Sweat The Chiles

Sometimes You Gotta Sweat The Chiles

In this episode of the Life of Love podcast, host Julie welcomes guest Birgitta Visser, an author, founder of Power of Soul Healing, light empowerment coach, and soul confidante. Julie expresses her gratitude for Birgitta’s presence and highlights her creative endeavors, including her book “Becoming Authentically Me.”

The conversation then shifts to Birgitta’s connection with the multi-universes. Birgitta shares her childhood experience of having a guide in the form of a teacher and recalls seeing a silver cord around her legs. She also mentions encountering the Ascended Master St. Germain at the age of 21.

The discussion delves into the impact of trauma on Birgitta’s journey, including abuse, the loss of her father, and toxic relationships. Both Julie and Birgitta emphasize the tendency to seek external validation and the importance of inner healing work. They touch on the empowerment of the divine feminine and the emergence of star seeds and rainbow children in the present generation.

Birgitta explains the concept of ascending from the third dimension to the fifth dimension as a shift in consciousness. She encourages listeners to break free from fear, societal programming, and consumerism, and instead create their own reality aligned with their true desires
Birgitta’s website: https://www.powersoulhealing.com/

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Sweat The Chiles

Sweat The Chiles

Sweat The Chiles