In this engaging conversation, Matthew Lesko and Julie Hilsen explore themes of authenticity, personal development, and community building. Lesko shares his journey of embracing failure, finding joy, and the importance of being true to oneself. They discuss the art of gaining attention in media, the significance of love and giving, and how to access resources for a better life. The dialogue emphasizes the power of community and the necessity of listening to one’s heart over societal expectations. In this engaging conversation, Matthew Lesko and Julie Hilsen discuss the abundance of resources available to individuals through government and nonprofit organizations. They explore the myths surrounding accessibility to aid, the importance of community support, and how technology, particularly AI, can help people find the assistance they need. The dialogue emphasizes the need for awareness and connection to resources, as well as the significance of listening to one’s heart in the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment.
Matthew Lesko (00:04.603)
I mean, you don’t even send that out, you know? Why don’t you take that?
Julie Hilsen (00:10.156)
Well, I do it every time. do that every time and it’s different every time, but it’s my
Matthew Lesko (00:13.147)
Yeah. But why don’t you put it on the broadcast? I mean, that that source, I mean, you’re touching people’s heart, you know, just by going there. mean, sure, some people make fun of you but no matter what you do, that will happen. And well, boy, I mean, that’s really touching humanity. I don’t know why you leave that on the cutting room floor. Yeah. Yeah, no.
Julie Hilsen (00:19.213)
You’re right.
Julie Hilsen (00:39.49)
Thank you. Maybe I should just…
Matthew Lesko (00:41.543)
I’m really serious. mean, that is just, you just gave the best part of you. It’s going to make me cry. And I know if I cry, I know something important happened. Yeah. And that’s the only way that we get so much media, who the hell knows what’s good or bad or whatever. But boy, I mean, you, you just poured your heart out and that’s the best thing you could ever have or give to other people. mean, God, why do people need that?
Man, please, for the sake of the rest of us, don’t leave that on the floor.
Julie Hilsen (01:18.734)
Matthew, thank you. I just touched. Thank you for seeing me and being here. So welcome to Life of Love. We gather each week and I honor and I appreciate all everyone’s years. And this week is a great special treat. We have Matthew Lesko on Life of Love and he reached out because he’s been over 50 years, he’s been writing books and involved with personal development and reaching into abundance.
Matthew Lesko (01:21.019)
Matthew Lesko (01:29.317)
Matthew Lesko (01:33.517)
Julie Hilsen (01:47.232)
and the abundance that’s all around us. it’s, from what he’s told me, it’s metamorphosized. It’s gone from getting money and grants from the government to understanding his divinity and how he shows up and his power in the world. And so I’m just honored and I thank you, Matthew, for being here. I’m just so excited to share this space with you and create this episode for the audience. This is just really a delight.
Matthew Lesko (02:12.642)
boy, I wish we taped that so you could send it, the first part. Please don’t leave that. I mean, exactly, just, don’t, yeah, that is so special. We don’t get that, you know, and nobody shares that much of themselves. We’re all fake people.
Julie Hilsen (02:21.678)
He’s talking about my intention and this has come up before I set an intention.
Matthew Lesko (02:39.003)
I mean, it took me so much to get rid of all the stuff that was put on me for years. And it’s just like peeling off stuff, you know? And I think that only happened to me because of failure. Thank God I was failing at everything. Cause otherwise I would be a mediocre something. it took me my failures to get rid of, cause I saw I was doing stuff and I went to school, got an MBA and all this kind of stuff. I was trying things and they weren’t working.
You know, and Jesus, well, here I am. not having fun. Nothing’s even successful. And I’m doing things that I don’t like to maybe someday be successful or something. I said, why am I waiting for this or doing going through this pain, going to the dentist every day? I hope I won’t have to go again. And I said, no, I’m going to flip that around. I’m going to have fun today. And if success comes, it comes.
I don’t want to waste today. It’s sort of like love. You you talk about love. I never I couldn’t say love until a few years ago. I mean, I grew up with the 50s, 60s. Guys don’t say love unless they get married. Yeah. So I said, well, I had to marry this person. And so.
Julie Hilsen (03:58.306)
You were talking about, you like you showing up and you’re selling your books and you’re, you are on infomercials. I don’t know if the audience, you know, this is on YouTube, if you want to go see Matthew, but he looks so familiar to me. And I, when he reached out, was like, I know this guy. So of course I look you up and I see all the wonderful books you’ve brought forth and the hope and inspiration, but then also you, you figured out how to get attention. Did you want to talk about that? Is that part of?
Matthew Lesko (04:03.161)
Yeah… Yeah…
Matthew Lesko (04:09.595)
Matthew Lesko (04:24.827)
Yes, that’s the key. think no matter what we’re good at, mean, if you have a message, if you have a product, if you have anything, I mean, the creativity it takes to do that, you have to triple that to get people to know about it. And that’s where, and if nobody knows about it, I feel them, what are you doing? Then you’re just doing it for yourself. To me, that’s sort of like masturbating instead of making love. And I think we’re here to…
Julie Hilsen (04:51.726)
That’s a good point. You do it for yourself because it makes you happy, but then, you know, the whole world’s missing out on this joy.
Matthew Lesko (04:53.927)
Yeah. And we’re. Right. And so we’re here to make love to people. And so how do you do that? And if you have a lot of money, then you can buy ads and all that. But I didn’t have that. So I quickly learned that, boy, didn’t have somebody wrote about you. Then that was even better than buying an ad because that was sort of, you’re nobody and things like that.
that you got credentials now because this magazine or whatever wrote about you. And so that’s a nice app. you know, and I have crazy in me, you know, like this, this is me inside. I dress like this every day with like clown suits. And I started doing this maybe about 20 years ago or maybe 30 now. I don’t know. It’s going so fast. And then that, you know, is the tension as a media.
media, the camera goes to the idiot. And that’s it. So as a regular guest, I did Oprah like three, four times, Larry King and Letterman and Tonight Show and all that kind of stuff. And it was only because of how I acted on TV. But I love making people happy and smiling. But I have a message. I couldn’t do this if I didn’t have a higher message. You could say anything you want about me. I don’t care. But it’s to.
tell people about what I think the world is and what’s important about it. So if I have to be a fool to do that, I’ll do that. My parents did not admit I was their son for many years when I first started to a lot of TV because I acted so crazy. And because they wanted me to be very sophisticated. I don’t know, but that wouldn’t sell books or get me on media.
I just use the hell out of that. Then infomercials that worked very well. But now I it’s love. You having your book about love. mean, as I said, I couldn’t say it. don’t even remember people in my house saying it. You they were all nice people, but in the 50s, 60s, we didn’t do it. just recently, and then even and you know what helped me? We moved. We grew a family and we moved downtown.
Matthew Lesko (07:19.583)
to an apartment my wife had when I met her and we moved back into that, and downtown Washington, but we sub rented it for a while to a lesbian, we became very, friendly with, and she helped me in being able to say love because I could never say that to, another woman unless I didn’t marry, unless I had to marry them or even a never to a guy.
But saying it to a lesbian was safe. Yeah. I didn’t have this man woman stuff I had to worry about. And it sort of, call her my gateway drug to saying love to other people besides the ones I married to. And now I’m trying to build the business I have now as a loving community that we’re here to help each other.
So we help our members, get money and help they need to get by in life. And, and then members help other members. So I don’t, I do very little work except I’m the trained seal here. But the real work that’s done is members helping, Hey, I just got this. So they’re helping other members like that. And that’s why I’m able to do it. was able to grow even doing it. And by only charging $20, I used to charge like $2,000.
for stuff like this to rich people. They’ll pay anything because they’re going to make millions out of it. But individuals, I want to be the $20 guy, not the $200 guy. And this started to work. Yeah, right. And the community helping each other. Right. Exactly. And they’re feeling that joy I have in giving, know, that by giving somebody else, their heart is growing. Yeah.
Julie Hilsen (09:00.566)
in the building of the community because they don’t feel like they’re leeching. They’re giving back and they’re sharing hope.
Matthew Lesko (09:16.387)
And they feel how selfish that’s it. I really believe, giving is selfish. It’s trying to sign, find some deserving bastard to give to is, but it is, it feels so good. And that’s why at my age, I, that’s the only thing I have left to grow. I mean, I can get faster or stronger or smarter. None of those, all that’s going down, but I could love harder. And that’s what I want to do for the rest of my life.
Julie Hilsen (09:29.918)
It is. It does feel good.
Matthew Lesko (09:47.17)
and help people.
Julie Hilsen (09:47.296)
I’m gonna love harder. And anyone can say that. mean, anyone who’s over the age of like, what 24, 25, when do we reach our peak? Like, seriously, the majority of population can say that. My only superpower is to love harder.
Matthew Lesko (09:53.304)
Exactly. Yeah, yeah. I don’t know.
Matthew Lesko (10:06.701)
Absolutely. See, and you wrote a book on it. Yeah. I mean, I just, and how an open, I used to call it like an open heart and I guess that’s another way. So if your heart is open, then you could accept things more and you’d give easily easier and everything. living in a high powered city, know, everyone’s full of bullshit and protecting themselves. And that’s why another thing we’re dressing like an idiot. don’t know.
This is a whole suit, you know, that I wear like this. I dress crazy like this every day. And when people see me and they don’t know my work, but they smile and I feel boy, if I could just walk down the street and make people smile, I have nothing better to do in life. What could be better than that? And that’s neat. And also in the beginning, it was very hard to do. Growing up as a guy, when I did.
Julie Hilsen (10:47.31)
Matthew Lesko (11:05.831)
I, you know, dressing like a clown, you have to feel, you know, I’m to have to defend my honor every other hour or something, you know, people making fun of that really didn’t happen. Yeah. and just, well, I miss it if I don’t have it on, you know, because people are smiling at me they don’t know. And I could go anywhere. I feel I can go in a biker bar at two o’clock in the morning and feel very comfortable. Nobody could hit the guy with the question mark suit.
Julie Hilsen (11:34.318)
Matthew Lesko (11:35.175)
And it is just the most important thing I did in my life, because it changed everything. And, what it is also is a filter. So if I know a lot of people think I’m an idiot and, that’s fine, but if you like this, I know I’m going to like you because this is me inside. When I was running, wearing dark blue Armani suits.
You know, bankers be attracted to me. And if this offends you, we’re saving each other lots of time.
Julie Hilsen (12:16.59)
I was just gonna say you’re saving time. That’s how I started looking at it. I was like, my authenticity freaks you out, if my joy is offending to you, that’s fine. We don’t have to go any further.
Matthew Lesko (12:25.111)
Matthew Lesko (12:28.935)
Exactly. We’re both saving each other a lot of time. Yeah. That’s a wear it outside. To me, it’s like living inside out. That’s how I call it. And that’s, think. Yeah. Yeah.
Julie Hilsen (12:40.812)
That’s why I wanted to talk to you about that authentic living because, you know, I do believe in all my heart of hearts that each person has a signature that God, our creator gives us and it’s up to us to, to live that signature. And you’ve seen to have cracked the code on yours, but to survive, sell books, to, get your, you know, your marketing out. I can totally relate. mean, I just got my hundredth subscriber on YouTube and I just had a party. I was like,
Matthew Lesko (12:50.359)
Absolutely. Fine. Right.
Matthew Lesko (12:58.884)
Matthew Lesko (13:03.58)
Matthew Lesko (13:08.237)
Wonderful. Wonderful. Yes, absolutely. Exactly. Absolutely. Yeah. Right. absolutely. It is. But it’s one at a time. mean, it’s not everybody went, I’m going to get an Oprah. No, you have to build that. that’s why. But you’ll only build that if your heart’s in it. Another.
Julie Hilsen (13:09.804)
That’s a hundred people and I don’t pay anyone to promote me. This is just me. So I get it. It’s hard. It’s hard to get people to pay attention.
Matthew Lesko (13:36.347)
rule of thumb I have is your heart is smarter than your brain. You know, you’ll go to somebody and get marketing advice and they’ll bring out a spreadsheet and all this kind of bullshit, you know, whatever. But if your heart’s not in it, it won’t happen. Yeah. So that’s why I used to wear question marksuits. Now I’m into hearts. Cause I used to believe like back in the seventies and eighties when I started out.
that when we explode it with the computers and everything that you could get the answer to anything. So to me, the problem was asking the right question. So that was anyway, we had all the answers, but nobody asked the right question. Now I believe that, OK, you could get the right question, the right answers, but it’s not going to happen if your heart’s not in it. You know, that’s the difference. Everything you do in life is a pain in the ass. So you have to have.
your heart in it to get through all that stuff. You’re going to have to get through. And that’s why we’re all trying to copy each other. When you said, you know, to find what’s special about us, that’s the key. Because then that becomes easier. If you’re what’s weird about you, what’s special about you, that becomes easy. You’re trying to be like somebody else. It comes easy to them, but not you. And you’re trying to copy their success, and it won’t be the same.
Julie Hilsen (14:54.722)
Yeah, it’s the dichotomy that we exist in this relativity. Like, it’s hard to get through life, but it’s easy to be who you’re going to be. So that’s what you have to balance, right? It’s like, where the hell am I going?
Matthew Lesko (14:58.619)
Matthew Lesko (15:03.819)
Exactly. Absolutely right. Why make it harder on yourself? Why make it harder on yourself? You’re making it, trying to be like somebody else told you should be or something. That’s hard to fight because we’re so influenced by our environment. And I bring that back to it’s because we’re all scared as hell and don’t know what to do. Right. So if we’re all…
Julie Hilsen (15:22.496)
Yeah, so… yeah.
Julie Hilsen (15:30.263)
It is scary.
Matthew Lesko (15:31.695)
Yeah. So we’re all scared and not sure what to do. We take advice and try that instead of, I mean, that’s important in a way, but you have to listen inside. That’s what I Your heart is smarter than your brain. That’s where you take the advice from. So you grow that part.
Julie Hilsen (15:47.018)
So cool. So with your new initiative, this, you you give advice and then the people give back. it, are you finding it’s all walks of life or is it mostly retired people because people aren’t getting enough social security? Like, what are you seeing as a trend or do you see any trend in it or is it just the beginning? I’m just curious.
Matthew Lesko (15:53.905)
Matthew Lesko (15:57.614)
yeah, yeah.
Matthew Lesko (16:06.083)
well, no, we’re getting more and more poor people, less and less. We’re growing rich people and we’re growing poor people. I’m working on the bottom.
Julie Hilsen (16:17.592)
Well, the difference is bigger, right? It’s like really rich and then lots of poor, but it’s, yeah, we’re in a little bit of a transition.
Matthew Lesko (16:21.891)
Right. All right. All right. Well, here’s some data that I got in the developed countries. There’s about 30, 32 developed countries in the world. And in those developed countries, America creates more millionaires and billionaires per capita than anybody else. And we’re only second in creating more poor people.
That’s not a second you want to be. But maybe we’ll get to be first, creating more poor people than anybody else in the world. That’s it. mean, the economy there is the spread and income. And what I’m trying to do show people, there are so many programs, OK, because people go to Google. Google, to me, is the death sentence. Because everything there is selling you something.
Julie Hilsen (16:56.75)
Matthew Lesko (17:16.583)
They want money from you because that’s how Google becomes a gazillionaire. But there’s help that doesn’t charge money, but it’s not in Google. You don’t find it in Google. that’s what I’m trying to do. A third of our economy is not in Google, and it gives money and help for you to have a better life, whether it’s paying your bills and expenses, whether it’s getting a better job or creating business or buying a house, fixing up your house, health care, all that stuff.
I mean, we have tens and tens and tens of thousands of programs all over the country that do that for people. Like right now in Georgia, Atlanta area, if you go to, are you online? Can you go online? I could show you or not. Okay, go online and put
Julie Hilsen (18:00.29)
Yeah, sure.
Matthew Lesko (18:10.151)
Julie Hilsen (18:12.545)
free, reduced-cost resources like food, housing, and financial assistance.
Matthew Lesko (18:14.639)
Okay, but up in the left hand, there’s another search bar. Put in your zip code there. You see a zip card? To put in the zip code on the left hand side. Find help. But are you on or .com?
Julie Hilsen (18:22.861)
Julie Hilsen (18:28.787)
they think I’m a robot.
Julie Hilsen (18:34.432)
Yeah, but I’m connected, I have to be transparent, I’m connected to a VPN. So maybe that’s why.
Matthew Lesko (18:39.623)
I see. I don’t think so. But you don’t see a place to put in your zip code,
Julie Hilsen (18:44.046)
No, I did put my zip code in it. that thought I was a robot. Let me turn off my VPN. I have this VPN because when I travel, I need to do banking and I don’t want anyone to know where I, you know, I’m protecting my identity. Let me try this again.
Matthew Lesko (18:48.853)
you did put in a zip code.
okay. So you did put in it.
Julie Hilsen (19:07.636)
Okay, I took off the VPN. Okay, there’s 2,100 programs in my zip code.
Matthew Lesko (19:12.889)
Right, okay. Now put in there your, let’s see, a keyword like rent.
Julie Hilsen (19:26.19)
Okay, there’s a search bar for, I’m gonna put in rent.
Matthew Lesko (19:34.865)
to you.
Julie Hilsen (19:36.17)
Okay, so there’s low income.
Matthew Lesko (19:38.917)
Yeah, but how many hits do you get there? Yeah.
Julie Hilsen (19:42.848)
how many things come up? there’s like…
Julie Hilsen (19:48.103)
There’s 53 pages and the first page has three has six or ten listings.
Matthew Lesko (19:55.128)
So, all right, so you know you got 300 pay 300 organizations in your zip code that help you pay rent. See, that’s what I’m trying to. That’s what I’m trying to show people. Yeah. I mean, you have help out there that is there now. You have to learn how to use it. mean, you to find the right one, you may have to make a dozen calls. And that’s why you have to use your phone, not your computer, because the people
Julie Hilsen (20:04.02)
Okay, yeah.
Matthew Lesko (20:22.279)
who out there helping, they know what the landscape is and who really does what better than you could understand by just going on the computer, but we’re lazy and want to just fill out an application in the computer. So that’s why I have the teach paper to take another step and start talking to people who are in the business of helping people like that. See, but it’s like that for everything, whether you own rent, utility bills, legal help.
Seniors, kids, anything, mental health. It just outrages. Here, another one I like is Needy Meds, N-E-E-D-Y, and then M-E-D-S dot org.
Julie Hilsen (21:16.076)
Yeah, and just to give everyone a heads up, if you have your VPN on, it won’t work. So I took off my VPN. Okay, so yeah.
Matthew Lesko (21:16.455)
Matthew Lesko (21:19.991)
really? So needy met. Now up on top on the left hand side, there’s something like consumer help or I forget left hand side savings or on the left top left hand.
Julie Hilsen (21:34.88)
Yeah, there’s simplified healthcare savings. Our research, your benefit.
Matthew Lesko (21:39.579)
Yeah, no, the first tab on the left hand side. Yeah, see, that’s a that’s a free drugs you get to and not from the schoolyard stuff. Yeah, well, it’s all free sources, so you could find a free and low cost clinic, a dental clinic, a mental health clinic, grants to pay for not only prescription drugs, but if you’re sick at home and can’t do anything. I mean, there’s thousands and thousands of
Julie Hilsen (21:42.156)
We can search by drugs.
Julie Hilsen (21:47.33)
Those are free meds. Well, there’s a bunch of things on here.
Matthew Lesko (22:09.649)
grants and free help there. Travel to get a doctor’s opinion somewhere else. There’s transportation money to do that. I mean, it’s just phenomenal that people will sit.
Julie Hilsen (22:21.698)
Wow, so that’s one of the things that I like to highlight is that there’s a myth, they’re universal truths and then there’s myths. And one of the myths is that we are not abundant. And so this could be a way to illustrate the abundance around us. are these federal grants that are available? Okay.
Matthew Lesko (22:29.703)
Matthew Lesko (22:37.697)
Now, most of this is federal and nonprofit. They’re the two groups. So it’s dot org or dot GOV. And so that’s what it is. So that’s the third of society. See, and not only, it’s a caring part of our society. This is the part of care because they’re not in it for the money. These are caring people. Like you said, that’s why your introduction there, whatever you called it.
Julie Hilsen (23:02.67)
All right.
Matthew Lesko (23:09.287)
talking to the angels, whatever the hell it was, man. I mean, that shows you care like hell. And that’s what we need more. And that’s what we have a society, part of it, a third of everything is doing that already. And we poopoo it, we yell at it, we, you know, and don’t treasure it and realize.
And see, I think by doing that, you’re stopping people from getting the help they need. That’s why I was so upset when FEMA and you guys, I don’t know how badly you got it, but they were saying, FEMA is not giving out money. I that’s immoral to say that because you have all these people that are out in the street, don’t have a house, don’t have income, no nothing. And saying the government doesn’t help you. And they’re lying. Jesus. mean, maybe it’s legal to have.
freedom of speech, but it’s immoral to tell people there’s not help when there’s help out there when they’re hurting and maybe dying.
Julie Hilsen (24:07.694)
Julie Hilsen (24:12.14)
Yeah, and I think it’s an accessibility thing because I’ve watched some YouTube videos and some people, you know, in the, with their boots on in Western North Carolina especially. And
Matthew Lesko (24:22.565)
Julie Hilsen (24:25.838)
The FEMA trailer was sort of out of the site of where everyone was going to get food and immediate supplies. And the staff, they interviewed the staff and they said, we’re here from 10 to four and people can come and get what they want. But nobody knew that they were there. And then, you know, they were sent from Texas and they didn’t know the community. So there’s this disconnect and it makes you crazy because it makes people have fear, lack of hope. And there are things, but.
Matthew Lesko (24:39.525)
Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
Right. Exactly. Exactly. Right. Right.
Julie Hilsen (24:53.878)
Maybe it’s not as efficient or as caring as it needs to be. Maybe people are just showing up and it’s making it look bad.
Matthew Lesko (25:01.639)
I mean, there’s, I mean, anything you do, I mean, a big, trying to run, run a big organization is, you know, especially in an emergency, it’s chaos. so nothing’s going to be right. But to me, what is wrong is saying there’s no help. Don’t Yeah. That’s what I’m saying. Yeah. Right. Exactly.
Julie Hilsen (25:02.764)
I don’t know.
Julie Hilsen (25:12.717)
Julie Hilsen (25:19.158)
Right, right. Because that’s feeding a fear and there is help. But I do, that’s what I like about what you’re saying is that it’s people helping people because I think we need to get to that a little more. I think our country was founded on rights to the states and the federal government was there to protect and security. And I think just things have just gotten out of control and just the fact that there’s so much help out here and people don’t know about it.
Matthew Lesko (25:30.096)
Be honest.
Matthew Lesko (25:36.345)
Matthew Lesko (25:43.313)
Yeah. Right.
Julie Hilsen (25:49.09)
because it’s not going to make the headlines. It’s not a big news story. It should be like, hey, this person has hope and our government’s helping, but those stories aren’t getting out there. So maybe you’re here to highlight the good things the government’s doing because everyone’s like, let’s clear the swamp. We got to take care of this. But there are good people and heartfelt people who are trying.
Matthew Lesko (25:52.935)
All right.
Matthew Lesko (26:08.871)
All right. Absolutely. And I mean, also, so many of these career, where else could you have a job giving out tens of thousands of dollars to people to help their life? It’s not your money either, but you’re helping people. And that’s so many things that, yeah. Yeah, I feel I’m the only person in the the Washington, D.C. that says what’s good about the government.
Julie Hilsen (26:31.384)
But yeah, we’re.
Julie Hilsen (26:37.198)
Well, we need you. You’re an angel there and I’m glad you’re in DC. There’s a reason you’re in DC.
Matthew Lesko (26:39.207)
Julie Hilsen (26:49.664)
Yeah, so we’re coming up, I usually keep our recordings right around a half hour. So we’re coming up on that time. was there another thing? What’s your, you have Is that where people can connect with you now? it’s Okay.
Matthew Lesko (26:54.739)
It’s fine.
Matthew Lesko (27:02.351)
Now, Yeah. And that’s the service. But again, you want to give them those other websites to get them, know, and They’re the ones that can really help people. Or for jobs, it’s really
That’s how to people, how to help people. Or if you want to start a business or something, you go to and then slash local dash assistance. And that’s where you find a free counselor to help you start a business. They’ll do all the research and help you find money and everything you need. Or you want to grow your business. You need marketing help. They’ll do it for free. Yeah.
Julie Hilsen (27:58.719)
And these big companies that people are like, these big companies, but they get tax write-offs by having they donate to programs and they have philanthropic.
Matthew Lesko (28:08.347)
Well, I’ll tell you true, I learned about this working for these big companies and using these services, get the information and money and give it to the big companies. The big companies know all this because I’d charge them thousands to do it. Yeah.
Julie Hilsen (28:19.832)
they know all of it. Well, it’s just such an insight and such a breath of fresh air to be affirmed that there is abundance and there are things for us. It’s just we need to ask. And like you said before, all the answers are there. We just need to have the right question and figure out what your authentic need is. What would make the most in your life? What could make you a more loving person? Start there.
Matthew Lesko (28:31.751)
Matthew Lesko (28:35.495)
Right. Right.
Julie Hilsen (28:49.002)
Is it getting more sleep? It might be you need a better pillow. You know, it be something simple or maybe your back hurts. I don’t know. Like figure out what’s going on with you. Don’t listen to the hype. Don’t listen to the noise.
Matthew Lesko (28:50.819)
Right. Exactly. Absolutely.
Matthew Lesko (29:00.764)
Right. A lot out there. Listen to your heart.
Julie Hilsen (29:04.918)
Listen to your heart and then things will come to you. And it might be something really simple like, you know, I just want to listen to the birds in the morning for 10 minutes. You know, like that could reset your whole day. We’re all different. That signature. And then it might be you picking out a new suit, your new heart suit. You have to let me know if you come to Atlanta, you’re anywhere.
Matthew Lesko (29:13.127)
All right. Exactly. And we’re all different. That’s why we. Yeah, that’s good.
Matthew Lesko (29:28.903)
I can’t wait.
wonderful. Now, actually, I get this overseas. I actually I get the you could get fabric made for like 10 bucks a yard, anything you want. So there’s I mean, I used to be the fabric kind of business years and years ago. And now a 3D fabric, you know, you give them an image and you say three yards of this 10 bucks a yard. Then I take it and I send it to Vietnam and they make it for.
Julie Hilsen (29:36.78)
Fabulous tailors, they would have fun outfitting you.
Matthew Lesko (30:05.287)
50 bucks and send it back. The most I pay is airfare. Yeah, right.
Julie Hilsen (30:10.252)
Yeah, they know the shipping and handling is probably crazy. But wow, you know, the world is our oyster with AI and all the things you just dream it. I do too.
Matthew Lesko (30:16.259)
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I like AI. Yeah, because AI is Google without the ads. Nobody’s selling you anything there. See, like now that’s a place to look for a grant is AI because you could put it. OK, I live in show me 50 organizations. if you say nonprofit and government offices, because they’re the ones that give free stuff, free money, organizations that provide money.
to start a business and give me 50 in the websites. You’ll get them and no other bullshit like you’re going to get in Google.
Julie Hilsen (30:54.998)
Yeah, I mean, that’s awesome. And also, check to make sure like you double check that they’re authentic, like you follow your intuition too, because I’ve found a couple things are like, do this. And I’m like, no, if you do the second step, you may or may not work out, but at least you have a lead. You know, it’s all about leads.
Matthew Lesko (31:03.717)
Matthew Lesko (31:08.575)
All right. Exactly. That’s it. Absolutely. Yeah. You have to lead. We’re going to need leaders.
Julie Hilsen (31:20.375)
Well, this has just been amazing. I’m so delighted to share this and you know, I hope you would have time to come back on Life of Love and you know…
Matthew Lesko (31:23.825)
Well, it’s pleasure, no.
Matthew Lesko (31:28.779)
Anytime you let me know, I love talking. So I mean, it’s really communicating anytime an opportunity to talk about what I know and I think could be helpful. And there’s maybe somebody in your audience could help if that’s worth anything to me. So. Right, exactly. Right.
Julie Hilsen (31:45.078)
Yeah, it means the world to me. if I can brighten one person’s day, give one person hope, inspire. Yeah, I’m with you.
Matthew Lesko (31:54.063)
Nothing better to do.
Julie Hilsen (31:55.788)
No. And anytime you want me to connect with the angels and give you a message, I will.
Matthew Lesko (32:00.511)
really? Wonderful. I’ll give you my email. Your delight. Thank you so much.
Julie Hilsen (32:05.484)
Alright, dear.
Julie Hilsen (32:10.198)
Thank you. Mwah to you.
Julie Hilsen (32:16.044)
My mouse isn’t working. that’s so weird. My mouse. my gosh. It’s like my computer’s jammed.
Matthew Lesko (32:18.351)
Your mouth or your mouse?
Julie Hilsen (32:30.25)
This has never happened before. Weeby, our heart connection’s so strong it’s not letting us stop.
Matthew Lesko (32:31.559)
Really? I don’t know. Right, exactly. It screwed up the circuits.
Julie Hilsen (32:41.623)
Yeah! Okay. Well…
Matthew Lesko (32:49.03)
it says still record here.
Julie Hilsen (32:49.08)
I don’t know what to I know, I’m trying to get down to the stop. There’s a stop button. And it won’t, it won’t let me, it goes from our screen. It won’t let me go down even with my arrow button.
Matthew Lesko (32:55.075)
Julie Hilsen (33:05.71)
It’s wild.
Matthew Lesko (33:06.351)
Maybe miniaturize your, you know what I mean?
Julie Hilsen (33:10.294)
Yeah, let me see. Well, I think I messed it up by going to those websites.
Matthew Lesko (33:14.68)
Julie Hilsen (33:17.07)
because I’m not, my software doesn’t like that. I’m on two of them. If I lose you, just know that I really appreciate the time we had. I’m gonna do like a force quit. All right.
Matthew Lesko (33:20.043)
je… Fassi, fassi.
Matthew Lesko (33:29.351)
My pleasure if you lose all this we’ll do it again. Don’t worry. Okay. Okay. Good. Okay. Okay. I don’t know that way. Worse will happen.
Julie Hilsen (33:34.188)
I won’t. I won’t lose it. Thank you. And thank you for your patience. I’m sorry about yesterday. Our wires got crossed. I mean, I, well, I contacted your rep. was like, well, you, somebody declined the invitation. So I went, I went and had lunch with my girlfriends.
Matthew Lesko (33:49.869)
I see. All right, well good. That was probably better. Okay. Okay.
Julie Hilsen (33:55.934)
Well, divine timing. Thanks again and just pray for this election that we don’t lose all sense of grounding with whatever it comes out with. We need to be Americans. We will. Thank you. See ya.
Matthew Lesko (34:02.535)
Okay. We’ll get through it.
Thank you.