if that was the case, all the animals would kill themselves, or a lot more animals would be dead because they kill themselves and they don’t.

Julie Hilsen: 48:03

Yeah, so we can, to connect with nature, we can get back to our human centric-ness. And I heard you say play, play with art, play in sports, and you know, if you’re feeling stuck by the system you’re feeling you’re feeling that lack, get out on plug and go to more of these human centric things, like Michael just suggested. And I had sore Friends, laugh, play games, Friends, we have friends, we have friends.

Michaell Magrutsche: 48:32

You know. Charity work. Be in communities. Go to religions events I’m not a fan of religion, but they have religions. Do a lot of good. So be in social, you know, and not online. Go there somewhere between you. If you’re one of them, let’s say, we talk about food. Right, if there’s a garden center that teaches food, go there. You can do a lot of events to meet people. You know, it’s just because you learn so much. I mean, you know, when you listen to this, you think, oh, I’m talking and I listen to more than this podcast of mine. You will see that when I guest, I totally talk about something different. This is unique to this. And if I say, julie, let’s, let’s just repeat this podcast, we can never repeat it. It’s one of one, it’s two, one of one. People that create an event, a meeting that is created one of one. You cannot do this. I mean, there’s no much more power. If you want to talk about power, that is power.

Julie Hilsen: 49:42

And I do not take it lightly If people let my voice be in their ears. I am just so humbled and so honored. Thank you, I just. We’re coming up on our time, michael, no no, no, no.

Michaell Magrutsche: 49:55

In systems that doesn’t count. In system only counts copying. So I’m working since four o’clock on a human-centric view of AI, because I think we cannot give our system, to get system relevance, we use AI and then be completely hooked into that system. I’m not against that. I love all the technology, but I use this tool and it’s insane what’s going on. So I have when you connect to me, I have a LinkedIn account. Go and see my articles there about technology and a lot. I mean I think about 50 articles about human-centricity, and so if you need more education, I think this podcast, this episode, is very good and if you need more, you just look there or connect to me or ask me a question.

Julie Hilsen: 50:45

Yes, yes, I adore that. There’s always. It’s always good, if something sparks your interest, to go and just get a little more, because it’s not a coincidence. These are synchronicities, these are signs from your faucet, exactly. Oh, my goodness, this has been such a joy, and I did want to talk about AI, so I’m glad that we peppered that in Next time, really Next time. Next time, next time, systemically hype is really good.

Michaell Magrutsche: 51:14

The next time you want to know how to survive with AI, you know should plug in yeah.

Julie Hilsen: 51:19

I mean, it’s all about awareness, know when you’re plugging in and then be able to unplug and play in your humanity. I think that AI is freed me up with a lot of things that I need to do, and I’ve noticed that I’m able to play more if I use it as a tool, so I appreciate it.

Michaell Magrutsche: 51:39

But you know, every technology catches up, so I leave that as my last wisdom. When we got the computer and the cell phone, we have now eight times as much output that we had before, before the computer and the cell phone. So every human puts out creates eight times more system work. Have you gotten eight times more system money? Have you gotten eight times more system time? That was promised. Don’t forget that was promised. What are you going to do when you have a computer and the cell phone? What are you going to do? What are you going to do with all your time and the money that you spent? We do it’s, that’s proven, that you can still. It’s a statistic. Eight times as much and eight times as good. Because AI is going to make us also better and at the same time it takes our the jobs from the people that do right now that, which I’m not too worried about it, because the system job is always distracting you anyway from your human centricity. But also everything becomes cheaper human labor. Who should buy First of all? Who has the time for all the products and who should pay? Even if it gets cheaper, somebody has to pay. See, it’s not working again, not enough, it works, it doesn’t work.

The Importance of Love and Fulfillment

Julie Hilsen: 53:06

So you have to go from your heart and you’ve got to live your life of love because, when it comes down to it, your fulfillment is based on that connection and that feeling of being worthy and shining your light and starts with your self. Love. Love is a feedback loop, that you’re on the right path.

Michaell Magrutsche: 53:27

So fulfillment, happiness, love.

Julie Hilsen: 53:29

Fulfillment, happiness, love yes.

Michaell Magrutsche: 53:32

Yeah, that’s a full, it’s a fulfillment, it’s a emotional emotions are not that person. I love that person. No, that person puts you in an energy where you feel the love. It’s not because that’s otherwise. It would be if the other person was the other’s name. It would be reciprocal, and it’s sometimes not reciprocal, you know that, so that other person can bring you in the resonance of love. But that doesn’t mean that that’s reciprocal, that you do that to him too, or her. So it’s a feedback loop for you, doll, to be human centric, lee, so chase fulfillment to stay human centric.

Julie Hilsen: 54:12

Words of wisdom. I just appreciate your time and your energy so much, and I knew we were going to create something wonderful, so I can’t wait to share this.

Michaell Magrutsche: 54:23

Thank you. Yeah, awesome, thank you, thank you.