Embracing Divine Potential: Exploring Personal Growth and Miracles

In a thought-provoking conversation between Julie Hilsen, Special Pops Site Coordinator at Polo Golf and Country Club, and Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon, themes of divine collaboration, personal growth, and the science behind miracles were deeply explored. This enlightening dialogue delved into the transformative power of intention and the profound influence of frequency in manifesting our desires.

The Power of Intention and Frequency

Julie and Dr. Sharnael highlighted how intention shapes our reality. By setting clear intentions, individuals can harness the universe’s energy to bring their dreams to fruition. They discussed how the frequency at which we operate plays a crucial role in aligning ourselves with our goals, emphasizing the need for positivity and clarity in thought.

Crystals and Energetic Connections

A fascinating aspect of their conversation was the role of crystals in enhancing energetic connections. Dr. Sharnael explained how different crystals resonate with specific frequencies, amplifying our ability to manifest intentions and deepen spiritual connections. This insight opens doors for individuals seeking to explore alternative methods for personal growth and spiritual alignment.

Embracing Divine Potential

Through personal anecdotes and profound insights, Julie and Dr. Sharnael underscored the non-linear nature of time and the importance of choice in shaping our realities. They encouraged listeners to embrace their divine potential fully, believing in the miracles that can unfold when one aligns their actions with their highest aspirations.


Julie and Dr. Sharnael’s conversation leaves us with a powerful message: by nurturing our intentions, understanding the significance of frequency, and exploring the depths of energetic connections through crystals, we can unlock profound transformations in our lives. Embracing our divine potential means embracing the limitless possibilities that await us.

Episode Transcript

Divine Connection and Intentions

Julie Hilsen (00:09)
Dear God, Goddess, Creator.

thank you for bringing us together, Dr. Sharael, and this beautiful time, this container we’ve created to collaborate. And I’m just honored for her journey. I’m honored for the ways that Mother Gaia brings us together. And I would like to call forth our creator, God, to work through us and for us.

And our teams, our akashic team, our guides, our messengers, our soul guides, our higher selves, and angelics, all for the highest good to come forth. And I invite a collaboration of our teams.

I invite Mother Gaia as always to bring forth a message for the evolution of humanity and so we can have the new earth and anchor it into our plan. Help us be part of that and help us to understand our divinity. And may this message be brought forth with an intensity that

is needed for the message, yet a kindness and a softness to mend the hearts that need to hear. I honor each soul’s contribution and may they take it what serves them and leave what doesn’t as we again ask you to work through us and for us for this ultimate creation and this one of a kind divine timing.

And so it is. Thank you.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (01:42)
Amen. Yes. Agree.

Julie Hilsen (01:45)
Okay, so hello, dear friends, and welcome to another episode of Life of Love where we gather every Thursday to reach into our hearts and pull out what needs to be seen, clear out what needs to be let go and honor honor the bumps, honor the sparkle, and support each other and, you know, this is a collaboration. This is a community and I’m just so honored. I’m honored.

for my viewers to keep sharing these episodes and tuning I have fun revisiting. So today’s really fun. I get to connect with.

divine, divine soul, Dr. Sharnael See, huh? See, hon, she’s coming from Louisiana. And she has had great success writing several books. But this one, the Science of Miracles is, is my I’m sorry, I’m going to be biased. This one’s my favorite. And I even gave it to my son to take to college. And he brought it back. And I was like, thanks for bringing my book back.

she’s always been in service, just a short background, she hit a wall with her health and realized she was taking care, she was trying to teach everyone to love themselves and God, but it wasn’t taking care of herself. So it’s a beautiful story and her epiphany has led her to these spiritual enlightenment, these insights, and it’s just been so much fun.

I met her years back on a Laura Eisenhower call and I was just so delighted to be in her field that I bought her book and I’ve been following her YouTube channel. So it’s just been a great, a great thing that we were able to come together this way. And thank you so much, Dr. Sharnell for being a guest on Life of Love. This is so fantastic.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (03:25)
Yay! I’m very very honored to be with you and I’m glad that we cross paths again. Like this is always fun to like come to those intersections where we meet each other again and who knows where this is gonna go. So this is gonna be awesome. We’re gonna have fun today.

Julie Hilsen (03:44)
Yes, yes, I agree. the moment is not lost on me at all. I, I would love for you to share, like, I know you wrote in your book that you like to hear people’s stories about how the books change their lives. And I wondered, I have my own story. But also, do you have a story that is

something you’d like to highlight for my listeners just to get an idea of what’s involved and then I can share my story if I can hold it in long enough.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (04:17)
Yeah, I mean, the book goes into by locating, calling for things that maybe were lost to come back through the portals of the air that we have where we can create things to come back to us that are lost. We talk about energetic purgatory. We talk about timelines and frequency hopping into new timelines. It talks about, you know, just different ways.

to focus on imagination and outcome mapping. So you can use the DNA technology that Source has given us to create something really cool and powerful and whether it’s a new timeline or whatever, go into health into it, talk about the kingdom versus the kingdom. But yeah, I’ve had people over the years who talked about like getting

crazy checks in the mail or partnership situations where their first love or divine love came in or that perfect job showed up or, you know, I’ve had my kids actually practice some of the things that I’ve experienced and I can share a story with that if that’s something you’re interested in. But I meant to write this book in a place where

kids can read it because I wanted my own kids to be able to read it and which I don’t know if they ever have sat down and read it but they’ve definitely heard me talk about all things and have applied them and I’ve seen fruit of that and it’s fun to watch.

Julie Hilsen (05:47)
It’s so magical, it’s so fantastic

and so faith anchored. You it’s like you bring in the Bible, you bring in all the facets and it’s just, I mean, I was reading over it today just because it’s been a minute, right? And it’s like, I open, I feel like it’s a pep talk.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (06:03)

Julie Hilsen (06:07)
I feel like you’re giving me a pep talk because there’s one liners in there and it’s like you’re talking to me. so it’s so amazing. So I can only imagine. I would love to hear what your kids did, what they brought forth using your techniques. mean, it’s all frequency. We’re all energy, right? Like our thoughts, our emotions, our words, it’s all energetic. So yeah.

I would love to hear this story.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (06:35)
So I had a situation, if you want to talk about frequency hopping or time jumping and or returning things back because as we move things around, it does change the timeline. And with every choice that we make, we’re creating new paths, not only up here, but out here, which also affects the collective. So, you know, every individual inside job changes everything.

and we can always work on the inside and this is what changes everything for us. But I had these wrist weights that I would wear and I would work out with them and I was a little OCD about making sure I have like always wearing them for maybe an extra calorie to burn here or there or whatever. And I was going on a trip and I travel quite often.

I was going to be on a plane the next day and I for some reason could not find my wrist weights. And I was just like, again, a little bit of like PTSD or just dumb things like being OCD and like, where’s my thing, you know? And old patterns would be, I can’t find my so-and-so, you know? And of course, right. And if we can’t find something and we make that belief, then we won’t find it because we’re basically creating even more.

Julie Hilsen (07:43)
Who took them? Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (07:53)
force on the not finding. So yeah, so what I do when I am looking for something that I have misplaced, I just say, thank you God that I am God’s hands holding my whatever or I’ll think thank you that I’m seeing my in this case, my weights. Thank you that I’m God’s eyes seeing my weights. And then usually I’ll get like a picture of where they are or I am God’s hands holding my

Julie Hilsen (07:56)
scarcity of the object.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (08:24)
weights or whatever. So I did that little practice. I instantly saw them at the gym. And I remembered that I was about to weigh myself on the scale at the gym and I wanted an accurate real life, you know.

actual weight. No, no. So took these suckers off, I put them on the shelf, got on the scale to get an accurate weight, but walked off and left them. So I called the gym and I was like, Hey, you know, can you please look on the shelf? I left them there, blah, blah, blah. She’s like, actually, we found them already. We put them in lost and found. Do you want to come pick them up tonight? Well, it was too late. They were about to close by the time it was time to go. They were been over and my flight was leaving in the morning.

Julie Hilsen (08:38)
You didn’t want an extra four pounds, right?


Frequency Hopping and Manifestation Techniques

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (09:07)
before it was too late. I wouldn’t be able to get them to go on this trip in my mind. That’s what I made up. So I was like thinking that to myself and then I was thinking, well, why am I thinking that? Why don’t I create something different? And it was a little bit different, but I was just like, you know what? Now that I went to bed and I packed it, I had everything ready and I thought now that I already have my weights and I have them for this trip, what’s new and different for me? And I started feeling like

I’m so happy I have my weights and I feel better and blah, blah. I’m just going into the feelings of that. I of didn’t think about it anymore. I went to bed, woke up the next morning, got all my stuff together, got in the car, was about to go to the airport. And then when I was in the car, was like, ooh, I forgot my, I remembered my phone was next to my bed and I better go back and get it. So open the door, go back in the house, walk back to the bedroom. Not only is my bed

like pulled up, which I normally don’t fix my bed, just being honest. And my bed was pulled up and my weights were literally just crisscross on top of my bed. And I was like, whoa. And I was literally like holding them. So get in the car. When it was early enough for me to call the gym, I called the gym and said, hey, are my weights still there? And the lady was like, yeah, I mean, I’m sure they’re in the blocks of family. was like, can you just go look and see? And she was like, OK, hold on. She goes in there. She’s like,

my gosh, they’re gone. I hope someone didn’t take them. I don’t know who would have taken those or why they would, you know, it’s like, it’s good. It’s fine. And I was just like a little bit excited and I’m like still, you know what? Anyway, so my kids saw all that and experienced that. And then fast forward, we were doing a conference and just remember what somewhere in a city not too far from here actually.

And my daughter was selling chocolate at the conference for her school for like a fundraiser thing for her school. was, whatever it was going on. So she was sitting at the registration table and there was little bars and she just got a new wallet. She’s so excited and people are buying one bar at a time. And she’s just like every sale, she’s feeling so confident. And one guy came, bought all the rest of the chocolate, gave her $40.

And so she had like $40 in her hand and she was running around like, my God, I’m so rich. I have $40. And she was just running all over telling everybody her new wallet and she’s so rich. so we all see this. We do the conference that night. We’re putting everything up and like going, you know, packing up boxes and books, tables and chairs. And I can see her upset and she’s crying in the corner. And I was like, my gosh, go over and check on her. I’m like, what’s going on? And she’s like,

She said she couldn’t find her wallet. She didn’t know she dropped it. I was just like, hey, you know what? We’re going to find it. Now just imagine that you already have your wallet in your hand. What’s new and different for you? So I tell my team, she’s telling my team, we’re all looking. We’re thinking maybe it’s on the floor. Maybe someone picked it up. We’re looking at double checking the boxes and go through the night. And now it’s way late and the owner’s coming to lock up. And we explained to him,

if this happens and you find it, you please call me? Here’s my personal phone number. My daughter’s crying, know, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he’s like, sure, sure. And I look at her, I don’t want her to be upset. So I’m trying to look at the bright side and put in my own practice. And I was like, Hey, you know, remember when mom did the weights, you know, I was like, you have the same power. I’m sure everything’s fine. We’re going to go home. It’s probably going to be sitting on my bed when we get home.

just put your energy towards already having your wallet back in your hand and your $40 and whatever else. So I didn’t actually believe it to be, I mean, I’d said the words, because I just wanted her to be like calm and think of things a different way and sit in front of the lady that was working with me and she took my daughter and I took everything else and we went all separate and there’s about 40 of us that we’re all putting this conference together.

that we were gonna now go to my house and debrief on like how things went, what we could do better, know, feedback, you know, and that kind of stuff. we go in and we have food and everything. We’re all just gonna celebrate that it’s over too and talk about how fun it was. And my daughter makes a beeline. Like she goes straight for my bedroom. And I don’t know that she’s doing that. I’m just too busy like bringing things in and whatever. She comes out and she walks in and she’s kind of like, and I was just like.

what’s going on and she was like it’s not on your bed and I was like honey you know okay I’m so sorry blah blah blah blah blah next thing you know she’s like disappears she comes back a few minutes later I found it I found it and like look what I have and she’s showing her wallet and her forty dollars and she was like it was on my bed it was on my bed and I was like see and like I honestly didn’t even believe and all of those people there knew we had not been home

Julie Hilsen (14:03)
Ha ha ha.


Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (14:11)
They all saw that it was there and this is literally like 30 miles from here. And so, yeah, how do you explain that? I don’t know. But somehow we had like a frequency time jump where we just made this whole new like path with her energy and maybe a little bit of mine because I’m the one who was like, you know, I think when people, faith comes by hearing and when people hear.

other people’s testimonies over and over and over. gives like an encouragement or a belief system to believe it can happen. And I know like even when I was dealing with cancer and different things in the past, I brainwashed myself by watching instant healings and you know, watching all these like health type shows where people went ketogenic or carnivore and then they

The Power of Belief and Collective Energy

Julie Hilsen (14:53)

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (14:59)
were healed or whatever else biohacking they were using and they were healed or maybe it was just prayer and they were healed. And I know when there’s been death in the family, I will just like OCD watch near death experience videos or whatever just so can just kind of better about the situation and brainwash myself into something like positive instead of just like being sad and depressed and they’re not here anymore and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I mean, I think.

I’d love to hear your story though. want to hear about your son and what happened.

Julie Hilsen (15:29)
Yeah, well you have lit up so many things in me. just like, and I was just reading something earlier about how we’re so entrenched in linear time. A and B happens and C happens. But there’s so many choices. Like we have, if you look back in your life and there is really no past until you remember it. Like the past.

is nothing anymore. It’s just like, you might have videos or pictures, but every, every choice isn’t linear. There’s, there’s multiple like you, you might have had a choice of different high schools, or you might have had a choice of five different ways to get to the grocery store one day. And one way you get an accident, one way you you might slow down to not hit something in the road. One

One way you might bump into a neighbor who tells you something you need to know. But you have these choices and the more I’m alive, I realize that we’re experiencing multiple dimensions at the same time. It just depends on what choice you make. And that’s what’s so powerful about your work is like looking at your words, your emotions and your thoughts to pick the highest.

the highest timeline, to pick the highest frequency that’s available. And it’s not that you’re perfect, but it’s this continuous picking so that you don’t go back to that linear thinking. You go back to what if, and the ultimate possibility of the most real thing is when you find something you lost. energetically, you’ve put that object back into your…

your timeline because you’re not accepting that loss. You’re not accepting that, well, I’m the victim. I lost it or someone stole it or this lower vibration of this myth of scarcity. So that’s what’s like, I’m gonna let this out. And then I’ve used, my son really hasn’t used it to find things, although I’ve lost, like I lost a diamond ring and it was

It was like, I was sure I left it. I went to get a facial and you take all your jewelry off and leave it. I didn’t remember putting it back on. And I called, I called, said, hey, did you find it? And they said, no, and I remembered your book. I remembered what you said. And I put myself in the space of opening the drawer and finding it.

where I usually keep it. And I knew for sure I wore it. I had it on when I went there. I just didn’t even remember putting it back on. So I didn’t go back to that old timeline. actually, and it was there in the drawer and I was freaking out. And then it was funny because I haven’t used my AirPods in a couple of days. like you practice this and it becomes like secondhand.

But I hadn’t used my AirPods and I always like to use my AirPods when I record because I can set it up to my software and I can still use my good mic. I don’t have to use the AirPod. But anyway, it’s just the set of AirPods. And I went to get ready for our interview and I was like, where are my AirPods? I haven’t seen them in like three days and I hadn’t recorded since last Wednesday. And I was like, and I…

I put myself in the place of finding and my higher self said, they’re in your backpack. I didn’t have to search around for 10 minutes looking in every different room I’d been in the light. and it’s so funny because it’s natural now to know that I can access the information and find the things and, it’s, it’s a beautiful thing, but it’s just the beginning. It’s just the beginning to find your stuff.

all the other possibilities that are out there, you can go, that’s why I get so excited about it, is that there’s endless ramifications of this. This is something that a breadcrumb that our higher self left for us that we can take as far as we want. It’s just that choice. Are you willing to let go of the linear timeline and our programming and say, there’s something else possible?

And you’re the only limit to what it can be.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (19:46)

Yes, I used to say the sky is a limit and I’m like, that’s a bad program. I’m like, let’s luckily replace it with, you know, it’s like miracles are my inheritance, you know.

Julie Hilsen (20:00)
Yeah, yeah. And I love what you say about the GPS.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (20:02)
That’s really cool.

Yes, the God positioning system. Yes.

Exploring the Akashic Records and Spiritual Insights

Julie Hilsen (20:08)
God-positive and it’s just like,

God show me, show me what’s available, show me my divinity because I think it’s so easy to forget that we’re all light, that we’re all beings that carry unlimited light and you know, it’s like we’re, it’s within us, it’s not dependent on someone telling us that we’re light, it’s not dependent on us being complimented or how many people agree with us, it’s there and accessible.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (20:32)


Julie Hilsen (20:35)
and I

just love to remind people of it. And so when I’m able to connect with a soul like yours, it’s just like such a delight to get that affirmation. don’t need it, but I really like it when I can get it.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (20:49)
gives you like a like a feel like comfort confidence and for me anyway when I see like these little signs along the way it’s it just gives a little bit more like yay you’re on the right path this is the right thing and it helps you keep going and Lee helps me keep going anyway

Julie Hilsen (20:55)

Mm-hmm. Yeah, it’s an affirmation in the community. And so I’m dying to ask you, when you wrote about your book, when you entered the room and you saw the light beings and the one light being had the book open.

And you said, I want to be part of that book. And that’s when you said, God, I’m here. Show me what I need to see. That was so powerful. And I just wondered, what do you think the book was?

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (21:32)
There were lots of books. were stacks really, really high. The books were really fat. mean, they were ancient looking. Later, someone had said, well, do think those were the Akashic records? I had never even heard of that before. I had another guy named Paul Keith Davis who had written a book called The Libraries of Heaven, and he had had a similar encounter.

where it was just rooms and rooms of books. And I mean, I don’t know about your heaven, but my heaven’s got a lot of books and a lot of animals, just saying. But yeah, so I think, or I choose to know, but I feel that I had some sort of futuristic, like prediction type timelines, or could have been past things, or it’s hard to tell.

honestly it’s just like records of things records of who’s with who people who’s who’s healed of what and how That’s what the book that I saw is just healing after healing after healing and how they were healed and what time they were healed What day they were healed how they were healed and so yeah, I was very overcome by the opportunity that I felt was maybe presented to me, you know or

I don’t even know if it was presented to me, but I was just like so enamored. I’m like, my gosh, like this is what a cool thing. You know, can I be a part of that? And then instantly they were like, yup. So.

Julie Hilsen (22:59)
She said yes,

and that’s what it is, it’s saying yes.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (23:02)

Julie Hilsen (23:03)
You said earlier, when you work on yourself, it affects everyone else’s timeline. And so that’s a really powerful thing to anchor to, is that your progress is humanity’s progress. those books, I got the strong feeling Akashic Records when I saw that. was like, she didn’t write Akashic Records? It’s gotta be Akashic Records.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (23:30)
I don’t even know, I’ve never even heard the terminology before until someone years later told me. But yeah, it’s interesting how you can get like a word dropped into you or something and you’re just like, what does that mean? I gotta look that one up. But we have access to all of these things when we’re open and when we remember just to stay open and let things just come through. But you mentioned the thing about

Julie Hilsen (23:36)


Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (23:58)
As we work on ourselves, working for many, especially us as mothers, every child that we ever carried, whether they’re with us or not, any partner, man or woman that we’ve ever been with, all of that is within us still. As we change ourselves, there is an element of shift that happens within our DNA, which shifts the connections that we have with

any of those partners or any of those children were carried. And a lot of times when we’ve done these seminars, we’ll go around the room and we’ll be in a circle and different people will have these epiphanies and they’ll just like have this resolution, whether it’s emotional or physical or health-wise or abundance or whatever. then, or maybe they haven’t spoken to their dad in seven years and things top, we get.

moved, like there’s some sort of shift and or a kid or something or a long lost love. And then we have this thing that happens and they’ll come back and I’ll say, well, report your miracles. What’s what’s happened since we were just here? And they’re like, my dad called me out of nowhere or my daughter called me out of nowhere. Or do you know that my former love of my life just contacted me and said,

X, Z and we’re getting together and it’s just like and you’re surprised. I mean I’m surprised every time but I’m also like of course, of course they did.

Julie Hilsen (25:26)
Yeah, it’s living in the what-if. I love that when people say, a weight was lifted.

The Power of Free Will

And it really truly is because you’re able to shine, you’re able to say, I’m open to something better. I don’t want to stay in this. I don’t want to have the same reaction. want to respond. I want to choose. I’m not going to rinse repeat my life.

because we’re drunk on free will. We’re here, we get free will, we can choose any response.

Some of them are beneficial to us and some are hurtful and there’s no right or wrong, but this free will is, it’s a thing we gotta deal with. And we say, we have free will, we can make choices or maybe you feel pushed up against the wall, like you don’t have a choice, but being here, we don’t always pick the highest good and that’s okay.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (26:20)
And free

will is actually more powerful force than spirit, which I kind of was like, what? But when I was working with Dr. Lucky, we talked a lot about will. And he said, well, know, your will is 400,000 times stronger than your spirit. You can actually override what God’s will is with our own will. And I had had

Julie Hilsen (26:26)

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (26:42)
this dream, this reoccurring dream that it’s time to meet Will, it’s time to meet Will, it’s time to meet Will. And then I was just like, I go and meet up with him and then he starts telling me about how willpower is more, you know, a bigger sweep, you know? And then you mentioned something about, gosh, I’m trying to remember what you just said about the whole Will thing, but heretic, the word heretic has to do with making a choice.

that maybe not everybody is into it, but it’s just making a new choice. And it’s like, we do have these choices and they are going to bring us to one timeline or another. And it’s just like you said, all the little tiny ones of like go to this grocery store, go to the post office first or go to your grandmother’s or stay home and sleep if you need to, you know, like all the little choices that are minute to minute to minute to the big, big things like where do I live and

Who do I do life with and what job should I work at? Should I shift and sell everything and start over? It’s all together, but the macro and the micro all help kind of weave this life we are in energetically and physically.

Julie Hilsen (27:51)
I love that. And that makes sense that will is stronger than spirit because it’s your choice. And if you’re in spirit, if you’re in the higher dimensions, there’s nothing but good and love, right? There’s no choice to do anything else. So that really resonates. And my gosh, I do want to go, I want to talk about the crystals because this has been in my field lately, really strong.

because I keep hearing about the crystals in the earth and that connection, the crystals in the earth, and I believe that our DNA is crystalline, then that’s how we connect and that’s how we can get messages, we can get feelings, we can connect with our higher self through this magnetism, contraction, expansion, and it’s all through this, I believe it’s through the crystalline grid, through the earth, and then

you we have our crystals that we can connect with to clear and to amplify it. So good. yeah, so we’re like, guys, are throwing, she’s got such beautiful crystals in her family. And the thing is, you can infuse these crystals with whatever you want. And yes, you have got to check out Dr. Sharnael crystal book and

the energetics of each crystal are infused on the pictures, like this is a thing. And so you don’t have to go spend $1,000 at the local mineral gem show when they come to town every two years, you can access these through photographs, which is amazing. So what I’ve been asking lately is for the crystals to give me upgrades and

to help me evolve in the way I need to evolve to serve my highest good, to perform my purpose. So I would be remiss not to share this with the audience because you’re into this too. And I say into it, but it’s an energetic that, when you hear that there’s crystals throughout the earth, like throughout the center of the earth, when you go for a walk and you notice, I mean, I can’t go anywhere in Georgia on a hike without seeing these gold like crystals.

And I start picking them up and I’m like, well, this is ridiculous because I’m going to end up with the whole path in my pocket because, we kicked out the Indians to get the gold here. You know, that’s part of the heritage of this area of Georgia with the Trail of Tears, which is an atrocity. But it’s the energetics of it that they were looking for. And I believe that if you steal it from somebody else, you’ve tainted it.

that I digress, but I wanted you to share, you know, your, I can tell you’re lit up about it, but yeah, I mean, as far as, you know, giant skulls that are in the earth, or is it just crystals all over the earth, or are the crystals where the ley lines are? What’s your take on it? And I know we’re getting close to our time, so we have like two minutes to talk about it.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (30:50)
Yeah, I

Yeah, we could we should probably do a part two just on crystals or something. But yeah, they’re all in the earth. They’re in us. Like you said, they’re I mean, they’re alive. We are alive. Just like I mean, Tesla says crystals are alive. And I actually really love Tesla. So I’m to go with that. But they they do. I thought that it was all like weird and woo woo. But there’s a lot of science to it.

Julie Hilsen (30:56)
We should… Okay.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (31:21)
and there’s frequency to it. And when we work with other things that have frequency, like oils or decrees or music or anything, we can have triple anchors to hold certain octaves or frequencies or verses to hold that timeline. And or we can snag it out or clear trauma. There’s so many things.

that you can do with these guys, but they do stabilize the field. you know, we’ve tested over and over when there’s like disruption in the field that we can introduce something of crystal and it stabilizes. This is Azul, Lapis Azul, and it’s actually mentioned in the Bible, this specific, not specific, this specific one. Yeah.

Julie Hilsen (32:12)
It does look like the ocean.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (32:13)
There’s a part where I think not Joseph I’m trying to remember the guy’s name he went he was told to go a certain place Bethel until a his head down and he like put his head down on a rock they don’t mention the name of the rock unless you actually look at the Previous text and go back to look at the very very first words and it mentions this specific sound not like

not this very one, I’m just saying this kind. he saw the staircase that went up and down. Or I like to think of it as like the DNA, because it looks like a DNA spiral of some kind. was like, Bethel is… Anyway, that’s the script. There’s tons of stuff about rivers of crystals and walkways of crystals and who knows what…

where we are with all of that. But I think the more and more we get into technology and the more we get into the future, we’re going to see even more. mean, of course, crystals are in all of our medical devices and phones and cars and people are like, that’s the devil or whatever. It’s like, I’m so sorry, but you are using crystals already and that’s witchcraft. And I guess you’re in witchcraft, cancel clear, you know, so it’s like, and what is the word witch anyway, by the way, because

Julie Hilsen (33:24)

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (33:33)
Joan of Arc was apparently a witch and she definitely wasn’t so what does that even mean?

Julie Hilsen (33:38)
Right, I know, it’s an old system of labeling that, you don’t understand someone’s light. Yeah, so, was told that someone called me that and I was like, well, I’ll take that as a compliment. Thank you.

A lot of people are misunderstood and I guess it’s, you know, it’s, they’re prerogative to think what they want to think. And, I, I adore, I adore how it changes. your state and you can draw on that to keep your frequency, keep your frequency where you want it. So you can, you can show your highest light. You can show your highest good. And that’s what it’s about.

So if God gave us these wonderful things, who are we to deny talking about them and sharing it? And it, you know, the other thing, the water and water, when you freeze it, it looks like a crystal, like the crystalline structure of ice. I mean, how beautiful to see, you know, when, your window frosts over and it, creates the beautiful designs. And then if you want to go into another rabbit hole, go check out

The Vera, what is her name? Veda Austin, yeah, New Zealand, her water stuff.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (34:49)
made at Austin.

Yeah, she’s been on my show a few times. She’s pretty, it’s pretty awesome. Yeah.

Connecting with Higher Frequencies

Julie Hilsen (34:58)
So that’s your, and I do want to shout out your channel on YouTube. It’s called, True TV.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (35:04)
Yes, Dr. Sharnael True TV and we are every Thursday at noon and we like to talk about the paranormal and the fun things and the UFOs and the Bigfoots and the transformation and the health stuff and like the spiritual spooky fun kind of by locating and you know all the frequency things that are really fun.

Julie Hilsen (35:06)


So yeah, and I’ll put a link to your to your channel on mine. And I encourage everyone to to connect because you just have so much, so much inspiration. And I just adore your work. So thank you so much for your time today. This has been delightful.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (35:44)
Yes ma’am. Well, anytime and thank you so much for the opportunity to work with you and collab with you like we talked about and definitely hi to all your listeners. You can guys find me at drchornel.com. have my podcast is also there. There’s some free stuff. I think if you put in your email, you get like an automatic free class and there’s a lot of other free stuff on there.

My online courses are there. do biofeedback long distance. yeah, there’s, do have my practice here in Louisiana if you’re here in real life. But I have about 15,000 people across the world that we do over the phone and through Zoom. So there’s a lot of different ways we can connect and see how there’s any way I can serve or help. Then you guys just reach out and.

Personal Ex-Plant Story. My implants Ruptured and Were Making Me Ill

Julie Hilsen (36:34)
Yeah. and I

didn’t tell you earlier, you got me through my explant surgery because I had gotten them after breastfeeding the two boys and I was just like, I need something and they were not good for me. They were not good. Actually, I found the surgeon through your recommendation. I couldn’t get up to Ohio to see that the surgeon that helped you but

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (36:56)

Julie Hilsen (36:58)
I found one in the Atlanta area. There were three different surgeons and I met this one and he was like, he is like the best. And he would he actually they had both ruptured and I didn’t realize it. And he got he got everything out. It was a difficult surgery and not fun recovering with the drains and everything. But it’s been a year I had it done last January. So it’s almost a year. So I’ve

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (37:21)

Julie Hilsen (37:22)
felt so much better, but I I watched that interview and I was like, you know, I knew I needed to do something, because I knew the one wasn’t right, but I had no idea both of them had ruptured. And so thank you for doing that for me too. You have no idea the impact you’ve made.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (37:32)

my gosh, yeah, if anyone’s out there and you’ve had that, go check out that whole interview with Dr. Feng and it’ll give you lot of insight. She’s pretty fantastic, so.

Julie Hilsen (37:50)

pretty amazing. I was like, and I was trying to figure out how to get to Ohio, but I was like, you know, I just need to do this. I can’t plan out six months. I just gotta, you know, go local to keep it simple, but.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (38:02)

I went to someone local and their idea was to pop it and then see how it felt after and see if like I like the way I look because she was really insistent on replacing them instead of just removing them. And I had already had them taken out and replaced once and that didn’t work either. So I wasn’t really wanting to replace them. I was just wanting them out. But

sit her and have her say like, well, before we do the surgery, if you want, I can just go in and we can do like a quick pop and let them out. And then you can have a few weeks to decide if you want to, you know, go forward with having them removed or not. I’m like, so you’re just going to like let all of that loose and in the whole purpose of like not getting that because it’s mold and parasites and all kinds of stuff in that water and just

and if it’s gel or if it’s depending on what’s inside. So, but yeah, it was causing me to be really sick. And if you have a rupture, know, people are always fine. It’ll just your body up. She told me your body will just absorb it. Do not listen to anyone who tells you to not take the whole.

Julie Hilsen (39:06)
Right? People, it’s not

natural, right? It’s not gonna… We have to, our bodies have to deal with so much contaminants that how can you bombard it even more? Like how can you knowingly do that? Yeah, I’m not a doctor, but that doesn’t make sense to me. Just saying.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (39:23)
So I was like, you are not my doctor, bye bye. I’ll try someone else. Like really nice meeting you and peace out, I’m outta here. So yeah, my rule of thumb was when I was looking for someone, I wanted to find someone that wasn’t still putting them in. Because if you’re making money putting them in, why are you taking them out? If you firmly believe they’re not good to take them out, then why are you putting them in? That was a conflict for me. So this lady, she had…

been doing it for 30 years. She really kind of pioneered the whole thing. She had been to Washington and like fought for all of those things and trying to explain and re-educate. She went to Yale at 16. She has little tiny hands, which is perfect for surgery. You know, you want little tiny hands. And she’s a firecracker man. yeah, but it is kind of, you know, you can get, I was going to say it’s hard to get in, but you can get in if it’s meant to be.

Julie Hilsen (40:00)
She’s… this little…

She’s so cute. She is so adorable.


Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (40:18)

she’s so sweet lady, yeah, for sure.

Julie Hilsen (40:20)
Well, thank you again for that. If I

didn’t reconnect, I wanted to make sure you knew about that because that was huge.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (40:25)
You never know

what things are going on behind the scenes. Interesting. Good to hear the reports.

Julie Hilsen (40:32)

Yeah, exactly. I wanted to give you that back. Well, thanks again, and much love to you. And let’s connect soon.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon (40:43)
Yes ma’am, thank you so much. Bless you, thanks for doing what you’re doing. Bye.

Julie Hilsen (40:45)
Thank you. Bless you. Thank you.