n our latest podcast episode, we embark on a profound exploration of soul journeys and spiritual awakenings with the insightful June Edward. Having experienced a near-death moment, our host shares personal reflections on the vastness of the soul and the intricate life review process. This episode promises to unravel the mysteries of the afterlife and the interconnectedness of all souls, transcending earthly beliefs and fostering deeper connections with each other and the universe.

We delve into the spiritual significance of the Age of Aquarius, a time heralded for major societal shifts and a call to reconnect with our purpose. June Edward, a psychic and medium, shares her unique insights into the complexities of love, karma, and the rapid advancements in modern life. She emphasizes the need for humanity to see karma as a pathway for growth and transformation, rather than a form of cosmic retribution. As we navigate this age of accelerated change, we reflect on how technological advancements have distanced us from our roots, compared to past generations who were more in tune with their communities.

The episode takes us on a journey through the realms of near-death experiences (NDEs), with a focus on personal stories that reveal the nature of the soul as larger than our physical bodies. Our host recounts a life review that highlighted significant moments and relationships, ultimately leading to a choice to return to life. This introspective chapter concludes with a discussion on life plans, including karma and the purpose of our earthly existence, which are believed to be orchestrated before birth.

June Edward guides us through the profound topic of souls and their journey to the afterlife. We explore why some souls might hesitate to move into the light, often due to fear, guilt, or misunderstanding about their life choices. The conversation touches on the importance of reassurance from loved ones and the role of remorse in the soul’s journey. There’s a fascinating exploration of universal spirituality, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all souls, regardless of earthly religions. Listeners are encouraged to remain open to signs from the departed, as unexpected events or objects can carry messages from beyond.

The episode further delves into past lives and soul energy, examining how they shape our present existence. June shares a touching story about a unique bond with a dog, believed to be a reincarnated soul from a previous life. Relationships take center stage as we introduce a program designed to help individuals enhance their personal and professional connections by understanding soul energy and vibrations. We outline five crucial lessons—self-worth, trust and communication, unconditional love, money and balance, and patience—that are essential for personal growth and alignment with the universe’s offerings.

As a highlight, the episode invites listeners to join a transformative retreat cruise. This seven-night journey through the Western Caribbean and Virgin Islands offers workshops led by a relationship coach, providing a unique opportunity to connect with kindred spirits amidst stunning backdrops. Participants can look forward to engaging in meaningful workshops on days at sea, all while enjoying the perks offered by Norwegian Cruise Line. This retreat promises to be a memorable experience for those seeking personal enlightenment and a chance to rekindle the essence of human connection.

Through this episode, we encourage listeners to embrace the spiritual journey and the interconnectedness of all souls. Whether you’re seeking answers about the afterlife, exploring past lives, or simply curious about the Age of Aquarius, this episode offers valuable insights and a fresh perspective on the human experience.

Episode Transcript

Julie Hilsen: 

Life of Love With Julie Hilsn. Hello, dear friends, and welcome to another episode of Life of Love. We gather every week to explore in our hearts the magic of connecting with those around us, and oftentimes it relates to connecting to ourselves and our divinity. And today is no exception. We’re having a divine guest, a divine soul. June Edward is here and she has been a psychic for her entire life and so many times we have gifts but we stuff them in the corner. But her world has supported her in her journey and in connecting with her psychic abilities and she’s said yes to the calling and she didn’t realize she was a medium till later in life. But her abilities are strong in her bio. I was just blown away by her gifts, and even with a near-death experience at the age of 27, and she came back. So it’s always powerful to hear from our divine sisters who are ready to share this, and when you’re open to the message and ready to receive it, it can change your perspective through living through their experience.

Julie Hilsen: 

So June is one of those divine souls that have said yes to sharing her story and I’m honored to have you, june, on this show. She’s from Florida and I’m in Georgia, thanks for having me. Oh, it’s a delight, it’s an absolute pleasure. I’ve been looking forward to this and I feel like today was the perfect synchronicity for us. So, yeah, I honor this space we’re creating to share. You have this great book about love and karma and you know, I just I want to pick your brain. You know, like what do you?

Julie Hilsen: 

feel we need. What’s humanity needing right now? Let’s start there.

June Edward: 

Oh, humanity needs a lot right now. I think humanity needs to remember why they’re here, Because that’s been lost, unfortunately.

June Edward: 

You know there’s a lot playing out in the world right now and if you chose to reincarnate and be here right now, you’re here for a reason and you know Everybody is fighting about politics, but politics is just the playing field. This is about good and evil. Pick a side and pay attention to the side you’re picking, because it’s about good and evil. Pick a side and pay attention to the side you’re picking because it’s about good and evil, and that’s it. That’s the bottom line. It’s a war that’s been going on for a millennium and every now and then it comes to a head. And it’s coming to a head now and this is why it feels like time has sped up, and we were talking about that earlier.

June Edward: 

Things are happening so quickly and so fast because time is just a construct that we created. You know the faster you move, the slower time is. So the slower you move, the faster time is. That’s kind of how it works. You know, on the other side they’re moving at the speed of light. If you look at quantum physics, 160,000 miles per second is how fast they move on the other side. So it’s about three and a half to four years of our time to one year on the other side Very different.

Julie Hilsen: 

So you think, since these things are coming up, that’s where we feel this loss of our linear time is, because these things are being cleared or brought forward and we have to jump timelines.

June Edward: 

So quickly. I mean, we just entered the age of Aquarius. This is the first and only time this will happen and, yeah, it’s an amazing time. It’s really going to usher in major, major changes in society. When you think of how fast society has grown, you know they were using, supposedly, you know stones and you know wooden tools what a thousand years ago. And here we are right. Think of, okay, think of if you’re a little bit older I’m 60. Think of, like the 1960s or the 1970s, right, when they just got microwave ovens and things like that. They didn’t have that stuff. When I think of my grandmother, she didn’t have refrigeration, she had an icebox. They would have to go down to the pond in the wintertime and cut a chunk of ice out and put it in the ice box to keep the food cold. Other than that, everything was canned or salted. We have made such progress, leaps and bounds. Things are just moving so quickly it’s even hard to catch up.

Julie Hilsen: 

I agree. I felt that way that I’m just sort of scrambling to keep my head up. And then you know, we have these modern conveniences, yet we forget. So what’s your if you were to examine or give your opinion on it? When things didn’t move so fast around, we couldn’t do things so fast. Do you think it connected us to the earth more? Or I think it connected our?

June Edward: 

sense of purpose. I think it connected us to each other more, and this is what one of the big things that everyone forgets you know you’re not here. You’re here for a lot of different reasons. You’re here to have a little mini vacation because you don’t have a body on the other side. You’re here to collect your karmic debts and pay those back. Okay, but they’re helping each other as you do that.

June Edward: 

There’s no such thing as bad karma. Okay. If you stole money from somebody in the past, it doesn’t mean they’re going to come back in this lifetime and steal money from you. Maybe they’ll be your boss and they’ll teach you how the value of money, because money is energy. It’s why it’s called currency. So karma is a good thing, but it’s one of the reasons you come back. You’re also here to help each other learn. The five lessons that your soul has to learn to advance on the other side were If you need to borrow a cup of sugar, run across the street and ask Alice if you can borrow a couple. I don’t even know who lives near me. I have no idea who my neighbors are. I never see them. We never cross paths, no one talks. It’s really difficult. Yeah, it’s a challenge.

Julie Hilsen: 

So what I hear you saying, it might have been more like of a necessity because things weren’t so accessible. We couldn’t, you know back when we talked to our neighbors we felt more connected to community. We couldn’t order things on Amazon and have them come in 24 hours.

June Edward: 

Right, you could run down to the store, you could run down to the corner store and grab the pound of sugar. But why run all that far when your next door neighbor’s got some and it’s not a big deal? You knew your neighbors, you. You know if you were making pies or something, you’d make two and bring one over. Hey, she’d love one.

Julie Hilsen: 

she’s got three kids, right yeah, it was different, it was very different. Well, I’m I don’t mean to brag, but my, my neighbors on the street. I would be remiss not to say that we ask each other for eggs, sugar, butter, aluminum foil.

June Edward: 

And I’m the best neighbor, that’s great, that’s great, because it’s not the case in a lot of places anymore. It really isn’t. And when someone needs help and they see somebody say they see a woman getting attacked in a parking lot, they don’t go step in and help my own sister didn’t? She walked away. They don’t go step in and help my own sister didn’t? She walked away and he called the store. What is that going to do? By the time the guy from the store ran out, all he was getting was nothing. He’s picking the woman up out of the parking lot. Had you walked over there, you would have intervened. The guy would have run off, I’m sure.

Julie Hilsen: 

Nobody wants to get involved.

June Edward: 

So it’s the idea that you can make a difference. Every person makes a difference, but it’s your choice.

Julie Hilsen: 

What choice are you going to make, right? And so you mentioned the five things we’re all here for, and I’d love to hear that, and I also, I don’t want to forget to ask you about your near-death experience and what you saw, because it’s intriguing to me. So I’m going to ask it Sure.

June Edward: 

Well, I’ll tell you about my. I never considered it a near-death experience because I died point blank, and I’ve done a lot of research on NDEs for a TED Talk and what I’ve learned is that, first of all, your soul is too big for this body you have. Some of your soul is inside your body, some of it is over your body. That people can see and they call it an aura, and the majority of your soul is actually in the lowest level of heaven, the fifth dimension, and it orchestrates the timing of all the events in this lifetime and it has all the knowledge of all your past lifetimes. So if something’s going to happen here like a car accident, so if something’s going to happen here like a car accident, your soul jumps out. So it doesn’t feel all that trauma, because the two things you take with you when you go is knowledge and feelings, all of those feelings. So if you’re feeling that trauma, you’d be taking it with you.

June Edward: 

My brother was in a car accident when he was 16 and he was almost killed and he remembers standing on the sidewalk watching everything unfold until the paramedics came and he went back into his body. He didn’t go to heaven, he didn’t die. My girlfriend the same thing. She had a deer come through her side window and she’s a Catholic and she thought she did something wrong and wasn’t going to go to heaven. Because she saw the deer’s soul go to heaven and her soul was stuck on the roof of the car on the headliner. And when the paramedics showed up, same thing she went back into her body. So these are called. These are all near death experiences. They’re all lumped together, so less than 10% of the people that have a near death experience actually die and go to heaven like I did.

June Edward: 

So I had injured my back when I was 22 and I put the surgery off for five years because I just knew I was going to die. And I got to the point that I had no choice but to have the surgery and I told everybody before I went in that I was going to die. And of course they’re like oh no, you’re just afraid, I’m like. I’m telling you. They’re like, oh, whatever. So the night before the surgery I had an MRI test done with a contrast dye and I let them know I thought I was allergic to it. I’d had it once before and had a very bad reaction. I couldn’t get off the table and they just pooh-poohed it off and they’re like it’s common, everybody has that reaction. I’m like, okay, what do I know? Right, I’m 27. I’m not the doctor and as soon as they administered it to me, I died.

June Edward: 

And everybody that does get to heaven or to that point, their experiences are a little bit different. I immediately was just taken and was on the other side and I could still see everything that was happening below. I could see everything in the hospital. I could see what they were doing to my body and see the nurses talking about it at the station and the room in the back. But as soon as I got there, there was a movie, basically like sitting in the front row of an IMAX theater, and it was a life review. And I was getting a life review and it was again, everyone’s different but mine. It was just all the people that had really helped me in my life and the times in my life that had been very happy for me.

June Edward: 

What was interesting in hindsight? That my children weren’t in there, which was very interesting. Didn’t notice it at the time, and then, behind me, I heard someone tell me that it’s not really my time. I can stay if I want to or I could go back. It’s my choice. And I’m going through my head. I’m like, oh, I’m not going to go back for my husband, I’m not going to go back for my family there’s. You know, it’s just amazing here. Why would I want to go back? And then I remembered I had two very young children here at the time and that they were the biggest reason that I came here this time and that they brought me the most joy in my life. And as soon as I decided I was coming back for them, I was back in my body instantly Power of love.

June Edward: 

Yeah, yeah, absolutely, absolutely.

Julie Hilsen: 

And my third one wasn’t born yet. So you didn’t get any premonitions about what might happen if you came back or what would happen if you stayed.

June Edward: 

Not at that time, not at that time. I know now that you know we make our life plan. It’s like make a Monopoly game and you choose. It’s like you’re making a game up and you’re deciding who’s going to come back with you, that you owe karma to, that you’re going to pay and who you’re going to collect from, and you decide what’s going to happen in your life. So taking your own life is never an out, that’s an option. Okay, that is not acceptable. When that happens, you actually have to have counseling on the other side before you’re able to reincarnate again.

June Edward: 

But clearly I had written this as an out, if I wanted or needed to take it, because I had had a very, very difficult life, very difficult childhood, very traumatic life and I could have taken it if I wanted to. And my youngest one, his soul, would have gone into another child and had the same experiences that he wanted to have. He wasn’t here yet. So it’s interesting, it’s very interesting, and when I came back, you would think that would be the time that all my abilities would have reopened again for me, since I had them as a child, but I still had fear around them and I you know that’s what blocks your abilities, because everyone has psychic and mediumship abilities, but we block it through fear. And I still wasn’t ready, but I was getting curious so I started going on haunted vacations.

Julie Hilsen: 

Nice, nice. So tell me. I mean I’m curious when you were a child, what kind of things did you have?

June Edward: 

imaginary friends. That guides. No, my earliest memory was about the age of three years old and I heard somebody calling my name and I got out of bed thinking it was my parents, and they were fast asleep. So I’m back to bed and I start looking around my room and I realized there’s all these faces and it scared me. So I pulled the covers up over my face and as the sun started to come up and there was light in the room, I could see their shadow getting right up into my face.

June Edward: 

It was very, very frightening as a child and I would see, you know, people around the house and things like that, and I found out that those were the two people that had, you know, died on the property. And as I get older and I knew everything that was going to happen before it happened, you know, I would tell the other kids in school and I quickly got labeled a freak. So I stopped telling them and it was difficult. I had a lot of nervous habits, nervous tics, and it’s kind of hard to distinguish sometimes, especially when you’re young, if someone is real or not real, if they’re a ghost or if they’re a human being, because I see everything in 3D. So again, I wasn’t quite ready after I’d had that experience. But when you think again of quantum physics, my soul was moving at the speed of light, at that 160,000 miles a second, and that’s how fast it came back into my body. So my vibration is a lot higher than most people’s. Right off the bat I can connect like instantly to the other side.

June Edward: 

And about 10 years ago I guess, I was going through a lot of problems. I was going through a divorce of problems. I was going through a divorce. I was losing my business. I was taking care of my mom. She was dying and I went to have Reiki done and she recommended that I meditate and, like everybody else says, there’s no way I can shut my mind off enough to meditate. But the first time I tried it it was like they kicked the door into the other side. They’re like she’s ready. First time I tried it it was like they kicked the door into the other side.

June Edward: 

They’re like she’s ready, and I just couldn’t shut it off. I couldn’t shut it off. That was almost more frightening than being a child, because again I’m waking up in the morning, they’re all in my house and I go to work and I know everything about everybody and I’m like I don’t know these people and I’m telling them their whole life story.

Julie Hilsen: 

And they’re like, I just need to be normal.

June Edward: 

I spent a year and a half learning how to turn it on, turn it off, how to protect myself, who I’m talking with. It was crazy. Yeah, it was a lot.

Julie Hilsen: 

So that’s, maybe that’s why you were drawn to the haunted you know, going on haunted experiences, so that you could, you could sort of put your feet into it because you knew there was activity in those areas.

June Edward: 

Yeah, I was trying to get EVPs and you know, I started seeing the energy again and seeing the orbs again and hearing the voices again and it’s like like okay, this is kind of cool, didn’t know, if I’m gonna be doing it for a living. Did you go to savannah? Um, I did go to savannah yeah, yeah, um.

June Edward: 

So you know, the funny thing is that everywhere is haunted, doesn’t matter where you go. I mean, there’s so many hundreds of millions of ghosts that are here. It’s like no matter where you go, they’re everywhere. They’re standing on every sidewalk and you have to really learn how to protect yourself, no matter where you go. And they do congregate in certain areas because we’re magnets, we’re always either attracting or repelling at any given time. It’s just the energy. And you know, it’s like when I’ve gone to homes that need a house clearing or something, I’ve found basements full of, you know, like Irish immigrants, because when they passed that was their safe place, they all stayed there. The same thing, on the underground railroad I found attics full of black slaves, because that was their safe place. So they all kind of congregated when they died because they didn’t go into the light for whatever reason. Most of the time it’s fear.

Julie Hilsen: 

That’s what I was going to ask you. What distinguishes the souls that don’t go into the light? It’s a fear.

June Edward: 

Most of the time it’s fear. A lot of times I’ve had people souls that died because they were on drugs and things like that. They were afraid that they let their parents down. So they don’t. They aren’t going into the light because they’re afraid they’d let somebody down. Or other people that maybe they were gay and they were told that you know you’re going to go burn in hell because you’re gay. So they’re afraid to go into the light. I’ve had a lot of little children that die and don’t even realize they’re dead because it was either. You know, they were sick, they had fever, something, and they’ve been walking around for 100 years still looking for their parents. So it’s hard for a lot of them and most of them go into the light for me immediately.

Julie Hilsen: 

So if you can connect with them and let them know, it’s okay, you’ve seen them transition.

June Edward: 

If I can bring a family member through to make it a little easier for them, I do. But the only people that I have trouble bringing into the light are ones that really enjoy what they’re doing here and don’t want to go, or they’ve killed people. Once they go, if they don’t have remorse, they go downstairs, not upstairs. So I can’t you know I can’t help them and I can’t tell them what’s going to happen once they go into the light, knowing that they’ve killed someone. I don’t know.

Julie Hilsen: 

Yeah, wow, that’s fascinating. It’s just such a, it’s such a universal. People spend their lives being scared of dying, and so to to have some kind of idea that living, living your best life and and trying to address fear so it doesn’t control you can make a huge difference.

June Edward: 

Trust me, this is not living your best life. Once you go to the other side, that is absolutely living your best life, it’s just making the choices that can get you there.

June Edward: 

Well, you know the only the only ones that are not in heaven, quite honestly, is if you take someone else’s life and you have no remorse, that’s it, or you’ve sold your soul to the devil. Those are the only two reasons you would not go into the light and he’s a forgiving God. I mean, if you have remorse, you’ve taken somebody’s you know soul and you have remorse for that, he’s a forgiving God and there’s only one. Just so everybody knows there’s a million religions, but guess what you get to the other side. There is only one and you can call it whatever you want Source, energy, God, Buddha, it doesn’t matter, there’s only one. Everybody’s in the same place. Sorry to tell you.

Julie Hilsen: 

Right, this idea of separation. That’s what’s holding so much of a Well there are different levels.

June Edward: 

They’ve described you have to pick a line. Yeah, they’ve described it to me that it’s kind of like a layer cake on the other side and you go to the dimension and the layer based on how advanced your soul is and your belief system, so that you’re with kind like minds. For the most part and again I can in this body I can only go back and forth to the lowest level, the fifth dimension, but they did allow me to see the upper dimensions. When my mom died I actually saw her soul leave her body and her family and Archangel Michael bring her to the higher dimensions on the other side.

Julie Hilsen: 

Yeah, so I was able to like just watch it, and then it must be so much easier to know she’s there and they go back and forth all the time.

June Edward: 

She visits all the time. Yeah, yeah, they love to be remembered, they don’t want to be forgotten it. Yeah yeah, they love to be remembered, they don’t want to be forgotten. You know, they kind of still living this lifetime, even on the other side. So they’re still connected to everything they did in this lifetime while they’re on the other side, until they come back and reincarnate again.

Julie Hilsen: 

Yeah, I’ve asked relatives and friends to give me signs, I’ll say show me something. And I always get something.

June Edward: 

Yeah, absolutely, you just have to pay attention.

Julie Hilsen: 

Absolutely, there’s a song the way a candle burns. I’ve had so many different objects just left where I didn’t put them there.

June Edward: 

I remember coming home one day and finding a big turkey feather, this big, going up my staircase to the second floor. I lived alone, my staircase to the second floor. I lived alone and I had just had a flock of turkeys at the golf course in between us trying to hit the balls and I didn’t look up the spiritual meaning of it. So when I got home, here’s this turkey feather. I’m like, oh OK, I will look up your message.

Julie Hilsen: 

Look it up. I had that this morning. I was walking my dog and I’m not kidding you, there were 10 turtles looking at me.

June Edward: 


Julie Hilsen: 

And usually when I turn the corner.

June Edward: 

Anything that’s out of the ordinary is a message to you from the other side. I have to look up turtles. Yeah oh, it’s a great way to look that one up. I think I’ve gotten that one before too have you Okay?

Julie Hilsen: 

Yeah, because usually I know that they like hide from me when I come around the corner they just go down quick. But this morning they were all peeking at me and they didn’t dive away. So I’m like, oh, this is something Anything out of the ordinary is a message. Yep, and you can just look it up. I mean, I’ve done it.

June Edward: 

How do you look it up? So you always want to look up the spiritual meaning of. That’s what you want to look up, the spiritual meaning of that’s what you want to do, the spiritual meaning of, and you’ll get three or four different meanings, whatever meaning resonates with you is the meaning that was meant for you. Perfect.

Julie Hilsen: 

That’s how it works. Yeah, I’ve done it before. It’s a free search yeah, but you’re right, you have to put the spiritual meaning of.

June Edward: 

Right, that’s what’s important, because otherwise you’ll get all these other things you know.

Julie Hilsen: 

So okay, question the zombie type ghosts that you say they’re in the basements and are part of their souls. Well, they’re not zombies.

June Edward: 

To me they look like you and me. They’re just regular people. They just don’t have a body.

Julie Hilsen: 

Okay, so they don’t look like dark. No, no no, no. They look like you and me, yeah, but you can tell they’re stuck yeah, here.

June Edward: 

Well, they wouldn’t be here if they weren’t stuck. So everything’s energy, everything in the universe is energy. So you have to really get attuned to feeling energy. Okay, everybody sat in front of a fireplace and they felt the heat come off. Right, that is energy. So we as human beings vibrate in the 500 range. When you talk about energy, frequency, vibration, it’s all just different words for the same thing.

June Edward: 

Okay, once you’ve gone into the light and you’re traveling at that speed of 160,000 miles a second, your vibration is really really high and you feel that you almost hear a buzzing when they’re in the room because it’s such a high frequency, high vibration, and it’s hard for them on the other side to even learn how to slow their vibration down enough to be able to communicate. When I’m bringing one of them through, sometimes they’ve learned to slow themselves down enough so that they can talk to me, but even at that point they’re talking so fast I have to let them talk through me because I can’t repeat it fast enough, otherwise it’s just a charade game. And other ones have learned to slow their energy down enough that they can, you know, hit the light and make the light blink for you or move an object, things like that, but it’s that. So if anybody wants to watch the movie Ghost again with Patrick Swayze and he’s trying to move an object and his hand keeps going through it, it’s because he’s got too much energy. He’s trying to slow his energy down enough to be able to move it.

June Edward: 

So when I experience a spirit here, that’s technically a ghost. Because they have not gone into the light, they vibrate at the same vibration as a human being. So, for instance, when I was doing some missing person cases, if, if they’ve gone into the light, I can tell them right away that they’ve passed away because they’re on the other side. But if they have not gone into the light, if they don’t want me to know that they’ve passed away, I have no idea. I think I’m looking for a living person, because the vibration, the energetic vibration, is the same okay, okay one day I was in the grocery store in the morning shopping.

June Edward: 

I usually go right after the gym and I see this guy at the front door. As I’m going by with my carriage to check out, I see this guy and he looks like a homeless guy and I thought he was a spirit, but then I wasn’t sure. So I looked a second time and when I did that’s when he’s like you can see me I’m like, oh no, I said listen, I’m not working. He goes, you need to talk to me.

Julie Hilsen: 

And I said I’m sorry, but I’m not working right now. He got angry. And when you said that I’m sorry, did you?

June Edward: 

say telepathically, or did you say it out loud? No, telepathically.

Julie Hilsen: 

Okay, and people are thinking well, when you have your earbuds and they think you’re on the phone, so it doesn’t matter now. No, telepathically.

June Edward: 

That’s how all the conversations kind of occur, but there was a display of hot dog and hamburger buns there and he got mad. So he picked up a dozen and he threw it at me and it really it came off the shelf and it really only went about three or four feet. But the poor girl at that register saw it happen and she looked at me. She goes oh my God, did you just see that? And I’m like, yep, I just smiled and kept walking, you didn’t, you didn’t rat him out. You know they, they look like everybody else it’s, you know, no different they look like everybody else.

Julie Hilsen: 

It’s you know, no different. Oh, wow, that’s, that’s amazing. I love that and I, I would love to um to connect more, but then you, like you said it’s like learning to turn it on and off is yeah, and a lot of it’s again, it’s fear.

June Edward: 

so another great example my dad, when he was dying, was 93 and he’d been in bed for about a year with cancer and I’d go visit him all the time. And one day I went up and he said I want to ask you a little bit about what you do. And I’m like oh okay, you thought it was a big joke. What do you want to know? He’s like well, I want to know why every time I wake up in the morning, I see my mother standing next to the bed and I’m like well, she’s going to help transition you to the other side. When it’s your time, he goes. Well, that’s not really what I want to know. I thought what do you want to know? Well, how come, after I wake up, I only see her for a few seconds and then she disappears? I said, dad, she didn’t disappear. She’s still standing right here next to me. She has not left. I said what happens is your brain kicks in and can’t believe that she’s there.

Julie Hilsen: 

So that’s what’s stopping you from seeing. And that’s what happens. We could verify what she looked like to him. Oh, absolutely, absolutely. Yeah, oh, yeah. Now do you think that gave him comfort? Did he change his attitude after that?

June Edward: 

Unfortunately he had dementia because it had gone and metastasized to his brain. But I think he understood a little bit more yeah.

Julie Hilsen: 


June Edward: 


Julie Hilsen: 

That’s I, and I read a book and I talked to this man who he did astro travel and he he stated that people with severe dementia would go up into the other dimensions and have experiences with their soul.

June Edward: 

So what I’ve learned to connect down here.

June Edward: 

Yeah, what I’ve learned of people that have like Alzheimer’s and things like that it’s. They wrote it into their plan, it’s part of their life plan. And as much as we think they’re suffering because you know it gets to the point that they’re just in bed all the time and they don’t know who you are they’re really not suffering because you know had plenty of conversations with them they’re literally reliving all the good times they had in their life, like when their kids were little and things like that and they’re really just enjoying that time. They’re not suffering, honest suffering honest.

Julie Hilsen: 

Well, that’s going to give my mom a lot of solace because one of her good friends is going through pretty severe dementia and, you know, very confused, and she, you know she’s worried about Debbie.

June Edward: 

Yeah, I mean it’s tough on us because we don’t fully understand it. And to see someone, you think they’re going through all that, but they really did write that into their life plan, believe it or not. And they are just doing a lot of remembering, yeah, living in, you know, the good times of their past.

Julie Hilsen: 

Basically, yeah, yeah, so it’s the best thing just to send them love and compassion and accept.

June Edward: 

Absolutely Help them physically when you can, because you know they’re basically like he said. They’re on other astral planes. Almost for the most part, you know they’re doing the past thing. And what’s interesting too is after your soul leaves your body. I mean you can do it here because you can project more of your soul outside your body if you wanted to. Astral project. I’ve done that quite a few times, but time travel as well. I’ve only done that, but I brought souls through from the other side and you know asking them what are you doing? And I remember I had one who was telling me that she was time traveling. She was going back in time to all the historic places like the pyramids and stuff, and she was very upset because she said that all the history books that we have written here are wrong. And then the person that I had that was doing the reading for they’re like, yeah, it makes sense. She was a history teacher Like oh, isn’t that interesting.

June Edward: 

How cool is that to be going back in time? It’s so cool Checking out everything.

Julie Hilsen: 

Yeah, I mean, you wonder how people can write historical fiction and then you can think think, well, maybe they are really time traveling, because I don’t know if you’ve ever read the right thing, the outlander with um claire huh, yeah, claire and jamie yeah, the outlander, yeah, that was good, yeah, a lot of people have great imaginations too, and a lot of people you know you can pull from your past lives.

June Edward: 

You know we bring through from lifetime to lifetime a lot of different traits from our past lives. They follow you lifetime to lifetime for different reasons, and so you can draw on that as well.

Julie Hilsen: 

Sometimes and that’s what you’re right. When you see somebody and you’re like I feel like I know this person, I have a connection that’s probably their past life.

June Edward: 

Well, you do travel lifetime to lifetime with the same soul group. Every archangel has a soul group and you come back through each lifetime with the same people in the soul group. But there’s millions of people, hundreds of millions of people in your soul group. But it’s a matter of who you’re interacting with, who you’ll come to. What are you going to do this time? You know my son.

June Edward: 

I was looking back to see if we could reincarnate as animals when I was writing my first book and you know, I went back on the other side and asked him if we can reincarnate as animals and trees and I didn’t get an answer. So I went back into my Akashic Records, which is our book of life, to see where this dog had been in my past life. And lo and behold, my middle son had been my dad and we saved this man’s life and he came back as the dog in this lifetime. My son had him for four years and I had him for four years, yeah, and when he comes through every now and then, now he comes through as the man or the dog and I recognize his energy, the way oh, that is so.

Julie Hilsen: 

That is so precious. I know so many people just have this connection with their dogs and I had no idea why I had such a connection with.

June Edward: 

It was the freakiest thing in the world and my son had found him in a box on the Texas Mexican border as a puppy and he had him when he was in the service for four years and then he had to give him up and and he used to tease me when I’d go visit him. He’s like mom, if I swear to God if I didn’t know, betty, my dog loves you more than me. I just loved this dog. I don’t know. We had such a connection which I’ve never had before with somebody’s dog, and now I know what to say, yeah, oh, what a gift.

Julie Hilsen: 

I mean seriously. I know you’ve changed a lot of people’s lives with your insight. I try.

June Edward: 

I hope I try to help. I can’t help everybody, but if I can help somebody, then that’s one more person that I’ve helped.

Julie Hilsen: 

So you said you’re a golfer. Oh, I love to golf. When you’re playing, do you know if you’re going to hit a good shot or a bad shot?

June Edward: 

They suck all the time, it doesn’t really matter. If I was any good I’d be out on the league.

Julie Hilsen: 

I’d be out with.

June Edward: 

Tiger Woods. I just play for fun.

Julie Hilsen: 

Some days are good some days are better you don’t know the days to put money on your shots. Oh my goodness, this has been such a great time. I wanted to circle back to the five purposes.

June Edward: 

Oh, yes, okay. So my latest book, all’s Fair in Love and Karma, was actually the result of my seven-week relationship mastery program, and that program was really geared towards people having issues in relationships. But remember, everything is a relationship, even business is a relationship. You’re in a relationship with your boss, your co-workers, your clients. So the program actually teaches people how to get in touch with their soul, how to recognize energy, how to raise their vibration, how to balance their energy so they can maintain the law of attraction and understand why things are happening in their lives. So the result of that program was this book and everyone that’s gone through the program. Their lives have been amazing and the five lessons they all had to learn were self-worth, trust and communication, unconditional love, money and balance, because money is energy that’s why it’s called currency and patience.

Julie Hilsen: 

Those are five action steps that are wonderful, and the universe wants you to think.

June Edward: 

You have free choice, right, free will, but your only, your only free will honestly is. Your only free will honestly is to whether or not you’re going to fast track and learn those lessons and have an amazing life, or whether or not you’re going to delay those lessons and you can delay them your whole lifetime and have to come back next time and have to relearn them. You know the universal offer. You do a one, two and three. You go through door one. You get married. You have a couple of kids, you get divorced. Where are you going to be? Front of door one, two and three again.

June Edward: 

Most people are creatures of habit. They’re going to take door one again. They’re going to go through, get married, have a couple more kids, get divorced again. If you learned your lesson, you’re not taking door one again. You’re going to take door two or door three. You may still get married and have more kids, but it’s not going to end for the reason that the other two did, because you learned that lesson. This is why we keep choosing the same type of people. We keep bringing the same type of people into our lives. We keep. You know people will be like oh what are you dating her for? She looks like your last girlfriend. No, she doesn’t. Meanwhile, they act like copies, right Copies of each other.

June Edward: 

Oh, yeah, yeah you can see why you’re either here to learn a lesson or teach someone their lesson. And there are three different types of relationships and you’ll have lots of them in your life and the first one is a karmic relationship. The karmic relationship is strictly to pay a karmic debt or collect on yours, and karma is what you. You make karma in this lifetime. If you do something to someone else and you don’t make amends or have remorse, then you owe that person a debt in another lifetime and you know it’s a karmic relationship because it never quite feels right. You’re always looking behind you. You’re waiting for the shoe to drop or looking for all the red flags, right? That’s a karmic relationship. And when one or the other has learned their lesson, it ends immediately. Like you wake up one morning and say why do I even have this person in my life? If you both learn the lesson, it ends amicably. If only one or the other has learned the lesson, it ends, but it’s not going to be amicable. Then a soulmate relationship same thing. You’re there to learn something or teach something, but it’s also there to afford you some love and comfort along the way. Okay, when you meet this person, it just feels really good. Like you said, I feel like I’ve known them a long time. Sometimes they move along really quickly, okay, and a soulmate relationship doesn’t necessarily have to end when the lesson is learned. It depends on what you wrote into your life plan, okay.

June Edward: 

And then the twin flame relationship is extremely rare. Everyone thinks they’ve got one. Trust me, you don’t. There’s like 180,000 of couples on the earth at any given time. They are not. You know this wonderful fairy tale romance like the notebook. No, they are not.

June Edward: 

They are devastating. They are literally one soul that’s split into two bodies and will always reincarnate in two separate bodies. At some predetermined time that you’ve written into your life plan, you will meet and it will blow your life up. They are always very sexual, very passionate, very psychic and very short. They last from a few days to a few months and that’s it. When it’s over, one of them is in deep fear and they cannot commit to the relationship and the other one is, you know, it’s like a moth to a flame, constantly trying to chase them. It doesn’t work. They have to learn the five lessons that they’re here for, but they also have to get on their life path of helping humanity, because they’re here for a higher power, for a higher purpose and and when they can do that, they’ll have an opportunity to reconnect. In this lifetime they can both do that. Most of them do not reconnect in this lifetime. They’re devastating relationships.

Julie Hilsen: 

Your entire world falls apart yeah, I can imagine it’s like a combustible like it.

June Edward: 

And it’s not anything to do with the people, because twin flames will never even say a bad word to each other. They will never intentionally hurt each other in any way, shape or form. They don’t swear at each other, they don’t do those types of things. That’s not what it’s about, but just the mere fact that one of them ghosts you. You can’t understand it because it’s such the deepest relationship you have, that connection you don’t understand. It’s devastating.

Julie Hilsen: 

I love this and you’re doing sacred travel right. You’re organizing a cruise. I’m doing a retreat.

June Edward: 

It’s a seven-night Western Caribbean and Virgin Island cruise. It’s going out the first week of March, there’s a few cabins left and there are four workshops that I’ll be doing on our days at sea. Oh, wow, so it’ll be a lot of fun. Do you picture being single people going, or couples, there’s both and it’s kind of a reunion for a lot of people that had gone through my relationship coaching program as well.

Julie Hilsen: 


June Edward: 

Yeah, it should be a lot of fun we can reconnect with them.

June Edward: 

Yeah, yeah, there’s a. There’s a lot of perks. I got the cruise line that’s Norwegian to give us a lot of different perks for the package and it leaves out of Port Canaveral, florida. Oh, that’s perfect for you. Yeah, and if you go to the website juneedwardcom, you can find all the information on the retreat. It’s under events. There’s lots of videos that you can watch. There’s a free webinar you can sign up for to learn how energy works and see if you’re interested in the Relationship Mastery Program. There are links to all of my books on there, including All’s Fair in Love and Karma, and you can schedule an appointment with me if you’d like as well.

Julie Hilsen: 

Oh, I’m so excited and I’ll put a link to your website in the show notes and just thank you for your time. This has just been a magical conversation. I know I’m going to love listening to it over and over.

June Edward: 

Well, thank you for having me.