Remote Viewing and Success Coaching: Living Your Best Life

The human mind is an enigma, a repository of boundless potential and a source of our deepest strengths. It’s within this fascinating subject that Julie Hilsen’s latest podcast episode, “Remote Viewing and Success Coaching,” finds its footing. The episode features Jason Medlock, a former professional athlete turned mindset coach, who has ventured beyond the physical realm to master the art of remote viewing and unlock the secrets of the subconscious mind.

Remote viewing, as discussed in the podcast, is a technique that allows individuals to perceive and describe details about a distant or unseen target. It is a practice that has intrigued both the scientifically inclined and those with a penchant for the metaphysical. Medlock’s transition from athlete to remote viewer is a testament to the untapped capabilities of the human consciousness, showcasing that the physical limits we perceive are only the beginning of what we can truly achieve.

The discussion traverses the dichotomy between the conscious and subconscious mind, with Hilsen offering her insights as a certified hypnotherapist. She emphasizes the creative might of the right brain, encouraging practices such as meditation and mindfulness to quiet the often-overactive conscious mind. These practices, as Hilsson describes, allow for a deeper communion with the subconscious, where peace and guidance lie in wait. The episode does not shy away from the playful side of psychic connectivity either, engaging listeners with an exercise called Blank Slate, which highlights the impact of gut reactions on daily choices.

As the episode progresses, it addresses the barriers that negative patterns can erect against personal evolution. Medlock and Hilsson discuss the importance of self-awareness and the bravery required to break free from these constraints. Trust and active listening are underscored as critical elements within therapeutic settings, guiding individuals toward emotional openness and a path of healing.

Intriguingly, the episode delves into the specifics of associative remote viewing (ARV), a technique employed to make predictions based on subconscious cues. This method’s applications are vast, ranging from business decisions to lottery predictions, revealing the practical uses of an otherwise esoteric skill. The anecdotal evidence shared by Jason and Julie further cements the notion that the subconscious mind is a reservoir of knowledge, awaiting the right techniques to be tapped into.