Finding Joy, Healing, and Self-Belief: The SHEVA Method

When a child raised in a metaphysical home grows up to be a world-renowned healer, you can expect some profound insights into the nature of love, healing, and self-belief. That’s exactly what we uncover in our conversation with Fran Bailey, an expert with over two decades of experience in the field of healing.

Fran’s journey is a fascinating exploration of the realms of energy reading and healing. Her unique healing technique, the Shiva Method, was born out of her passion for performing arts and her metaphysical upbringing. She was intuitively drawn to dance as a form of spirit communication. This art form became her medium for expressing love and truth, and it laid the foundation for her deep understanding of energy and its powerful role in healing.

In our discussion, we delve into the connection between love and the heart’s intelligence. Fran explains the power of presence and the art of finding love within oneself. It’s a process that requires us to engage with our ego and foster self-belief. Embracing the bright light of love isn’t as daunting as it seems, and Fran’s insights illuminate this path for us.

We also explore the fascinating world of energy healing and chakra work. Fran shares valuable insights on the power of intention and the importance of maintaining boundaries in energy work. She discusses the use of healing tools like mandalas and crystals, highlighting their role in assisting our journey towards self-discovery and healing.

A key part of our conversation revolves around Fran’s transformative Shiva Method. This technique enables individuals to connect with their inner light, helping them move closer to transformation. Fran’s method is a testament to the healing power of love and presence, offering a pathway to discover our true selves and the infinite love within us.

The concept of co-creation is also a crucial aspect of our discussion. Fran believes that we are co-creating our lives every day, and being centered in our bodies, focusing on what our bodies are feeling, knowing, hearing, and seeing, is an essential part of this process. She encourages us to let go of fear and embrace trust, faith in ourselves, and the possibility of change.

The podcast episode ends on a powerful note, urging us to imagine a world where love permeates us and reflects out to those around us. Fran’s message is a beautiful reminder that love is an all-encompassing force, capable of healing, transforming, and guiding us towards our highest potential. It’s a journey that starts within, and Fran’s insights provide a valuable roadmap to guide us along the way.

In essence, our conversation with Fran Bailey offers an enlightening journey into the world of love, healing, and self-belief. Whether you’re curious about energy healing, interested in chakra work, or seeking ways to foster self-love, this episode is sure to inspire, enlighten, and empower you.

Full Episode Transcript

Hello, dear friends, and welcome back to Life of Love. We’re so excited to have you returning and sharing these episodes and, as always, we have a message that’s going to center you and your life of love and bring you some messages about what you can do to increase your vibration of love in the world and how you can show up as your best self and just live that day, live your day with the highest possible outcome. And my guest today, she’s been about living a life of love. For over 20 years she’s been developing her practice and her healing methods and it’s just a wonderful story. She has a legacy of healing. She’s been dedicated to enriching the life experience through energetic awareness and the emergence of body, mind, heart, and soul. For over 20 years, she has created the SHEVA method, and all that she has done through movement energetics and energy centers is centered around joy and love. So, without further ado, I would love to welcome and introduce Fran Bailey to the show. Thanks for being here, Fran.

Fran Bailey: 1:23

Thank you,  Julie, appreciate it. The message is about that and however we get that, we share it with everyone. My story is a pretty interesting one. As a child, I grew up with a lot of performing, you know, dance and music and art, and my mom was a dancer, my dad sang, and but we also grew up in a metaphysical home, which means that we believed in mind of a matter and very positive thinking and so. But dance was my way of life for many, many years. I was like I could communicate, how I could reach the spirit, how I could use music and the body to express. So it was always a message in clear communication and with love, and every kind of movement and improvisation is always that marriage of the two. So that to me was like the ultimate truth of communication. Right, so we have movement, we have truth. And then I taught for many, many years at a Monisorry school and there was a person that told me that I could read energy and I said really, what’s that? So he was from South Africa and I worked with him for many, many years and trained with his trainer, Rosen Breher, and that opened up a whole other world for me, which I actually knew. As a child I had something. I just didn’t know what I was. Very dreams would come true and I was very, very aware of the energy, very psychic, very clairvoyant. But I kind of ran away from it because I just didn’t know what it was. And so they’d kind of try to find me all these guides and I would go, run away. And then I had children, and then they found me. It just was a path that just went. Okay. Now I can look at this and I have to look at this seriously because here we go. So basically is, if you think about your, if you’ve been here many times before, all that system, all that healing system of many years, of a healer which I think I was sort of just came forward and said, oh my God, oh my God, my God, that’s, that’s it, that’s it. I started training and then worked for a licensed institute for integrated medicine, Cincinnati for 12 years and then started my own work, got into deep meditation, got into more of a deeper throw into the intuitive side of me and sort of, and then I got into, I started my business in 2002 and I was the SHEVA of a method it stands for seeking harmony and energy, voice and action. So it sort of like the whole kind of that was channeled to me and I went, okay, yeah, right, okay, let’s do this. I think during COVID I really sort of understood what the full picture was. The whole kind of methods came together. I studied energy, studied movement that could help people run energy on themselves. So we teach them about acupressure points, find their own energy, all the chakras I’m always working in the chakra system, whether it’s energy, whether it’s meditation, whether it’s movement. So I designed a technique of movement that could help people find the meridians, find the flow of energy, and then basically sort of say hello to their own body, intelligence, and understand that the body doesn’t lie and that there’s all these different messages. And if we listen, then is it the mind talking or is it the body showing? Is it the mind showing us or is the body talking? You know it’s one of those both and, and so I was kind of dedicated to that to help people do that. And I studied the enneagram, which is a study of personalities, designed by a man named Gurchief, a Russian in the late 1800s and he actually studied movement all over the world and saw that we all have either a mind type, body type or heart type, or we’re one. So he would choreograph like a Sufi thing. You know, he did this famous movement and since then, of course, it has advanced, and it’s not as much as the body as it is in the mind, understanding the personality type. If, for instance, if we’re a head type, we’re going to think through our heads all the time. We’re heart, we’re going to go into the heart, we’re going to be emotional For body we’re going to be. Maybe our body is like resisting something. You know so, but we’re all all type of, for some heart, some body, in some mind, or vice versa, so we just tend to go to one.

Juile: 6:31

I was just wondering. Like being brought up in a metaphysical household, you were taught to move and you had permission to move through your body. And I was just curious when you started studying the Enneagram, did you come at it through your body, more because of your experience, or how did you absorb that information and what was your type based on? You know? Do you think your childhood affected it or is it just innate?

Fran Bailey: 6:57

Well, I think it’s innate that you know it’s just how you see life. You know it’s like that’s your basic, how you see it through that avenue, whether it’s the heart, the mind or the body, but you’re always going to go in that direction. Interesting. You should say that because, as a heart person, I’m a heart person, so I feel I’m a feeling energy because it’s movement, and I know what’s happening when you come into the room and I kind of know all these things. But at the same time I had to understand my own issues.

Juile: 7:32

Right, and that’s what I was wondering. You know, the harmony keeps coming up for me and all these energies coming in, everything that we’re going through in the planetary system right now there’s harmony is so important and we’re just a little microcosm of everything that’s going on around us right, like we’re in it just as much as anything else. And so, yeah, I wanted to talk to you about the harmonics of it all and, you know, lead me down that road a little bit, about how, because we can be out of harmony and that’s our norm. So how do you even start to figure out what to harmonize?

Fran Bailey: 8:12

So I’ll give you an example of myself. Okay, so, as a heart type, you know they want to help their helpers and obviously, this is why I do that all the time. It’s a very natural thing. But they can over help, they can go out of their bodies and say, oh, I can do that, I can do that, I’m going to help you and I’m going to help you and you just get burned out because you’re not coming back to your own needs. So the more you go out, you keep thinking that you’re going to get better when you keep helping people, but in fact, you don’t. Because you’re going for the wrong reasons. That’s number one. Because you want to be loved. That’s number two. Number three what I learned was, through the body, that I would impose my energy on someone who may not want it. Q back out, look at what’s missing in you, and then look at it and figure it out. And if you did blame and shame or whatever I mean the love is, obviously you can do that pretty well. But it’s just knowing your boundaries and knowing that it has to come from within even deeper, not from out in. Does that make sense?

Juile: 9:48

Sorry, it does, it totally does. But it’s very hard when it’s your tendency to love. I know I’m a generator and I will empty that bucket and I’ll just be like, and it’s interesting because you go through these stages where you’re like I’m setting this boundary, and everyone around you is used to you showing up in a certain way, so that boundary is constantly yeah. So I relate to what you’re saying so very much, and always people reflect what you need, and when someone is doing something that you’re like whoa, that’s really affecting me, that’s just because something inside of you that you’ve got to work on. I mean, it’s that simple, but it’s really hard when you’re in it because you want to project it onto somebody else.

Fran Bailey: 10:40

Right, and it’s so important. As you talk about harmony, I think people there are more and more people who are waking up to what that means and also that place of really sharing love and knowing what it is. And then they don’t have the boundaries and then, just like you said, it just goes wacko because they’re empathic. So that’s where the energy thing comes in. They begin to understand their own way of being empathic to other energy and they start picking up everything and part of that consciousness is to know ooh, uh-uh, when do I say no? And my permission to say no because I’m not doing anybody any good if I’m not present at this.

Juile: 11:37

Right to your divinity and honoring what your needs are and tuning in to yourself. Like I always say, you’re your own best friend. Like having that consciousness about yourself that you would extend to somebody you care about. It’s interesting because we have all these paradigms about how love should look.

Fran Bailey: 11:59

Right, right. So it’s an interesting technique. When I’m working with women who have given too many Mothers, I have them when they’re really kind of like I don’t know where to go, I don’t know why. I’m done it. I’m given what I can, I’m whatever and I’m burned out. And I said I want you to do this every day. Lay on the floor, put your hands right here at your heart, your fingertips. You run energy into your heart chakra and you say what do I need to do for me today? And I say, you say it three times, and I don’t care if you cry, I don’t care if nothing comes out, because you’re so, you’ve given so much. There’s gonna be something. You do that every day. You’re gonna start getting back to yourself. So there is this possibility of finding that truth and that love within yourself.

Juile: 13:03

And I love that you bring them to the container that is. It is. That’s beautiful. I love that. That’s a great tip and that’s so good. And that was that segues to a question I wanted to ask you about what does it mean for you to co-create your life? You talk about this, and I think it’s part of your book too, but it’s a central theme that I noticed in your things about co-creation what does that look like to you and how do you explain that to somebody who has no idea that this is possible? Well, I think co-creating.

Fran Bailey: 13:40

We are one and of course, nature is part of a co-creation and part of that element that we live with and buy and that is so powerful, so much bigger than us. You’re co-creating every day, actually, if you are centered in your body and focusing on what your body is feeling, knowing, hearing, and seeing. So those are all part of the process. So you know the nature of God, higher self, coming back to presence, being okay with your inability at times to function. You know sometimes that happens and so you slow down and so you’re listening. So co-creation is part of listening to the aspects of all of yourself, all aspects of you, so they blend into one and then that is the co-creation.

Universal Love & Heart’s Intelligence Connection

Juile: 14:49

Wow. So to me, that just triggered my brain was like, oh, like that gives you the harmony when you can co-create and you can be present and just know that everything is there to serve you, like every little. Like I’m hearing the birds in the background. I think it may be at your house so whenever I hear the birds I’m like, yeah, that’s my spirit, that’s my soul, my spirit is connecting, you know, to the higher realm. So their little melodies are there to just elevate my frequency and so, you know, I just I adore that message and it’s so pertinent just to be present. That’s beautiful.

Fran Bailey: 15:30

I grew up a Christian scientist, but I don’t practice it, I used her philosophy and her brilliance and she was again a theosophist in the late 1800s and designed this religion herself because she was dying and she channeled Jesus, basically. And so this is her quote divine love has met and will always meet every human need, and that’s always in all of the you know churches. It’s a very famous church in Boston. Okay, so this is about universal love and listening to the heart’s intelligence. Universal love in order to be loved, to love and be loved, we must create a level of vulnerability. Through recognition of the ego, we can let go and open the heart to experience compassion and the human condition. With this recognition, we will be capable of experiencing the oneness of humanity. When have you felt a universal connection? While this experience might differ for each person, it’s important to know for yourself and how and when this occurs. It’s experiencing this divine connection as part of the joy of being human, and this is a poem I wrote. Listening to the heart’s intelligence, ever present, love penetrates the heart, body, soul, spirit and personality, feeding the conscious self vitality, serenity and peace. Love gives life and vitality to everything we do. There is no limit or judgment. In love, love opens the heart to what really matters. Love makes no demands. Love heals and assists in transcending negative thought in ourselves and others. When we are out of resistance to love and we surrender to the light of love, the energy of love will permeate us and reflect out to those around us. Love reflects love.

Juile: 17:56

Just beautiful. Thank you for that. My question to you is how we have these so many things that tell us what love is and what we are. There’s so many paradigms that we have to work through to get to what love really is. It’s not a diamond ring, it’s not a promise, it’s not what anyone else does. It’s what we are, and so sometimes it’s hard for people to get there, because they have to find it in themselves first, and that’s always the hardest thing to do is see yourself, and sometimes we can see our love reflecting on someone else. But what kind of signs or symptoms would you tell somebody that they’re close? Or do they just need to say God or whatever their belief system is, show me love, I’m ready to see it? What would you say? Just dipping your toe in the pool for someone who’s just feeling so desperate that they don’t even know what really love? When you describe love like that, they’re like I just can’t even Like life has knocked them down so much. What would you say?

Fran Bailey: 19:06

I would ask where the resistance is and let go of fear. So the resistance might be that they were so hurt that they couldn’t open. They just have to hold on and to me, if they come to see me what I try to explain, that trust and faith in themselves will bring more joy. I don’t mention the word love because those that know it, know it, those that resist it, resist it, don’t. You don’t want to, it’s too big for them. So that trust and that ability to believe in change is what I would suggest. So in this work of either energy work or meditation, you have to hand them tools, but they have to take it, because it doesn’t mean anything if I do it. So if you give them the right tool, then it will unfold. They may describe it very differently, but some people think that they’re compassionate. But do they feel, or do they think? Compassion, then feel. See, that’s where the enneagram comes in. So my husband and my daughter are head types and I said I always say this this is really important. What do you think you might be feeling? Because a six is all about doubt and questioning and so it’s hysterical. So every time I do this, they contemplate through the head first and then they get to the feeling.

Juile: 21:44

It just sounds so alien to me because I’m so not that way. I can’t even. I’ve like I just got to sit with this, I can’t even make a noise about this right now. Did I answer your question? Yes, so somebody, somebody’s feeling that way. You give them tools, you give them hope and you encourage them to find joy, sparks of joy, because that joy is going to raise their vibration just a little that they can feel the potential. And I do believe that people who have been there’s all kinds of trauma and there’s all kinds of there’s things that we carry with our genetics, that we don’t even have a conscious memory, but it’s in our subconscious. So you have to have compassion, like anything you’re feeling, like people close their hearts off because it hurts so bad.

Fran Bailey: 22:39

And that’s very real. That’s very real and that’s very evident, evident, and that’s why we’re doing what we’re doing. On the flip side, there is this moment. It’s like a child, like a two-year-old, when they’re just about to make some huge transition. There’s this kind of fight about I don’t want to let go, I don’t want to. But once they get past that, whatever that is at stage, and then they catapult to the next. It’s the same principle. So there is this agitation before I think there’s a submission, right, right, right.

Juile: 23:29

So there’s no. There’s no change without disruption, like so many things, and we want to be comfortable, we want to predict. Our headspace wants to know what to expect If you open yourself up to the vulnerability of knowing your pure love. That’s tricky.

Fran Bailey: 23:53

I’m going to read this just in one word. So this is something I wrote in 2020. This is where I believe that people could make the transition if they’re willing to, and there are a lot of people that are becoming very conscious quickly and they don’t know what to do with it all, so they’re waking up. Imagine if we could let go of that voice of harsh judgment coming from us or around us. Imagine gravitating to a higher love, releasing false and superego attachments. Imagine developing a new way of thinking around our personal and worldly theory of truth. Imagine redefining our truth and the significance that would have in our daily lives. Imagine less suffering and more joy as we build a new world in one love. Imagine seeing, feeling, hearing, and knowing that.

Juile: 25:14

So that’s perfect because things really got turned upside down. No matter where you stood on this or that, we were shown the complete dichotomy of our society, of our politics, of our healthcare. Every single thing was polarized, and so there were judgments on both sides. And then, all of a sudden, it’s got to the point where I was like who knows, unless I see something with my own eyes, I don’t know anything, and maybe I might have even put my opinion on what I saw. I could look at the same thing from a different perspective and see a different outcome because our minds will do that. So I started just releasing any kind of knowing. I was like who knows? And I just started saying my intuition says this my knowledge is what’s most important. If someone’s going to ask me, I’ll share my perspective. But it’s just like you got to that point where you could go down all these rabbit holes and you could make yourself crazy, and I think that a lot of people got to that point of I don’t know anything and none of these people that are talking about what we should do seem to know anything either. So we got to this point, like this whole consciousness or our mass consciousness was like I don’t

Fran Bailey: 26:42

know, and that was scary, but it was liberating at the same time because To have now go. You know it’s like that. Okay, let’s make that change, just make that shift. And so, because you know, even saying hello to the unknown is part of the submission and accepting that we don’t know, but we know love.

Juile: 27:21

I’m not surprised, and there’s a translation that says cleanse. I don’t know if you’ve seen that. So that’s a big cleanse and it was not a coincidence and we needed that. There are certain people that need to be shaken up and have time, so I’m glad we’re on the other side of it. We get to do this kind of work. I definitely have, like you said, imagine, imagine.

Fran Bailey: 27:58

I’m definitely on that road of light. Always, the more I do this, the more I want to share that. Not necessarily judging who doesn’t want it and pushing it. It’s more like it’s just there if you want it.

Juile: 28:37

And I think living in that vibration is a testimony and that’s all we need to do is live at our highest vibration and, like you said, if we’re repelling someone, that’s just their situation. We don’t need to judge it.

Fran Bailey: 28:52

The frequency at which all these things are happening is so quick. The energy is shifting so quickly. I mean, it’s like, okay, I’m up again at five and here we go, but at the same time it’s like you’re racing to the light and as you’re racing, there’s somebody coming at you and you have to move around them because you don’t want to hurt them, because they’re just on a different trajectory. All you can do is hold the light and there’s the path, and if you go that way, you go that way.

Juile: 29:41

And I just adore it. I wish I had your Shiva chakra chart. It’s on your website. I had that 12 years ago when I started learning about chakras because it took me the longest time to memorize the color scheme.

Fran Bailey: 29:57

And it’s just the words you use On my website, You can go to the bottom, it’s in blue. You can download free of the meditation I do, which is part of the book. It’s an audio with music and then you can have a sheet to study what the chakras mean, the purpose, and all that stuff.

Juile: 30:30

So, yeah, I just find it lovely, I mean, if you can look at the words that you put to make the chakra’s tangible if you can look at those words and just read them and see if any of them like a stick, and then you think about putting energy into, like, say, your throat, even if you’re feeling like you’re getting a sore throat, like that could be a sign that you need to open up your heart, your throat chakra. And you know just that visualization of putting energy there is so powerful and so misunderstood, like you know is that typically, when you’re working with someone, you might ask them to just feel those you know those parts and then send energy to them.

Exploring Energy Healing and Chakra Work

Fran Bailey: 31:14

Read your energy with my eyes closed, or I’ll get a hit before I work with them. I’ll read to see it and I’ll see kind of where the energy isn’t or where it’s locked up, or you know they’re out of body or you know, I don’t know. This depends on each person. And then we’ll do a clearing and then I’ll ask well, where is it stuck? You know, where did you find it? Where was it thick? Did you find flow? Did you any pictures come up? And you know, are you any memories or whatever? So if someone goes to the fifth chakra and it’s stuck, it’s usually because they want to speak, but when they’re not connected to the third, which is the authentic self, and they go to their heart, which allows them to speak, that is you know. So we go here and here and then here All information goes through seven psychic centers.

Juile: 32:26

So they build on each other. There’s a foundation.

Fran Bailey: 32:31

So that center, if it’s turning the other way, or if it’s locked up, or as I call it, this chakra, you got a hairball, get rid of it.

Juile: 32:51

I’m visualizing a Wi-Fi tower.

Fran Bailey: 32:54

We’re all walking around with human Wi-Fi towers.

Juile: 32:57

It’s awesome. Get to your 5G people we got to get there.

Fran Bailey: 33:03

I can’t remember what to say. It’s pretty funny. It’s funny, they get it. The laughter is like there it is. You’re going to run that pattern again. It’s going around your head. How many times Stop it?

Juile: 33:34

That’s your co-creation. You’re not saying you’re healing somebody, you’re saying I’m assisting them, I’m giving them these tools, I’m helping them see, and then they can work with this on their own. That’s where real change happens. When you go to an appointment, you’re not getting your hair done, you’re working on your energetic side.

Fran Bailey: 34:00

You’re not just sitting there getting a treatment, you are working. You’re just going to touch down. Touch in. Observing is the biggest thing. Observing where your resistance is. What are you resisting? That is the key. I think that’s really the key. These things I did last spring. I started working with Kathy last February. I kept channeling I was going to be drawing. I don’t draw, I don’t draw at all. I started working with Kathy. She’s very, very connected. She said, well, my guys tell me you’re going to be drawing. I said stop it. I started drawing. I did mandalas for each chakra. This is one To feel safe, safe, and survive. These are all channels. I did all the colors. The most amazing thing is that my dog was ill. I would put these on the floor in my studio. This took me months to put the energies, the energies in this color. He would lay on them. I went I think nature, animals. They don’t see color, Dogs don’t see color. But he could feel Animals wouldn’t work with me, with patients. My cat would get on the table. Now she’s getting really weird. Okay, yeah, he would come in with me. They would be here but he would lay on these.

Juile: 36:18

No, I love it. I love it, I mean, I was this is the third to release fixations.

Fran Bailey: 36:28

Yeah, this is the fourth to accepted and receive love and be loved.

Juile: 36:35

Oh, my goodness, so good.

Fran Bailey: 36:37

The fifth is to clearly communicate the authentic voice. Oh yeah, this is the sixth.

Juile: 36:50

This is to integrate and connect my body and it has the heart color in it, the third eye and it has the heart to express us so lovely.

Fran Bailey: 36:58

And then this is the seventh to know, recognize of. And they get with us. This is in the book, so each one of these is to cover each chapter oh, and we’ve got the goddess energy of the pink and purple. So I had clients look at us and what are you drawn to? So we know immediately that’s amazing. And I don’t tell them. But if you know massage people can put it under their table. People are almost, you know. To get them in line I worked with a football player Six, six. Of course, I don’t have a table long enough, but I put these underneath the bed to get him blind and get an injury. So underneath yeah.

Juile: 37:58

So you lined them up in order underneath his bed to balance. Okay, and the energetics of it. I mean we are so basic in our understanding of energy and how we can move things with our energy. It’s so basic. I’m very encouraged by what you’re saying. It’s not new to me. I have a friend. She loves crystals. She has put the energy of the crystals onto a picture of the crystal. That’s how she uses crystals to heal. She doesn’t even need the actual crystal. It’s just the signature energy of which crystals is in the actual picture, the card, which is what you’re doing. You’re putting the energy of the chakra into the card. It’s just intention and coming at it with your pure heart to put it on there. You have to be responsible, right? Because if you were going to say, well, I’m going to put hatred onto this rock and you put that rock into a park, you’re projecting hatred. Cancel, clear, right? We don’t want to do that. You have to be very aware of how you’re using this with your intention because all of it’s a very… the other thing is again with the tools or this system.

Connecting and Sharing the Shift Concept

Fran Bailey: 39:31

Everybody approaches it with their own unique energy, which is really important to know that whatever they create around us is theirs so that they’re actually creating it so that it becomes that co-creation that they’re doing it. It sustains itself, just as if… how do I explain this? If I’m running energy on somebody on the table and my hands, my feet, become my hands, so I’m dancing in the body, actually running energy in the body into the cells, clearing the injury, or putting energy into the injury to heal it, whether it is…. Yeah, the cells react to the energy of putting it into the body. The body remembers that. The patient’s body remembers, so there’s an alignment, but when I back away, it’s theirs. For a healer, it’s important that you know your boundaries. Again, what you said, you don’t want to impose, you don’t want to do any kind of negative. So I have to be really clear before, middle, during, and after, so that I’m not projecting.

Juile: 41:31

That might have been why you were scared and it took you for a long time to get to where you are were open to it, that you had that man from South Africa come in and say hey, I’m seeing this in you. I don’t think anything’s an accident.

Fran Bailey: 41:47

I think that it was always there. Maybe you weren’t ready for it yet, or could have been dangerous for…. Again it’s so cool, I know, but you have to have those mistakes in order to understand what your mission is or your full mission is. I’m at a point now where you put your ego in it and go work. Just knock on work. It’s just a waste. I get out of the way and I start channeling. I give it up and let’s go. I do it very quickly. It’s pretty funny because a lot of people have worked with a lot of doctors and their community. What the hell just happened? I feel stoned. I said well, that’s what they all say.

Juile: 43:06

It’s love. It’s pretty fun. Well, it’s. You know you’ve got things moving. You’ve given them that divine love. It’s a gift I will definitely share with your friend BaileyHealercom. It’ll be in the show notes. Everyone can go. You have offerings there. You have free things. You have YouTube introductory videos to work with you. It seems like wherever someone is you would meet them. I honor what you’re doing in the world and I just am so happy we got to connect today. I got to hear your story and I just think, the more we can put this out in the field that these things are happening, this is real, that it’ll stick.

Fran Bailey: 44:01

And please, if this doesn’t serve you this doesn’t resonate, let it go. But I honor what you have presented and thank you. I can certainly understand that. You know, the more the merrier to share this idea and concept of shift. You know, and there’s no mistake. There’s just no mistake that this came about and two days ago I didn’t get a chance to read everything about you, but I will Thank you.