In this episode of “Life of Love,” host Julie welcomes Whitney Abney, the host of “The Soulish Podcast.” Whitney shares her experience as the daughter of a Christian minister and how it shaped her connection with angels and spirituality. Growing up in a household that encouraged exploration of the spirit, she witnessed her parents speaking in tongues and working with angels. As she got older, Whitney began to question the limitations of organized religion and embarked on a journey of spiritual curiosity. She sought to understand why different belief systems were often portrayed as evil or wrong. Through her experiences in ministry school and interacting with people of diverse backgrounds, she learned to embrace the idea that people are not inherently bad or separate from God based on their beliefs. Whitney shares her ongoing exploration of spirituality and the mystery of speaking in tongues.

Whitney and Julie discuss spiritual and religious beliefs. Whitney questions the concept of sin and its practicality in relation to God’s power and Jesus’ sacrifice. She mentions that the control and construction of religious beliefs have been carefully orchestrated throughout history. Whitney also shares her experiences with angels and the spiritual world, including witnessing her father’s encounter with a witch and her personal connection with her guardian angel, Herrick. Additionally, she talks about working at Starbucks during her college years and the support she received from her friends.

Whitney I AM HEALED Program: