Podcast Life of Love with Julie Hilsen

I am delighted to share this mama bear episode with you! Anyone who has been through huge surgeries knows mindset and faith play a major role in not only the speed of healing but your quality of life. Your role in selecting people you trust involves trusting your insight and being informed about what’s right for you. It’s about choice and informed consent. 

Lynn shares her journey of seeing her dad die of cancer and her battle with scoliosis as it illuminated the polarity and contradictions in her life. She has bravely followed the whispers and sometimes screaming of her soul.

The conversation delves into the depths of choices we make daily that affect our well-being. The importance of faith, grace, and grit in our journey to wellness is discussed. The power of choice and the courage it takes to stand for constitutional rights are celebrated, with Dr. Lynn embodying such courage.

The discussion takes an interesting turn as we explore the education system’s labyrinth. Dr. Lynn shares her experiences with the system, shedding light on the choices parents have for their children and the overarching system of mass consciousness. She reveals her journey of keeping her son out of school, the challenges she encountered in school board meetings, and her decision to challenge the system.

We discuss the unnecessary medical procedures children go through and touch on spiritual reawakening and finding grace amidst life’s turbulence. The episode climaxes as Dr. Lynn reveals her transformation and spiritual reawakening. She shares how the shift she experienced in 2020 allowed her to reconnect with her spiritual self and find more grace in her life.

Throughout the conversation, Dr. Lynn demonstrates her courage and determination to live a life of love, individuality, and healing. She bares her soul about her journey, giving listeners a profound exploration of individuality, healing, and the power of choice.

The podcast episode with Dr. Lynn Carey is an enlightening exploration of the conscious choices we make in our health and wellness journey. It encourages listeners to question their belief systems, challenge the status quo, and seek truth and understanding. It’s an episode filled with love, individuality, healing, and, most importantly, the power of choice.

Her Website: https://www.creatingmydesiredlife.com/

Link to her book  https://amzn.to/3SQZTbY